Talk us through your BFP moment :)

Mine's not that much of a sentimental bfp story, but i still remember it!.

I was around a week late for my period, but didn't think otherwise. Id been meaning to test for a while but had put it off in case it ended up in more disappointment as we'd been trying a few months previous but had given up!, symptom wise i had nothing to suggest i may have been pregnant..No feeling sick, no sore boobs or anything associated with age old pregnancy symptoms. In fact, me and fiance even dabbled in making naughties to try and bring on my period..It always happened previously when we did it:whistle:

Fiance and his mother had set off to meet his sister from the train station as she was travelling down to stay with us for the night. I woke up to an empty house which wasn't so bad and saw the tests in the corner of my eye, so to put my mind at ease i grabbed one and made my way to the toilet.

I managed to set the test down on the corner of the bath while i finished my pee, looked at the floor for a while and once i looked back up i saw a stonker of a test line while the control line was faint!..I had to double take for a minute..My eyes we're definitely playing tricks one me! :|.

After a while of staring, i text my fiance to tell him the news and his reply was 'Seriously?'..He thought i was playing around, so saved the test for when he got back!..He was over the moon when he saw the test.

In total i took 3 tests, 2 digitals and 1 First response..Both my digi's came back with 'Pregnant 3+'..So i worked out i was at least 5 weeks!. :D

Here we are today, nearly 20 weeks with our first baby :)
These stories are brilliant and so inspiring! I wanna be pg so badly and I've dreamed about how to tell my OH, family and friends for sooooo long!!

Congratulations to all of you and I'm looking forward to sharing my story soon (fingers crossed :))

We were ntnp for 6 months and no joy, so on month 7 I decided to use OPKs. OMG were they confusing! The test line went dark on CD14 and 15 but still not as dark as the control line, so technically still negative. Even so, I was so thrilled at seeing a dark line I (very unsubtly) suggested to OH we BD that night. We dtd on CD14 and I wanted to the following night but hubby too tired- fair enough.

I started to get weird tugging/twinges which I had never felt before but all other signs made me think af was on the way- sore bb's and lower back ache. Considering my confusion over the OPKs which I thought were negative, I thought I was out. However, I didn't have my usual pre af spotting...

I did a cheapie test and a faint line appeard!!! I couldn't believe it!!! Iwanted to do more tests but I was soo shocked and excited I couldn't pee again, even though I needed to!!! Eventually I managed to do 2 more cheapie tests and a tesco test and there were faint lines on all of them!! I was so happpy, I sat there for a few minutes crying just saying to myself over and over- I've got a bean, I've got a bean! Did a digi the next day and Pregnant 1-2! Seeing it in words was the most amazing thing.

I used to hate poas but I have a stash of pg test left over and I do one every now and then because I love seeing the second line come up.! The test line appears before the control line now- It's great!! :-)

We started trying in Sept 10, before then I was working on a stable yard, which closed down, and I thought I,d like to try one last time for a girl, before I start looking for more work, I just didn't think it,d take so long, it only took two cycles with both my boys, so didn't think it would take much longer. As the months passed I really missed the horses and started thinking that I didn't want another baby. I,ve always wanted to be a riding instructor so we stopped trying and had my first exam booked in for Nov 11.

In Sept 11 we went on holiday to Bulgaria and I was extremely worried about flying so when af was a week late I thought I was down to that, after all we,d been trying full on for for a year without success, so surely a couple of careless night's won,t do anything?? My oh still wanted a baby and pestered me something rotten to test. We were both nervous coz I,d been a week late before and got a neg test, so I wanted to wait a bit longer. I had no symptoms except backache, but I get that when af is due anyway so I didn,t think I was preg. When I was 9 days late I took a test, and it was positive!! Almost a year to the day that we started trying we had done it!! I wasn't too happy to start with coz I was geared up for my exams, but I,m very happy about it now, I can do them at anytime. We,ll be happy with whatever gender we get, but a girl would be bril.
Well we started ttc in jan 2011 and had a tough year with my cycles being a bit messed up after the pill and my hubby's health not being good which meant he had to be on steroids long term which didn't help his fertility. I convinced myself it was never going to happen. Anyway after hubby had been off meds a couple of months the doc advised his to do a sperm test and the results came back really good. I think then we must have relaxed a bit as that month we got pg!!
I was 3 days late and I did the test on a Friday morning as I was due to go drinking that night and the next as it was the Xmas party season!! I was on my own as hubby was on early shift and left at 5.30am. So I got a frer and told myself I don't know why you're bothering it will be another neg!! As the test developed I saw the second line appear and just sat there going no way no way!! I went and grabbed a cb digi thinking this will say not pregnant cos I can't be. But I got pg 1-2 weeks. I just sat there like a Cheshire cat shaking!!! I had no one to tell as I can't contact my hubby at work. So I text him saying ring me but he never got the text and I decided I didn't want to tell him over the phone anyway. So I waited until I got home from work at 6.30. I showed him the two tests and he was like are you pg?!!!! Um yes!! Ironically I had been shit on by a bird the week before when we were in new York and he laughed at me telling me it was lucky and I said only if I'm pg this month!!
Tbh I still don't believe it, I've done about 10 tests and hubby keeps telling me off!! I can't wait, I'm so excited! Xxx
Oh what a lovely positive thread! I've read through it ALL and everyone's stories have made me nearly want to cry, lovely posts :D I think this will be the thread I come back to when I'm feeling rubbish, it really gives me hope that I will experience that amazing BFP moment one day too :D

Thankyou to everyone who's shared their stories x
Hi All i agree its a lovely uplifit thread and Daisy purple lets hear yours to! I hope to be filling mine in any month now
x Thanks for sharing
x Daisy
Mine was unplanned. I didn't suspect anything, but my period was over a week late. I didn't really have any symptoms apart from my boobs felt a bit achy and sore, but I thought this meant my period was on it's way.
I told my OH that my period was a week and a half late, so he said I should test (he's always wanted children and adores them, yet I'd always said it wasn't what I wanted for a long time). So while I was at work he bought me a test without asking. I got home from work and he told me, so I said 'I'm not pregnant, but if it makes you happy, I'll do it tomorrow sometime'.

Woke up early next morning for work, OH went downstairs to make me breakfast. I sat on the toilet but then remembered I had the test to do. Got off and went to get it, sat back on the seat half bothered (cos I 100% expected a negative), weed on the stick and to my surprise 2 lines came up almost immediately! At first look, I panicked and thought 'WHAT!' So I rushed to read the instructions on the back to see how many lines meant what. Then I realised it was positive. This was then accompanied by lots of heavy breathing, panicking, light headedness and me shouting my OH's name. He thought there was a spider in the bath :lol:
I hysterically cried as soon as I told him, it was just pure and utter shock!
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we started ttc in may 2011 and I got my bfp on 13 dec was a shock after so many negatives
Congratulations to all you bfp ladies :) :)

Can I just ask for those of you that were charting your temps, if your pregnant will your temp still be rising? I'm 8dpo & my temp normally stays about the same but this month it's just been rising & rising. I'm hoping it's a good sign but wud love to know what other people's temps were like.

Congratulations to all you bfp ladies :) :)

Can I just ask for those of you that were charting your temps, if your pregnant will your temp still be rising? I'm 8dpo & my temp normally stays about the same but this month it's just been rising & rising. I'm hoping it's a good sign but wud love to know what other people's temps were like.


My Ovulation Chart

this my chart Amder8 :)
Well my temp is still high at 11dpo, although it shot up today but then this aft I've got a horrible fever I feel dreadful! Was going to test tomorrow but think I'll wait as its difficult to know what my actual temp is when I feel like this!

Can fever be a symptom or am I just not well? X
Do you know what dpo af normally shows up? I would wait if you are unwell.
these posts are fantastic! i cannot wait to share my bfp moment! xx
Do you know what dpo af normally shows up? I would wait if you are unwell.

I think I'm due on Tues, my cycles are irregular so it's had to tell. I'm going to wait until then I think (easier said than done tho).
Oi, can you keep it on topic please :roll:

Make your own thread if you need help with something :)
Well it was almost 11 years ago now! Wow that is so hard to believe as the time has just, ...
We had been together almost 10 years, and been ttc for around 6 of those, so many times I'd had negative tests that I'd convinced myself that it would just never happen for us, we were both suffering from stress, things had been slipping between us and we had a major falling out, I went back to live with my mum for a week, we realised after a week apart that we really loved and missed each other and went away to the lakes to talk, we got rid of a lot of stuff that had been building up between us, and decided on a fresh start, a month later, we were in Liverpool shopping , I suddenly felt that my bra was too tight, I commented to OH that I wished I could just take it off, (not that I could have in the middle of town lol) he asked me whether AF had arrived on Tuesday? It was now Saturday, and no sign whatsoever, I can't believe that he knew my cycles better than me back then but yep, I was a bit of a scatterbrain back then, anyway he advised me Not to get a test as it would be a waste of money and they were always negative for us, so me being me, ignored him and made an excuse on the way home that we need to nip to Asda for milk, he stayed in the car and I ran up the pregnancy tests isle grabbed an asda own brand then as an afterthought picked up the milk, the first thing I did when I got home was the test, and to my shock! It was positive .. I ran downstairs he was standing by the front door and I announced that I was pregnant, he threw his arms around me and we just cried and hugged it out for a few minutes before grabbing the phone and calling our parents (four sets), we were so excited and I literally couldn't believe my eyes and kept asking "is it real? Am I really pregnant? ME? PREGNANT? is it true? Lol i think I was in shock, the only thing I can think that we did different was
a: getting rid of the stress between us that had been building up and
b: he actually said the words " I'm going to get you ******* pregnant tonight" lol which we only remembered after getting the BFP .. sorry this was such a long post but it was a really monumental event in my life and is yet to be repeated ... X
Thats wonderful, gosh 6 years of trying and then bang. Lovely story DP.
Looking forward to the next one!
x Daisy
We had been trying for 3 years... in the last few months i had pretty much given up on ever getting pregnant even though my other half was still trying (i wasn't going to turn him down lol). My period was due xmas day and by new years eve when it had not come i really had not thought anything about it... figured it's xmas it will be the stress!

It was only when my OH jokingly said "your pregnant" and went off to work! He got me thinking so just to put my mind at rest i popped to the chemist and got a boots pregnancy test. I did the test as soon as i got home and left it on the side in the toilet for a few minutes, i then prepared myself for the negative as i walked upto the test and when i looked down at it and saw 2 lines i did the only thing i could think of... i laughed! Never laughed so hard in my life lol

I rang the OH and told him... he then laughed and said i was winding him up. He came straight home, looked at the test, then went straight back out without a word... i thought he must be in shock! 5 minutes later he came back in and gave me a clearblue digital test lol!!!

I think that was the worst 2 hours of his life waiting for me to need a pee again lol eventually i went and again got the BFP and 2-3 weeks symbol. For good measure i took another test the day after... ya know... just to be sure lol

So... as they say! It always seems to happen when you have given up on it ever happening!! :D

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