Symptoms of...???


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
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ok ... i havent a clue so i need help...:wall2:

af - 10th november approx
today weird cramps and discharge???



ADDED - 4TH december - sorry if tmi but wiping light pink?? doesnt feel like af?? am i thinking too much lol?? :wall2:
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Think you need to be a bit more detailed hun.

Do you know when you ovulated? x
How long ago did you ride John like a pony xx
:bd: during af
discharge - clear lol
havent a clue bout ov 28 day cycle if that helps? xx
It certainly does, you generally have a window of around 24-36 hrs when you OV to be in there, but you never know, it could happen when least expected!
If you are not in luck this cycle- hopefully you will be! Try to :bd: as much as possible in the 5 days leading up to OV as they are your most fertile!
lmao!! cheers hun, yeah we :bd: a right bit past few days so ya never know! cances of getting pg first month ttc is pretty unlikely lol so ill not get my hopes up xx
You never know Lisa!! My sil fell first month! Goodluck!! We need lots of little maddison's x x
Who knows hun, there's a few of us hoping santas gonna be extra nice with BFPs this year so fx
thanks girls!! what bout another charley?? :D

well both of my pg's i fell first time so it prob b 3rd time unlucky! but tbh ive only started so id b quite happy to wait a few months and let some of you ttc-ers and longterm ttcers have a bfp - if only it worked like that eh!?!? fx for us all xxx
Goodluck hunny and lots of babydust :dust::dust: x x

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imnow feeling v v nauseous like im bout to boke :( think i myt just b sick plz nooooo xxx
Get to it mrs, I think you're gonna have another quickie.. Just gut feeling x
not feeling broody urself jen??

update is nausea went away??? so not me ... my bodys strangeeee xx
I would love another one, but when I sit back and think of it, it just can't happen.. I want to get my beauty qualifications and get off benefits before I even think of having another, would also like to be driving and Odhrán to be in school.. If I had all of that I would have another now no problem x
iv had cramps in my groin area and discharge too im 5dpo xx
good luck x
ooh good luck hun! im feeling v crampy again and as only ttc dont know what they r ... v weird cramps as not sore more like twinges :l woop woop roll on no-af lol

and jen- SCHOOL!?!? i finished my hairdressing and got my test SINCE i got preg get to it!! :D hafta say tho hun im sure uv paid taxes ur entitled to those benefits ... ur only getting back what YOU paid... :D xx

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