Swollen feet after c-section


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Any tips on reducing swelling in my legs and feet since my section? They r quite bad today. Need to wash and put my sexy stockings back on I think!
Definitely I wore mine for two weeks xx

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Just drink loads. Sorry to say but it took two weeks for mine to go down. They were really bad. Nothing can be done other than to keep them elevated as much as poss xx
Mine are still a bit swollen, ive still got my stockings on, midwife told me to keep them on for 4 wks!

Just rest and feet up like the ladies have said xx
Didn't have a section, but feet and ankles were so badly swollen for about a week after birth. Just try to keep them raised and keep hydrated.
I was poorly after my c section for weeks and had a gammy leg which complicated things. I wore my stockings for about 4/5 weeks after. It was about 6 weeks before my legs started to go anything like normal. I sometimes get a bit of swelling of my ankles now if I've been on my feet a lot.
Interesting I was told NOT to wear stockings just elevate and drink water

I wore my stockings for a good two weeks.

It takes time just like everything else hun but just keep them elevated. Drink lots and try to rest as much as possible as impossible as it is!

How are you finding things? I slept Sat up for two weeks because it hurt to lie down LOL x
Definitely I wore mine for two weeks xx
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