Swollen Ankles & Feet


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
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I know I am not quite in the third tri yet but thought I would ask all of you when or if you started getting swollen ankles and feet. Mine started about a week ago and they are really bad now and quite painful.

Is it normal to get swelling this bad this early on? Does anyone know of anything that might help?

Thanks :hug:
you should probably conact the mw.. just the chk ur blood pessue n uine..
mine have never swollen. I would check with your miwife or GP. If you're getting it a lot and it's painful.

I can get a tad puffy on the warmer days or last thing at night if I'm on my feet and busy all day long, never bad though and never sore. Everyone is different though I've seen a few really puffed up and swollen ankles at antenatal classes, GP appointments etc. Mention it to your midwife, if it is really bad water tablets might help but you'd need them on prescription.
I fully sympathise with you, mine swelled up massively from about 28/29 weeks and even now my feet are still quite puffy (had baby 8 weeks ago), I found that trying to put feet up a bit helped a little and also to get someone to massage your calves and feet, I thought the skin was gonna burst and I've got little spidery veins all over my feet now (though didnt get strech marks anywhre else so cant complain)

hope yours do go down a bit
I'm the same as Nicola - my feet only swell up when I've been on them for a while but it doesn't make them sore. They were really swelling up at work today so I put my feet up for a bit and it did help. Like the others say - contact your MW if you're worried xx
My feet have really only started puffing up the last 3 weeks in this pregnancy but with my first they were really puffy from about 26 weeks onwards. I did get pre-eclampsia with my first and the GP said the puffiness was a sign of it so do keep an eye on them if you are worried.

Try putting them in a bowl of cool water during the evening and keeping them raised (on a stool or cushion) when you can. It should help a bit.

Mine are really puffy today because I went out for a few hours shopping with OH. I'm going to soak them whilst I watch TV in a bit.


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