Suddenly feeling really scared


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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Think it is just sinking in that I'm having a baby, but now am scared, Im gonna be responsible for this baby for the rest of my life, what if I mess up? I mean what if i drop baby when bathing it, lol I don't even know how to bath a baby or change a nappy, how do you know if they are too hot or cold, what if i screw up this little ones life ? :(
I know how you feel rosa cos atm im feeling exactly the same!I said to my mum the other day "Mum what am i supposed to do with him when he gets here?How will i know what he wants?" She said it just comes naturally. Although im really excited to meet our little man im bricking it at the same time xxx
Dont panic will be absolutely fine its completely normal to feel like this! Ive had a baby alreayd and Im still thinking OMG about some things at times so honestly dont beat yourself up about anything it all just comes naturally and theres always HV and MW on hand to help out in the early days xxx
Hey hon, I think every new mum feels like that at some point but u will be amazing- it really is instinct which kicks in when bubs arrives and with friends or family (or us girls on the forum) to ask, u will be amazed at how quickly u learn. U will love it and u will not mess up babies life - quite the opposite - they will love u so, so much!!! x x x
you go through these waves of emotion - its only now i feel really confident in the whole thing, and i think im going to do my best for my baby and screw what everyone else thinks. i love her already, and now i feel her moving and know her cycle of sleeping and awake time and feel i know her already, and just want to give her a hug.
at first i was even contemplating whether i wanted to be pregnant, and to think thats how i thought now is madness because i cant wait to have her to look after. i think you will get to realise this as the pregnancy goes on, so dont worry about it at all, its fully normal. just stay in tune with yourself and dont let anything take over, and remind yourself that its all fully normal and youll feel amazing about it in no time :D x
Awww hun,
I think Lexi put it very well! I remember feeling the same a few weeks ago, and I'm sure I'll feel it again. Obviously it won't always be easy but it'll be AMAZING! I've had some experience with my nephew but it'll be totally different with my own baby. You seem like a very caring person and I'm sure you will be a great mum!

x x x x
Rósa;1692198 said:
Think it is just sinking in that I'm having a baby, but now am scared, Im gonna be responsible for this baby for the rest of my life, what if I mess up? I mean what if i drop baby when bathing it, lol I don't even know how to bath a baby or change a nappy, how do you know if they are too hot or cold, what if i screw up this little ones life ? :(

We all have this feeling at some point. It's not unusual hunny.
I felt like that for weeks but as time went on I thought
"when u give birth the baby n placenta doesn't pop out with a users manual so ima just be the best mum u can"
I may not know u personally but by the time u have baby u will be fine.
Between what u pick up from friends/fam and the helpful ladies in this forum u will develop ur own parenting pattern n will be a super mum. I bet my lucky bear on it xxxx
Before I had my DD 6 years ago I had never held a baby let alone changed one, fed one, bathed one etc. I was terrified! But I found it came naturally. Plus you get loads of help and advice from midwives and health visitors! You'll be wonderful! I'd be more worried if you weren't scared at all and thought it'll be a piece of cake!
Don't worry Rosa, totally normal to feel like this, pregnancy brings out he worrier in all of us. I have three kids and yet worry I won't remember what I'm doing after near 9 years!

Once baby is out , you will just do what feels right for you! You will never do anything wrong as they always seem so small, you hold and treat them like a doll made from gold dust! And like the girls said , when you have your first, that's the time the midwife and helath visitors are a pain and are always poping round to see you daily! so ask them anything you want to know and make the most of them before they start annoying you! ha

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