Help! Very Scared!


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May 31, 2005
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im currently 15 weeks pregnant today, and am so scared, im a big girl as it is so have not felt the bump grow as of yet and do not feel pregnant to be honest, im so scared that the baby has died and is still inside me, i cant get the feeling out of my head that it is not growing anymore and that something is wrong

I have a freind who is the same stage as me at present and she has a nicley formed bump and is all proud and loving it, im just so scared that its not there anymore and i dont know how to tell if it is, i know that i might bleed if i mis cary but what if its jsut died and is not letting so scared. I have recently just changed doctors so have never met my doctor before and have just (three days ago) had my first midwife appointment, i know nothing about anything or how im supposed ot be feeling

I dont want to loose my baby and i cant afford to keep buying 6 pregnancy test kits a week to just make sure

Please help me someone!
Hi Twinks

I know it's really difficult as you just want everything to be OK, but you have to try and stop worrying.

A doctor or midwife can hear the baby's heartbeat from 11 weeks - do you think could make another appointment to see either doc or midwife to hear the heartbeat just to ease your mind? Also you should have a scan soon if you haven't already had one - most hospitals do one 18-20 weeks if they don't offer a 12 week scan. Hopefully this will reassure you.

You will hear this over and over, but every preganncy really is different. I'm quite a small person but have still only just started to develop a baby bump and I'm 18 and a half weeks! And there are plenty of ladies on this forum who have had hardly any symptoms at all.

Good luck and let us know how you get on

LB xx

Had to reply to you because I am 14 weeks 4 days and also Big therefore like you I am not showing as such because of the flab I already have.

I know exactly what you mean, I could have written that as I have been worried exactly the same. The Last time that I had a Scan was at 9 weeks and everything was fine. So since then, I have had no contact whatsoever, but next week I had got my 2 blood tests which im actually refusing to have done but Im still going to go to ask them to check the Heart Beat. Then I might be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

What you are feeling is normal, honestly. Because I miscarried at 11 weeks last time, I have been a paranoid wreck this pregnancy and have to keep reminding myself that Now I am out of the really Bad danger period. Easy to say though Eh.

I would agree that you should ring the midwife and get her to check the heart beat, and if you are getting yourself into such a state then ring the EPU & get a Scan done to put your mind at rest. That is what they are there for.

You take Care, and if you want to email me privately feel free.
[email protected]
Ragna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My advice would be hire a heartbeat monitor off the internet. I used one off, it cost £30 for the first month and £24.99 for each subsequent month. For me a real help, very easy to use and the heartbeat is so clear. Its great to put your mind at rest, you can do it 400 times a day if you want to! Thoroughly recommended.
P.S. If you are stressing, your baby will be too. I joined an ante natal yoga class (having previously been really cynical about such things) and its absolutely wonderful. xxx
Dear Twinks

Please try not to worry (easier said than done I know).

It sounds like you are in a similar situation to me here in Devon, you don't get offered a scan until you are 20 weeks so until you see the baby move or hear the heartbeat - which they couldn't do until I was about 14-16 weeks pregnant it's all one big worry.

I eventually paid privately to have an untrasound since the NHS wouldn't give me one until they thought I was 20 weeks, it gave me great peace of mind actually seeing the baby move since I couldn't see or feel anything.

I am overweight and the bump didn't really show until quite late. I am now 26 weeks pregnant and this is actually my 3rd child

Because I was not getting the antinatal care I felt I should be getting here in Devon (Previous 2 pregnancies were in Essex where you get LOTS of scans/tests and good access to midwife care) I became convinced that my baby had died inside me too, you would think I would be more sensible, but these ideas grip us and take control and they can be very hard to get past.

Book an appointment to see your doctor and discuss your worries he may be able to put your mind at rest

hope all goes well

xxx Kim

Dopplers are up for sale on EBay and selling for around £60. If it's peace of mind you need I would definately invest in one, it's got to be cheaper than six pregnancy tests a week. Take Care X
WoW all the advice and care you guys give is great, thanks a lot, i knwo now im not alone, that has helped and reassured me a lot.........i think i am so paranoid i may just invest in a monitor.......... i know i know but i think i will stop stressing then!!!!!

Thank you all for the kind words, and thanks for making me realise im not alone and there are other people going through this too.....

Ime not insaine then!!!

I will keep you all posted ....and a big thank you to you all!!!

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