Stupidly faint line poss evap


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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I just Poas a day early and saw the faintest of faint lines :o

It's possibly an evap cos I only saw it when about to chuck it away an hour later. But I'd only closely inspected it this time. Wish I'd looked that hard earlier now lol! Just glanced earlier.

Will keep doing them in the next few days and also try not to get my hopes up cos it's really prob an evap.

I just dug out an old one from my bin (what does ttc turn us into...) and there's no faint line on that but that was from 14th.

I had left hand side cramps yest & wave of nausea 15 mins ago *boke*
Ooh, fingers crossed hun. Really hope it wasn't an evap!
All the best hun! :) Which test did you use?? As I noticed on my FR there's a faint line which I can see but think it could be an evap cos I did it ages ago but the other FR I did a couple of nights ago hasn't got any faint line. x x
fingers crossed its not an evil evap. Really excited for you hun. x
Aw thanks everyone but the stupid line not there now :(

It was one my nurse friend swiped for me but looks same as amazon ones.

Argh!! I'm still going to test tomorrow cos it was def there. Hopes aren't up but I'm not discouraged if that makes sense. Peeing loads today plus constipation plus those white things on the nips are coming out and I don't get them cos of my teeny nips lol

This is an eventful 2ww and AF better not show -.-
the hospital ones are the same as some of the online ones! i swiped loads from work....shhh but they are 25miu
Hehe ssssh!
What's the miu bit? I'm such a

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