Stuck in Limbo


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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I had some spotting yesterday. Very minimal and only really there on wiping.

Managed to get an emergency scan and it's not looking good.

By my dates (which I am set on) I was 8+4.

However, baby was measuring way behind this- according to my notes the gestational sac and yolk sac were present, but embryo inconclusive.

Obviously should have been able to see a lot more.

Sonographer said it's either that I'm earlier on than I thought or that pregnancy isn't progressing.

I've got to go back for another scan in 2 weeks to see what's going on.

I just can't imagine baby could grow that much to catch up in two weeks! It needs to go from an inconclusive embryo to a 10 week baby in two weeks!

I'm not holding out much hope that my lil bug is going to make it.

Has anyone been through anything similar? What was the outcome?

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I'm sure lilmisshopeful did last year with her pregnancy and all was well. She is in ttc at the mo so may not see this post.

I would be thinking the worst too. On off bleeding can mean that your progesterone is dropping ( which supports the pregnancy) so that you bleed then your body suddenly thinks oh I'm pregnant so ups the progesterone stopping the bleed. But only until your body goes oh this isn't a viable pregnancy so you start bleeding again. I had this for my mmc and it lasted for months and months (mmc diagnosed 11wks, left as uncertain of viability, miscarried naturally at 13wks, but incomplete until a further 9wks later with erpc operation). Sorry probably not the news you want to hear, so trying to stay positive til your next scan xx
When I was preggers with B my hubby treated me to an early scan. Due to irregular cycles I was unsure of how far along I was but guessed I was about 9/10 weeks. Went for scan where they said I was only about 6/7 weeks which didn't seem right to me. Cue going for 12 week scan 10 days later and was dated 12+6!!!
Not the same as what's happening to you but shows how quickly baby can grow in a short space of time.

With my miscarriage I just knew it was over by the amount of bleeding and cramps.

Do to lose hope Hun, it's crap that you need to wait but at least you'll get a more conclusive answer that way x
Thanks ladies.

What will be will be I guess and I've just got to wait it out.

I'm just convinced that my lil bug isn't going to make it.

I just can't believe that this is happening.


Don't have any experience as this is my first pregnancy but wanted to send a hug. Thinking about you and I really hope the outcome is positive xx
I don't have any experience of this either, but really hope it works out for you xxx
Ah, I'm soo sorry to read this Emily, I can't imagine what you must be going through! As hard as it is I think your attitude of what will be will be is best and to try your best to look after yourself in this time. Thinking of you and sending you loads of positive wishes xx
I'm sorry to read this Emily I'm always looking out for ur threads to see how u r gettin on n I'm praying it's just a shy bean in there n all will b fine in a couple of weeks. Big hugs to you hun.

Sorry you're going through this. I hope your next scan comes back good news x
Hey hun, sorry you're going through this. Limbo is such a horrible place to be. With my youngest I had a lot of bleeding early on and at the point I should've been 7 weeks I think I was measuring 5 weeks. I can't remember why but two days after that scan I had another one and in the space of less than 48 hours it had caught up and measured 7 weeks. So it definitely can happen.
I'll be thinking of you and keeping everything
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Kanga right hun I did have this and now have a noisy baby boy lol . I have posted on your other thread. My old journal will have dates ect and what was seen. For for you xxx
Hey hun.

Sorry thay youre stuck in limbo.

I dont trust dating on emergency scanning. I went for an emergency scan as i was bleeding on and off. I was put forward, then at my 12 week scan put back. Hopefully you are just earlier. Could the sonnographer locate a hb? Or just the yolk and sac.

Just take each day as it comes. Try not to over stress or exert yourself.

No helpful advice sorry
But thinking of you xxx
So sorry your going through this, such a worry not knowing but hopefully all will be okay x

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