Lost my baby

Went to see the doctor today and we (husband and I) decided to have the embryo and tissue surgically removed. All the options were pretty bad (wait for it to come naturally, get pills to get it out or have it removed surgically). I also got the option to getitlocally sedated (meaning the cervix) and then they would suckit out of the womb (whch cannot be sedated), or under local anastesie. I have chosen the last option not because of fear of pain but I thik it would be hard emotionallyto be there and see, smell, feel whats happening I don't know if that would be a good option for the future.

Also the gyneacologist said that if I get pregnant again I will be allowed to have an ultrasound at 5,5 weeks because then he could tell ifall would be well and that the percentage of losing the embryo after that isonly 1% (which is a completely different story to what my midwife told be that you wouldn'tbe able to see anything then:eh:).

I will have theoperation on monday and my mum just said wow so soon but to me that feels very late. That is almost a week wait and I don't think that is soon for something like this.but then again she has never gone through this and thinks she knows everything so I will justignore her since she is a stupid and mean ignorant person:mad:
Sweetheart, Monday is an age to wait. Im sorry your going through this. When I lost my bub, I opted for surgical as well - I was lucky they would have had me in the next day, but I ended up losing bub naturally that night. Remember we are all here for you and will support you through this time an beyond. I know the girls on here were invaluable to me both times that I lost xx
Yes a week is a very long time to wait, I can't believe they can't get u in sooner. Unfortunately I chose the natural option & wish I hadn't, bled for 2 weeks & was going back to hospital for bloods every week for 6 weeks. It felt like a lifetime & I just wanted it to be over.

Thank you all for the lovely replies. I cannot wait for it to be monday ight and this will all be over. Pretty scared I might have a natural miscarriage before that time and that it will be very bloody. I have some cramps on and off and also a verytense feeling in the cervix ( but nothing major).

Hope toclosethis chapter soon.did many of you start ttc straight away amd did you fall pregnant soon?
I mc in October and fell preg again in Jan (mc that one too tho! and then caught again in March with this lovely little beanie. After mc in Oct I never thought I would feel better, but slowly but surely I began to see daylight again! xxx
This is absolutely heart breaking and shocking. I can’t believe they would make you wait that long, how can they not understand the emotional implications of this!?

I don’t know what to say hun and sorry just does not seem enough.

I hope you have people around you to support you through this tough time, and not forgetting we are all here for you. Please keep messaging and vent all you want!

You are in my thoughts xx
This is absolutely heart breaking and shocking. I can’t believe they would make you wait that long, how can they not understand the emotional implications of this!?

I don’t know what to say hun and sorry just does not seem enough.

I hope you have people around you to support you through this tough time, and not forgetting we are all here for you. Please keep messaging and vent all you want!

You are in my thoughts xx

Thank you so much for the lovely reply. Most people seem to not really bother.my mum said to me yesterday well it is not that bad because it wasn't a big baby yet and you can easily get children, it is much worse for people with fertility issues. You will get pregnant soon so no big deal :shock: I must say she is pretty crazy and only ever got one child (which she shouldn't have).

I don't feel sorry for myself and others don'thave to feel sorry but things like that are just not nice. I still think it is very unfair and even if I become pregnant again soon it doesn'tmean I shouldn't think about this.

I think the long wait is very not done but it is so busy in the hospital so I cannot do anything about that. Since this afternoon I have been having some cramps on and of (but not blood or anything) so maybe it will start naturally.
So sorry to hear this hun x

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
wow i cant beleive ur still waiting thats crazy it was 6 days for me and it killed me its been 3 weeks since erpc and im slowly feeling better and started my new chapter yesterday :-) we have started ttc as dfrom yesterday even tho i have no idea where my body is at the minute with regards to af n ovulating, ur mum should not have said that and ppl that have not had an mc do not fully understand how it feels she probs thinks she is making u feel better by saying it, hope ur ok xxxx
The dr's will say to wait for a couple of cycles beforeu try again but the truth is ushud try wen u feel ready.


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