strong slimming tablets **UPDATE 1 MONTH LATER**

Xena said:
I'm glad you're stopping with those pills Dionne. They sound awful!

I'm losing weight by eating less - not MASSIVELY less - I don't mean I'm starving myself. But I'm stopping when I feel slightly full - not stuffing myself. Just slowly reducing the amoung I eat. I eat like a horse normally.
I'm finding that my stomach is needing less food to get full, so I must be doing something right.
Yesterday we went out for a curry and I could only manage half, I was well full. Brought the rest home for my tea today hehe! (saves money too).
I've lost 5lbs so far. It's a slow process (it's been about 3 weeks or so - maybe 4) so far, but it's coming off. And I'm not denying myself foods I like, just eating less in general.

Sorry I'm waffling lol.

Point is you don't need diet pills hun :)

Well done Xena thats really admirable.

Im glad your off those nasty pills Dionne. This thread has upset me a bit because I have suffered for years with obsessional eating and it really gets me down when people say eating disorders are 'childish'.

I was very poorly and I know il always have problems, mine stems from a childhood phobia. I wont go into it any more, I know no body meant any offence.

It just saddens me to think you cant eat Dionne and its been brought on by these pills. Its things like these that give people problems and when you have had been poorly through obssessional eating it just upsets me to see people who take these pills to lose weight when I am aware of a lot of suffering that surrounds this issue.

I hope I dont offend any one with this post. I just feel so strongly about it because eating disorders/obssesional eating habits can make people so very poorly and id HATE to see any one else go through it.

Hugs to you Dionne, I hope you feel better soon :hug:
Aww Jaidybaby :hug: , that was such a nice post, I feel bad for anyone that has suffered an eating problem, my middle sister did-she had anorexia and was taking laxatives and all sorts. I dont think it ever truly leaves you (issues with food/weight etc) Not nice. :cry:

I do think that Dionne's post was misconstrude, but I understand why. I know Dionne would not want to cause any harm or distress to anyone, or intentionally upset someone. :hug:
Of course she wouldnt she is a good girl.

Just felt like I had to get that out :D
JaidyBaby said:
Of course she wouldnt she is a good girl.

Just felt like I had to get that out :D

Dionne a good girl? :rotfl: bless her, she's fab!
hope youre feeling a bit better dionne. did youget to see your gp
no i didnt i hate my docs. i took harley to get weighed and asked if there was any chance of seeing doc but unless its urgant i need to pre book a few days before :roll:

im feeling better now i force myself to eat and im getting used to it

ummmmmm zinger tower meal!!!!!!!!!

i had a buffet at pizza hut today
i wish you all the best dionne, cant wait to meet you at the next northern meet. x

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