strong slimming tablets **UPDATE 1 MONTH LATER**

********UPDATE 1 MONTH LATER***********

OMG please no one be as silly as me and have these things...

i think they have given me an eating disorder. i have not been on them now for over a week yet the thought of food is stomache turning.

they made me not eat ATALL 2days would pass and ild think "oppps havnt eated for a few days" not even a biscuit.. nothing
then i would wake in the night with belly pains through hunger. but still could not bare to put food in my mouth. ild go dizzy and start seeing little stars if i concentrate to long. looking in the morror to put mascara on gave me a headach.

i got the shakes felt sick. they are awfull

a week of not being on them i feel sooo hungry but cant stand the thought of food.

i have lost a stone but soooooooo not worth it!!!

so i eat humble pie.... should have listened to you girls
AWw hun, at least you are off them now

they will prob take a while to get out of your system

try ans make a consious effort to eat something every day even just toast
otherwise you are gonna be soo ill
WOW Dionne that's bad maybe you should go and see your usual GP.

Could you take a vitamin tablet or anything?
i do eat now i force myself.

im not the type of person that would be childish anough to have an eating disorder, but because i have been on the pills for a while they have lost my apitite so much. just hope they get out my system soon so i can go back to eating my KFC soon

im going to see if i can see my gp today.
aww Dionne I hope it improves for you.

Like you said it's proberly to do with the fact that you're body is not used to food any more, and your stomachs proberly shrunk.

As long as you try eating little and often things should improve, I imagine at tho mo it's abit like how you feel when you have morning sickness, you want to eat but even the thought of it make you wanna be sick.

It's good that you are goin to see you gp if nothing else they can at least check you over and make sure the pills have had no other advise effects. I hope they can help, just a thought and sorry don't mean it if this sound rude you could ask them to referre you to a dietrition and maybe they can help you with some sort of plan on what to eat and make yourself feel better after all thats the most important thing, how you feel about you.

anyway good luck
dionne said:
im not the type of person that would be childish anough to have an eating disorder,

Dionne we should just point out that some eating disorders are very serious and not about being childish. Anorexia is classed as a disease.

dionne said:
im not the type of person that would be childish anough to have an eating disorder,

Sorry Dionne but i think that comment is out of order, people get eating disorders for all types of reasons
Anorexia for one is classed as a disease and can be deadly
jo said:
dionne said:
im not the type of person that would be childish anough to have an eating disorder,

Sorry Dionne but i think that comment is out of order, people get eating disorders for all types of reasons
Anorexia for one is classed as a disease and can be deadly

it wasnt ment in that way...

i ment it more as im not attention seeking and being silly making myself not eat. i want to but these tablets wont let you. its not me being childish not letting myself
Dionne hun, i think i know what you mean
but, it is still sounding really harsh saying eating disorders are attention seeking.
I know it is hard to explain what youmean when you type as you can't get the tone of voice etc... across
i no how i ment it, so i dont think its time for a big never ending heated thread over it.
Oh Dionne Pack it in i wasn't getting heated about it

I said i thought i knew how you meant it

i was commenting on how others might read especially those on here who may have an eating disorder, they could well be offended with people thinking they are attention seeking!!!
dionne said:
if it comes across bad then maybe a mod should drop me a quick pm and let me no i didnt word it to well and people would take it the wrong way then of course i would have edit it. as it was not ment that way. rather then it just get highlighted to make me look nasty

Dionne I had already posted above.
I think it could be taken the wrong way. You have now said that's not the way it was intended so I think we can stop discussing it now girls :)
Oh God Dionne i am so not trying to make you look nasty

I said Iunderstood what you meant

I have said what i thought about it and i am not getting into a petty argument over it
as far as i am concerned the subject is closed
Sorry Urchin, I was posting at same time as you lol
I'm glad you're stopping with those pills Dionne. They sound awful!

I'm losing weight by eating less - not MASSIVELY less - I don't mean I'm starving myself. But I'm stopping when I feel slightly full - not stuffing myself. Just slowly reducing the amoung I eat. I eat like a horse normally.
I'm finding that my stomach is needing less food to get full, so I must be doing something right.
Yesterday we went out for a curry and I could only manage half, I was well full. Brought the rest home for my tea today hehe! (saves money too).
I've lost 5lbs so far. It's a slow process (it's been about 3 weeks or so - maybe 4) so far, but it's coming off. And I'm not denying myself foods I like, just eating less in general.

Sorry I'm waffling lol.

Point is you don't need diet pills hun :)
I was thinking about you and the tablets the other day. I am pleased that you have stopped taking them hun. I would go and visit your GP. Hope you start to feel better again soon.

thank god that you had the foresight to see that those tablets werent doing you any good. hopefully you will be back to your normal self soon, and i agree i love my KFC. had it on sunday. :D

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