Stretch marks... help please!

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i thought i was in the clear too untill 30 weeks i was getting undressed and just happend to look in the mirror and there were loads just wanted to cry(my bump was big and i couldnt see them as theyw ere all at the but at the end of the day thats what reprisents your little bundles of joy :dance:
Mine are stretching because of my baby bump...
I have them on the backs of my legs, behind my knees.
On my bump and on my boobies :oops: hehe

But no1 gets to see any of these apart from my partner anyway.

Took this pic today... sorry its a bit dark,
havent masterd my camera on my phone yet.
week after Harley was born hahaha please take no noticeof the pants :oops:

weestar, yours look white? mine are still dark purple. i hope they go white.were yours ever dark?

im getting a sunbed next week some one told me stretch marks burn bad on them???
any one heard of this?
your stretchmarks dont even look bad at all dionne! i have some on my thighs and bum now. i had some on my boobs but they have faded away - practically completely now.

are you putting cream on now dionne? if you continue afterwards it is supposed to help your skin too.

hahaha btw saying 'take no notice' made me look :D what do they say?? :lol:
my stretch marks are white like weestars. They are kinda shiny and not that noticeable. They dont bother me as I didnt have a bikini body before and doubt I will have one after.
I think moisturising helps though, I have this time and am not as itchy and dont think any more marks are appearing. I just use johnstons, nothing fancy. I keep the expensive stuff for my face, it needs all the help it can get.LOL :lol:
hahaha they say "your boyfriend says hi"

the cam dont make them look bad, im just so used to showing my belly off :roll:

i brought some coco firming lotion to help with the stretched skin and got some bio oil, but i used them twice, the bio oil is to greasy i hate it.

hope once i have a tan it covers them
Nope, at worst they were light pink at the very end of my pg but once the tension of the baby was away they went white. My tummy was very wobbly though, its as if the tightness never really came back.
Hi dionne, i have about 2 really dark ones right at the top of my bikini line but the weird thing was my belly is darker than my body it always looked a littled tanned, so once i started to stretch it was really purpley but now its just very light pink but if i sit crouched over i have all this skin and its horrible but OH loved pinching and pulling it he says its like one of those stress balls :shock:

Oh yeah dionne whatever u do dont go on a sunbed!!!! my oh brothers GF went on one and her stretchmarks now look like scars and wond fade or anything she has been to see a consultant to see about lazer treatment to remove them but she was consultant said it was her own fault for going on a sun

If u do decide to go on the dionne just use a fare amount of lotion
you dont look like you have the kinda skin that needs a sunbed. Are you one of those lucky folk that puts the washing out and comes back in with a tan.
anno dionne u lucky thing if i go in the sun for hours i either burn or i just reflect thesun back off :roll: i hate my skin my nick name at school was casper i wonder why....... :shock:
im very pale :shock:
and naturaly have light hair i dye it black and use sunbeds alot, i usedto work in a sunbed salon, so im gettin wrinkles already lol.

ummmmm thats really made me think twicenow about the sunbed???

my stretch marks are still real sore aswell
i never used ant lotions and potions when i was was pregnNT WITH MY FIRST AND I NEVER GOT ONE STRETCHMARK. (sorry caps). But my second daughter was 9Ib and i got soooooooooo big. In the last few days of pregnany i got stretchmarks. I was hopping mad! :x

They do fade thoughand are hardly noticable . Well on me anyway. :)
no wonder im bloody covered in the things!

last days of pregnancy (34weeks) good job i didnt go fullterm


wow your bump was big im 17 weeks and dont even look pregnant just fat :(
blooming hell dionne, is that your tv or is that a picture above your fireplace in the first pic?

Your a verypretty younge woman i must say dionne :D

one thing i hate about myself is all my frckles but dont think i will ever get rid of them, stretch marks i can handle as i can cover them but i got loads of freckles and i hate them as they make myface look dirty :shock: and when the sun is out my freckles get
looks like i got a bowl of coco pops on
Oh Dionne, I love seeing those pics of you! I think you look great! I'm only petite too (five one and a half :D ) and I'm well on my way to being that big.

There's a chance i might be induced early, goodness know how big I'll get otherwise!

must try and get pics on so we can compare!!
yep its our tv and i hate it, i go cross eyed, but it makes OH happy :roll:

i cant believe i was ever that big lol

ow i think freckles are well nice i have none i used to try and draw them on but they look silly, i want some on my nose
weestar21 said:
one thing i hate about myself is all my frckles but dont think i will ever get rid of them

Thats what I dont like about me, my mum was ginger so shes coverd in them. I only have them on my face over my cheeks and my nose. OH thinks they look cute ...hmm yeah right.

You were big werent you dionne! Blimey! Its because you were so skinny, the baby had nowhere to go but outwards hehe.

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