Stopping smoking on Jan 1st - who's joining me?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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I started smoking again this year after stopping for over two years and im digusted with myself to be honest.
Ever since that first ciggerette i've noticed im smoking more and more and i hate it!
I never smoke infront of Thea (mainly when she is in bed) but now if i put my coat on to go outside for a sly one during the evening before shes in bed she has started commenting on mammy going for a dirty ciggerette and it makes me feel so gulity!
So i have decided to start my new year smoke free! I know i cant be the only one giving up so i thought we could use this thread to support each other if we feel like caving in!

Lets share our tricks and motivations and beat the filthy habit together! So who's in?!?
I have been smoke free for 5 days and counting!!
SarahH said:
I have been smoke free for 5 days and counting!!
Good for you hun! How are you finding it? Are you using anything to help like gum or patches?

I've bought some lozengers.
No, not using anything... just will power - The first 3 days were fine, yesterday was a NIGHTMARE and today has been alright again.....

I am dreading tomorrow tho as we are having a street party for New Years, so will be drinking and that is always when I fail and grab a ciggie
SarahH said:
No, not using anything... just will power - The first 3 days were fine, yesterday was a NIGHTMARE and today has been alright again.....

I am dreading tomorrow tho as we are having a street party for New Years, so will be drinking and that is always when I fail and grab a ciggie

Im not going out tomorrow night so you can text me if you feel the urge and i'll remind you not too lol
Good Luck Ladies!

SarahH You've done really well on willpower alone hun. My DH quit 4 years ago on NYE x
I quit a couple of years ago using just willpower as nothing else worked. Good luck girls :hug:
I quit four years ago too, cold turkey. Sips of water and deep breaths help beat cravings.
i've been smoke free for 3 weeks & a day! just willpower for me too. it's really hard in social situations, and after eating. but, for the most part i'm surviving.
I'm just waiting to get my pacthes and I'm right there with you :)
I found patches helped a lot when I quit smoking, also chewing gum or sucking mints.
I read Alan Carr but it didn't do anything for me. good luck everyone :hug:
I chucked the last of my fags and my lighter in the bin last night at about 11.30pm. Im not very well and the last cig i had last night made me feel like i was dying!
Im armed with my lozengers but im thinking that being ill might help too lol.
Heres to a smoke free 2009!
Good on you! I have tried quitting a few times but failed but next Tuesday I have an appointment with the smoking cessation at my surgery :pray:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Good on you! I have tried quitting a few times but failed but next Tuesday I have an appointment with the smoking cessation at my surgery :pray:
Thea's godparents are stopping smoking using that new tablet Champex and are doing really well with it. They got it from the smoking clinic at their drs surgery.

Good luck Krystal! I guess we just need to remind ourselves we arent just giving up for us anymore, we have our little ones to think of too. I dont want to leave Thea without a mammy :(

I just went to hit reply and saw you had posted Sarah, well done hun!!!!!!! :cheer: Remember to reward yourself for being good :)
I know exactly what you mean, you know that poster; 'i'm not scared of spiders, i'm scared of mummy dying' :cry:

Everytime I look at Jack I feel guilty for smoking, I am determined to do it for him :cheer:
I feel like crap today and Thea is doing my head in! If i had a packet of fags in the house i think id i've stood outside in the cold and smoked them all! Its probably a good thing im not feeling great because it means i cant be arsed to go and buy any!

Richard is doing my nut in too and im honestly not sure if its because im not well and he's being annoying or if im just being a grumpy bitch because i want a fag! :wall:
Your ticker is brilliant! :D Gonna get one when I quit.

Your doing so well, I know how hard it is but don't give in, the first few days are always meant to be the hardest. Your probably feeling grumpy cos your ill too. So instead of treating yourself to a fag go and treat yourself to something sweet, piece of fruit if your on a diet, if not chocolate FTW! :lol:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Your ticker is brilliant! :D Gonna get one when I quit.

Your doing so well, I know how hard it is but don't give in, the first few days are always meant to be the hardest. Your probably feeling grumpy cos your ill too. So instead of treating yourself to a fag go and treat yourself to something sweet, piece of fruit if your on a diet, if not chocolate FTW! :lol:

I'm determined not to give in i think its hard because this about the time i go out and have a couple (chain smoking, very bad!). I'm going to try those lozengers I've got now. I have a sneaking suspision that they will be vile! Cant be as bad a fag though i suppose, at least i wont smell like an ashtray later lol.

I got the ticker from here i thought seeing it in a tickder might help keep me going!

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