Stomach bug :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Need a bit of darlings sons have generously given me their stomach bug and I've felt off all day and haven't been able to keep anythin down for the past 4 hours,even water is comin straight back,I'm not sure wot to do 4 the I keep drinkin little and often even tho it's makin me sick or not have anythin in the hope it stops the sickness?
At the moment my stomach muscles r really sore and I'm gonna try my best to get some sleep and hope it only lasts 12 hours like my kids dose did xxx
Hope you feel better soon hun, If you can't keep anything down i wouldn't try im sure baby will be fine can't be good to keep throwing up xx
Hope you feel better tomorow Emma. They are really nasty those 24 hour tummy bugs.

can you suck ice cubes slowly? may be less water , btu enougth tok wet your mouth and fight of dehydration?
Yuck! Touch wood I haven't had a bug for a while, not nice at all. Not sure what you can do to help it, I guess what Jen said and suck ice cubes, to keep hydrated, then try and eat dry toast until it's gone, the bug just feeds on everything you eat. So annoying. X
hope u feel better soon x
Thanks every1,I'm still no better,been up since half 1 so am shattered and am prayin dh doesn't have to go to work again cos of the snow so I can stay in bed. All the schools r shut so at least I don't have to venture out. I've managed to keep down half a glass of water in the past 12 hours :(
you poor thing. worst time to have it with this weather, and having children and being pregnant! just doesnt mix well with a stomach bug. hope you can try some more water today and keep it down! i guess its more important that you try and keep fluids down more than anything else x
Ask the pharmacist if u canhave complan or build up to try and help. My sil had this as she couldnt keep food down x
Hope you start getting over it soon. Keep on with the water x
Managed to sleep til 11am and feel a lot better now. Just had a pint of water and some crackers. Problem I've got now is I've pulled all my stomach muscles at the bottom of my bump so am in agony xxx

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