still no sign...

Thats not a very supportive response! Like u said in a previous post I'm gonna try and be firm! Prob just b like a bloody child when I get in there. I do hope u get answers soon hun ;-)
Hi Mrs V - so weird all these similarities - I got married in July this year - reckon we started ttc about May too, although doing it more seriously since we got married - so about 4 months now. I hate not knowing when i'm ov too - i'm a bit worried I might not be as i'm not sure I have ewcm - hopefullly the temp thing will help to see if i'm actually ov...

Yeah, emotional roller coaster is right. I feel up and down with it. Today i'm feeling kind of down - could be AF, but just feels like such a long road and i'm not sure i'll ever get there. I also know a couple of pg women and a couple of people with new babies - I really should stop looking at fb as it usually depresses me....!

I can imagine you husband working shifts makes things even more difficult - like we need any more complications!! Are you going to doc today - let me know how you get on...

Bellarina - wow d51 - do you normally have long cycles? Won't the dr do a blood test or something? Maybe try a different gp?

:dust:to you both xx
Bellarina - wow d51 - do you normally have long cycles? Won't the dr do a blood test or something? Maybe try a different gp?

:dust:to you both xx

CD52 today grrr. no not had one this long before...came off pill end july, and cycle 1 was 36 days and cycle 2 was 37 still on cycle 3 lol its mad cos people have had 2 cycles in the time iv had 1.

im not gonna bother going to gp as i felt a bit silly last time. if i havent had af/bfp by new year i might go then.

babydust to you girls xx
Poor you - that must be SOOO frustrating Bellarina, just stuck in limbo like that and not knowing what's going on. Big hug and hope you get a bfp or your cycles start to regulate soon... xx:hugs:
Bellarina that sucks! I hate when GP's make us feel like whiney little school girls! They are paid to be there and give advice. I've seen so often people on here not wanting to bother their GP (me included) and we should never have to feel that way!
Hope your cycles sort themselves out soon! That sounds like a nightmare!

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Bellarina I really feel for you, you must be out of your mind. I was only 7days late and that really did my head in!

So I went to see gp this morn, I was very emotional, cried, felt daft etc...she basically said if you are not preg in 4mnths come back and we will run tests, as you have been preg before you have nothing to worry about, start having sex 3x per week...umm with hubbys shifts not sure this is gonna happen, she advised against opks but I'm gonna give them.a try this mnth. She wasn't sure about my faint bfns, but basically said it could be hormonal...I have no idea now when nxt cycle will b due, its threw me completely, just wanna get ttc again now!

How are you ceebee? When are you gonna start charting...ill join you!
Bellarina - wow d51 - do you normally have long cycles? Won't the dr do a blood test or something? Maybe try a different gp?

:dust:to you both xx

CD52 today grrr. no not had one this long before...came off pill end july, and cycle 1 was 36 days and cycle 2 was 37 still on cycle 3 lol its mad cos people have had 2 cycles in the time iv had 1.

im not gonna bother going to gp as i felt a bit silly last time. if i havent had af/bfp by new year i might go then.

babydust to you girls xx

Does you're GP have a womens health clinic, might it be possible to see someone there instead?

There's no need to feel silly, sometimes you've just gotta insist on being seen and make a nuisance of yourself to get answers.......:lol:
Got married in may and have been ttc since, so 7mnths now, and u? It's such an emotional roller friend at work.started ttc too, she's now 10weeks, happy bit gutted too, and seeing her grow guts me, I'm not a bitter person at all but emotions just take over...thanks for chatting xx

I know how you feel, my OH's friends fell pregnant at a similar time to me. I lost mine and she's due in a week.....I always feel kinda sad seeing her but they're a lovely couple and i'll get to have a little cuddle of the baby soon (hope it kicks my body into touch!! lol)
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hey no my gp practice is only small so doubt theyd have any seperate kinds of clinics.

to be honest i glad i still went as at least its now on record that im ttc etc so if iv been ttc for a yr or more theyl see its been a while etc.

i think i just gotta play the waiting game. im gonna do hpt's every saturday morning until i get my af/bfp tho xxx
Hi prrrmeow, today in gp waiting room 2 seperate ladies came in, both 8mnth, overhead said I got caught on the pill...the other one said I'm gutted I can't have a drink at Xmas...then a lady came sat right nxt to me with a baby...I could've cried there and then...u couldn't write it honestly! Where's the justice...i can laugh now but at the time!
i know i hate when that happens seems so unfair doesnt it. i would give ANYTHING to have a baby xx
Me too bellarina...its a cruel world but our times will come x
and when we do itl be all the more precious and special, and we will appreciate it so much for having had to wait xxx
Hi mrs v - sorry the gp was unhelpful - seems a common theme on this
thread. It's all a waiting game really isn't it. I'm feeling a bit more positive now as i've decided to be really pro active - i'm going to buy a thermometer for temp testing tonight and probably gonna buy the CBFM on the advice of other members of this forum... Also, gonna start taking Evening primrose to help the cm.... Yeah, let's be temp tesing buddies as I don't have a clue! It all seems quite overwhelming...

Bellarina - hope you're holding out ok hon - sounds like you're being strong about it but come on PF any time for a moan - it does seem to help!

I agree with you both though - it does seem like the whole world is pregnant atm - never knew there were so many pregnant women/babies until I started wanting a baby!

Keep me posted on any developments girls xx (mrs v - i'll let you know when I start BBT)
Ahh thanks ceebee, iv been toying with the idea of cbfm too...iv got cheapies and not sure how they will work and of course want to make the very most of ttc this mnth seeing as I now have no idea when the best time will be! I'll check that site, do you start tempin once af has ended? Where u planning on buying cbfm from? I may have to invest...what a scene today at docs...I honestly just had to take deep breaths! It's good to have support of everyone on here...nolonger feel alone xxxx
Hi girls if u are thinking of temping you need to makesure you buy a basal body thermometer...its more sensitive to temp changes than a normal digi thermometer.

mrs v, you start temping from 1st day of af as that is cd 1 and you do it everymorning before you do ANYTHING ... and that is literal, ur not meant to get up, or talk or drink anything, its literally keep thermometer by ur bed and wen u wake up you grap it and take temp asap....ur meant to try and do it same time everyday too (i think ur allowed an allowance of 30 mins either side to get most accurate reading)

hope this helps xxxx

Bellarina speaks words of wisdom!

I tried temping it worked until I went on shifts and my temps just varied too much to keep track. I kept it by my bed but oh thought I was going baby crazy so put it in my bathroom drawer and did it first thing every morning. It was worth doing good luck!x
Ps boots sells the kits for either a fiver or rennet which comes with charts and a pen so you can do dot the dot with it! ;)

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