still no sign...

mrs v

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2011
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So I updated a few days ago saying I had very faint bfp followed by bfns...lots of them. Well I am now 16 dpo and still no af nor a bfp, I am usually very regular, I did start taking pregnacare conception this month and am wondering if they have something to do with this! My lower back and bbs hurt, I am really really confused. In tears this morn because if I was preg I would surely have had bfp by now, any similar experiences/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Last month, I was 17 days late for af, but had no symptoms of pg - I had a very faint + followed by lots of bfns.
While researching hours on google about this, I learned that sometimes it is a pregnancy, that takes a long time to show up (some didn't get bfp until 5 or 6 months pg) or its just your body being cruel for no apparent reason.

Hope you get answers soon though hun, I know how frustrating it is.


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Im sorry to hear that its upset you hun, even though i can understand why :( Im using the pregnacare tablets and dont think they should effect your results but not sure.....they are only vit tablets so can not see how? Last night my period was 16 dpo last month so this isnt a worry.

What pregnancy tests did you use? Must be horrible to get a line (even faint) and then nothing a few days later!

Im newish to all this so sorry cant really give you any good advice but wanted to try and help.......x
Thank you both, I have used lots of tests including the early detectable ones from internet, Asda test gave me a faint positive at 14dpo but all bfn since, I had convinced myself I was out because I had af cramps but no actual af. I'm sure all this cannot be good for our mental health! Can't think about anything else...iv always been regular so don't understand the sudden change, like u say jay jay may be body bein cruel...arrrggghhh...x
Hi hun wanted to post as im in a similar situation. Im on cycle day 49 (my last cycles hav been 36 & 37) like u the tests i did week ago were bfn. No sign of af but just starting to get teinges on left of abdomen and boobs hav swollen/grown. Iv heard 3% of women dont show on hpts until further along so im gonna test again tomorro as il be cd 50 then.

Good luck hun fx for u xxx
Fx for u Bellarina :) x

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Thanks jayjay, its the not knowing thats most annoying, if af arived i could just deal with it and carry on ttc but in limbo at mo

how are you hun havent seen u on here much lately xxx
Bellarina I agree, its the not knowing, at least if af arrived we could just focus on nxt mnth, seriously messes with ur emotions. I'm not gonna test again until Mon, and if af still not arrived a visit to Mr gp. Hope ur ok (daft question really) x
Yeh im ok hun. Feeling really sick and gross tonught tho so prob go to bed in a bit xx
Yeah, I agree that not knowing the worst. I'm 13dpo and have been all sorts of signs like cramps and sore bbs for the last week, but starting spotting yesterday, so is that af or implantation bleeding??? ARRGH! Driving me mad!! Feel like my body is being mean like jayjay27 says.... Hope you guys get some answers soon too and hopefully the right one!! Good luck :) x
Hi ceebee, has this ever happened to u before? I'm thinkin if af hasn't arrived by Mon goin to docs because its so unusual for me to b this late, do u think I'm bein hasty?
Hi Mrs V - Well, my periods are pretty irregular and did have sore bbs once a while before af, but never cramping like this. Still not sure what to think as my spotting has got heavier today, but hasn't started proper bleeding yet. Gonna wait another couple of days to see what happens, but I'm losing hope now anyway for this month :( Oh well, we'll see... I think you should go to dr if it helps to put your mind at rest.... Let us know what you decide to do or if anything else happens... Good luck :) x
Well AF got me this morning...:sad: I am still going to go to the docs just to explain the faint Bfps I got at 14dpo followed by Bfns, think it'll put mind at rest (well thats what I am hoping for). Feeling very sad and wondering what the hell my body is playing at.

Good luck everyone and thanks for your posts x x
Hi Mrs V - I got my AF too today :( big boooo for both of us. I feel exactly the same - don't think i'll trust my body again - what were all those symptoms about?? It's horrible to get your hopes up so much just to be let down like that, isn't it?

I saw in your earlier post you said you used to be regular - that happened to me too - it's so frustrating when you're ttc. I think perhaps the body just changes over time, but I wish it had waited a bit....!!

Are you using opks? I tried the one step ones last month and might give them another go this month - also thinking of measuring temperature - have you ever done this before? Sorry for long post, but felt we had a bit of a connection and I feel your pain... I'm just trying to be philosophical about it and look forward to the next month... Hope you feel not too bad and fx for some better luck for both of us this month :) xx
Omg how wierd!!! Well I had miscarriage in Feb 12 weeks, unplanned but very much wanted, had regular 28day cycles at that point then after mc went to 30 day cycles...then this mnth bloody 36days! Iv bought some funnily enough earlier this mnth, cheapies off ebay, came with thermometer but that will b new to me! It's great to have someone in same boat even tho its a crap time. How old r u? I'm stressing because I'm 30...hubby supportive but very laid bk about it all, xx
So sorry about the mc - that must be so hard to deal with. I suppose that will change your body though. I had a 36 day cycle a few months ago - first time ever! (Usually about 23 - 27 days) Was so sure I was PG - weird how we've had some of the same things happen to us.... Yeah, i'm stressed about my age too - I'm 33 actually and my DH is 41, so I think that makes it even more tricky.

Know what you mean about the hubby being laid back - he's supportive but I just wish he'd get a bit more into it, lol! So you gonna try the temp thing then? I just posted in the trying to conceive section to ask for advice on this, so maybe you could check that out too? So how long you been ttc??

There's so much to think about - it's overwhelming! Like you say good to meet someone in same boat :) xx
I'll give anything a go...think you are meant to take temp 1st thing every morn for accuracy, Shud b fun! My hubby works shifts which makes ttc not always easy Haha...thought this mnth I had dates sorted but no idea now so hopefully opks will come in handy.

Got married in may and have been ttc since, so 7mnths now, and u? It's such an emotional roller friend at work.started ttc too, she's now 10weeks, happy bit gutted too, and seeing her grow guts me, I'm not a bitter person at all but emotions just take over...thanks for chatting xx
hey girls sorry to hear witch got you both.

im still in bfp's and no af and on cd 51 grrr xxx
Oh should go see doc, see what's goin on, you must b sooo confused, I do hope its good news xx
nah she wont do anything, i saw her just over a week ago and she basically said its eary days and moist couples tale on average 6 mths to 1 yr to conceive :( xx

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