still no sign...

Thanks sunbeam never bin called wise lol

i tried my local boots but they had stopped doin them and had even reduced them to get rid of them! Grr. I had to buy mins online but it came with a reallygood chart that iv madw copies of.

Good luck girls, once u get into a routine ita sffective xx
Thanks for BBT advice girls :) Bought a basal thermometer (Make is Babymad) on Amazon last night for a fiver, so hope it's ok.... Mrs V - Amazon sell CBFM for £65 and then £15 for 20 sticks which you have to buy separately. Apparently you can sell CBFM on ebay for about £30 once you've finished with it, so you can get some money back... You can't start until 1st day of next period, so unfortunately we've both missed the boat this month for that one and according to the girls above, for BBT too. I'm just gonna use onestep OPKs this month and try to BD as much as poss, then have thermometer and CBFM ready to start on 1st day of next AF - even if it means more waiting, it's good to have a plan!! :)

Thanks to everyone who posted useful tips here :) good luck in all your baby making efforts:dust:xx
Thanks for BBT advice girls :) Bought a basal thermometer (Make is Babymad) on Amazon last night for a fiver, so hope it's ok.... Mrs V - Amazon sell CBFM for £65 and then £15 for 20 sticks which you have to buy separately. Apparently you can sell CBFM on ebay for about £30 once you've finished with it, so you can get some money back... You can't start until 1st day of next period, so unfortunately we've both missed the boat this month for that one and according to the girls above, for BBT too. I'm just gonna use onestep OPKs this month and try to BD as much as poss, then have thermometer and CBFM ready to start on 1st day of next AF - even if it means more waiting, it's good to have a plan!! :)

Thanks to everyone who posted useful tips here :) good luck in all your baby making efforts:dust:xx
Hi Ceebee

Im also using a CBFM, when was the 1st day of your period? x
On period now Pink Butterfly - started on Sunday, so i'll have to wait I guess. :|How you finding the CBFM? x
Ahh right...glad you told me that you can't start using until 1st day of af, iv been eagerly lookin thinkin I could start this mnth, yep one step cheapies for me this mnth, ceebee when r u gonna start testing this mnth? Bit of guidance would be useful...ill def invest in cbfm...oh I do hope we all get some good news soon xxx
Hi again mrs v - As I'm not sure how long my cycle is, i'm going to start cheapie OPK testing on day 7 of my cycle, probably 2-3 times a day to try and avoid missing my surge. I've got about 15 days worth of OPKs so just gonna keep going until I run out as worried I stopped too early last time... Not really that sure about all this myself, but just trying to cover as many bases as I can. Just gonna do a bit more research on CBFM, but probably gonna buy it soon, as want to make sure I get it before Xmas post goes mad...! Let me know what you decide to do - With all these increased efforts, we'll get there! :)
ps - do you wanna PM as we seem to be having similar experiences.... x
Yes that was my thoughts about testing as no idea when nxt a f will be due...they reacon you should avoid testing 1st thing, better in the afternoon, so shall we start testing sun? That's a week for us both...cbfm do seem to be very good and have excellent reviews, excuse my total ignorance bit what does pm mean? Haha I'm only just gettin to grips with the lingo! X
Ha ha! Don't worry - still getting to grips with all the abbreviations myself - PM is personal message - not sure exactly how we go about it, but I think you add to contacts or something?? Just thought it might be a good idea - what do you reckon? Don't mind if you wanna stay public though - just a thought :) I'm probably gonna start testing Sat, though it's probably too early, but i'm just being extra cautious! lol! x
Iv friend requested you...I think...its like fb hehe...ill start sat with you then...inbox me and update/chat xx
Yeah, saw it, thanks :) sent you a test message... Keep me posted on developments and I'll do the same. We'll be POAS and BD mad from Saturday lol! xx:friends:

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