Stay at home Mums


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2007
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I am a full-time stay at home Mum with a little boy who is nearly 1 year. I was just wondering what others in a similar situation do all day with your LO's? I was quite happy with how I was doing until i met 'competetive Mum' who seems to fill up her entire week with activities.

I shall be interested too I have had 2 days with my LO on my own and everything is cleaned we have been to the park, library and im a bit stuck now!! I just keep thinking what I would be doing at work :wall:
I play with Maddison, do a bit of walking (she doesnt walk yet so we practice), go shopping, see friends, walk the dog and some days do nothing. On the do nothing days, I catch up on email, cleaning etc and Maddison plays with toys or watches In The Night Garden DVDs etc :hug:

My LO is not quite 1 yet but thought id reply anyway. I threw myself into a few mother and baby groups when my LO was a few months old and since then its been non-stop! A few of us group together outside of the mother and baby groups and we go round each others houses, walk to the park (well....with babies in buggy's & toddlers walking) Meet up at local cafes that have soft play areas for toddlers and babies. We also go to Baby Rhyme time, Swimming and of course mum and baby groups when they are on. I try and do an activity with him every day if I can, when there is nothing much going on I take him into town and browse/buy a few bits, take him to nanny and grandads e.t.c Anything that stimulates him and keeps him busy!

Do you go to any mother and baby meets, its scarey the first time but well worth it, you make some great friends too?

Hope this helps

I tend to lean toward some activities for children but am also a big believer in children learning to entertain themselves from a young age. I don't want our son to be so used to being taken to play groups and out and about to places like playgroups, swimming etc that he can't do things on his own for a day.

I tend to go out 2-3 times a week with LO. One of those is to a playgroup or HV clinic. Outside of that I don't really see any other Mums or kids. Its total crap round here trying to meet anyone. But thats another story.

Lots of the time I take Galen out for long walks, wander round the farm yard, show him the chickens, cows, sheep, pigs, dogs and so on. Tractors and all that too. Other times we head into the local town, have a wander round the park, along the sea front, feed the ducks.

We go visit friends sometimes also. Usually they have older kids. Or they come to us.

But the days we are at home Galen is already Mr Independant and likes to spend ages with his toys. Certainly doesn't need me to amuse him. I'm hoping this continues as he grows.

I like doing arts and crafts with children. Musical things also. I plan on doing all sorts as Galen gets older. I can't wait to spend an hour going hunting for conkers or collecting fallen leaves to make a collage with. All those sorts of things. The old pots and pans on the kitchen floor and bashing away on them for ages. So many things that are free and fun :)
well i have been a SAHM for over 2 years now, a lot of the time due to money restrictions, we stay in and Hayden has a million toys and crafts so doesnt get bored, i clean my house and he plays or draws..which he loves if i play with him he doesnt really like it, hes more of a make up games on your own kind of child for most of the day which is great for me, he is never clingy and entertains himself without tv and stuff although he does love mr Tumble :evil: lol

I try and get out for a bit at least once a day even if its just to walk to the shops and get some air, i live next to a park and a leisure centre so we go for a play on the swings and slide probably 2/3 times a week..but its getting cold now! i take him swimming maybe once or twice a month. And i meet up with my friend who has a 10 month old usually once a week..and i have a friend whos nephew is 2 aswell and we meet up with them a few times a month and let them run round together.

Erm me and Hayden play bubbles, potato printing, making paint handprints and messing up mummies living room :-)
I love being a stay at home mum and will miss him when he goes to nursery!
LOL at 'Competative Mum' :lol:

If you and LO are happy, do whatever makes you that way and don't feel pressured to be doing anything in particular :hug: I agree its good for LO's to mix with other LO's but that's not the be all of their daily life, and you can have fun and learn at home, at friends, and with family too :hug: Your local GP surgery will have info about local groups as well as your HV, so check in with them for ideas and just do what takes your fancy, and have fun :hug:
The whole idea of me leaving the forumwas to find some mother and baby groups - guess what there all at 3 when i pick lo up bat school and a 4 mile bus ride away so we stay at home, chill play etc
I don't do any structured activities. Seren has 2 mornings at nursery so I think that's enough structure for her. I like to get out at least once a day so we will either go out to friends house, or to baby cafe (on a monday) where I meet up with friends whilst the babies just roll all over the place. We will go to the park, a walk round the town or even the supermarket - woo I am so exciting. We spend a fair bit of time at home too, I guess I am lucky in that I have two so they will play happily in the living room (not together all the time). We do have our daft games where we liketo dance around, or sing songs. I do like to go somewhere once a week, like a walk in the woods, go to a farm, go bowling, swimming etc but we tend to do that at the weekend so daddy can join in. I also meet up with frieds so the kids can just run round together.
Needless to say though after my rather crap post last night - I enjoy being a stay at home mum. Must get my driving license sorted though so i can learn to drive and get out and about. I will need it more then ever when i have 3 children!

Imogen will start nursery in a year or so so that will be fun for her, stephen loved it when he went. I like to go down the shops though on the bus with the kids, and stephen likes to go up the park.

I love being a stay at home mum and wouldnt change it for thr world. My hubby likes it as well. house is clean when he gets home, kids are ready for bed and dinners on the table - what man wouldnt like that (so stepford!)v :rotfl:

Jools we should organise a mini meet somewhere again!
Thanks so much for all your replies. At the moment I take him to swimming lessons, gymboree and monkey music and I think that is quite tiring for him so don't do much else in those days. I just feel guilty when I have quiet days at home and feel I should be taking him here there and everywhere. It is quite difficult because on a purely selfish note I am knackered by the time I have cleared up the mess hubby has made from the night before, put washing on, done ironing nad general tidying and cleaning plus running endless errands.
batgirl3111 said:
Thanks so much for all your replies. At the moment I take him to swimming lessons, gymboree and monkey music and I think that is quite tiring for him so don't do much else in those days. I just feel guilty when I have quiet days at home and feel I should be taking him here there and everywhere. It is quite difficult because on a purely selfish note I am knackered by the time I have cleared up the mess hubby has made from the night before, put washing on, done ironing nad general tidying and cleaning plus running endless errands.

i don't think you should feel guilty at all. Children are quite easily amused and whilst it's nice to go out it's not essential and not going out doesn't make you a bad mum in any way at all! And i think it's good for kids to be able to entertain themselves and not have to go out all the time :)

At the moment i don't take Faith to any groups but i did write down the numbers of a local - walkable group, not sure what it'll be like though and i've been offered a place on a 7 week bambino group thing but not sure i can get there.

Quite often me and Faith just go for a walk. I walked for 2 hours the other day, Faith likes watching the world go by and i like to get out of the house! :hug:
To be honest, not a great deal! She gets up at around 9:30 am, I play with her and we practise crawling and standing, then she'll play on her own which she's more than happy to do. She has a sleep for about 2 hours in the afternoon and when she wakes up it's not long until OH gets home. Lunch is obviously in the middle of that and sometimes we go to the shops/library/park because she loves the swings. I leave the cleaning until OH gets home cause he will take over Ella and I will cook tea.

I don't go to any M&B groups, however Ella will go into a creche for 2 hours on a Friday morning, it depends if I go to the PND support group. I don't feel there's anything wrong with not going to groups, as long as baby is playing and entertaining themselves they are learning. Alot of Mums fill their weeks up because they get bored at home just with baby (Not that there's anything wrong with that). But I'm happy with just myself and Ella for company :)

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