Stay at home moms


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2007
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I am a stay at home mom who's LO just turned six months. She of course used to sleep much more so we would go out for a walk or two during the day and in between she would mostly nap. Now we go out to the park, to the grocery store, and go out for two to three walks a day, but in between we are in a very small house with no access to a car. I usually let her play on the floor while I watch TV and fold laundry and such-and I am suffering from major guilt! I am really against having my daughter watch TV-but I have it on often. I try to play with her and give her attention, but with five hours or so spent at home, I can't fill up our whole day with it, I get tired!
Does anyone else do this? Please help me relieve my bad mommy guilt!
I wouldn't say I'm a stay at home mum as I went back to work part time last week, but you're not alone. I don't always let him sit and watch TV, because even if I tried, he'll be crawling off somewhere else...

What I did today (I suppose we're lucky as got given this as hand-me-downs) was put up a little tent and crawling tube in the garden and have a play in that as it was a sunny afternoon and with him having chicken pox at the moment we're pretty much housebound. Also we have an activity play saucer thing where he sits in it and spins himself round and plays with different things, we got it off freecycle... I put him in that while I had a shower. When I'm doing the laundry I find something like a sheet and put it on his head and play peekaboo...

But don't feel guilty. It's really hard when you're stuck at home with no transport (no way of getting anywhere by bus/train?). :hug:
Thanks leckershell!
I don't turn on the TV for her ever, but I put it on for myself sometimes when I need a break from playing. Like you said, she mostly just plays on the floor, but sometimes now she has taken to staring at it so I felt guilty.
I have a lot of those bounce and play type things, and my mother thinks they are chiropractically evil or something, but as a new mother with not much to do, I know they are a blessing (or will be, she can't sit up all the way yet). But you inspired me to clear away the blanket and all the wayward toys and set up her little ocean playmat. She is in the kitchen with it now, I can hear her banging away. Have to go get her. :lol:
I am a SAHM and always have the TV on, I like background noise :think: :lol: and to be honest Isaac doesn't watch it, but he has certain favourite adverts, which he'll stop what he's doing to watch, then re-start playing again :lol: He also loves music TV which he watches with his Daddy, think its all the fast videos and music obviously :lol:

I don't think you should feel guilty at all, if your child is happy then where's the problem? Lots of Mummy's fill their kids with these Einstein DVD's and we tried Isaac with them all and he was like, 'What's that crud?' :rotfl: They are still tiny, it won't do any damage, it's when they're a bit older I'd curb it :hug:

You don't have to go to Sea World or a Theme Park everyday to entertain and play and explore and learn with your LO. Isaac loves bashing pans with spoons, he loves playing with cups, he loves chasing the dog, he loves his reflection in the glass cabinet, he loves playing peek-a-boo and all these things plus many more can be done in a tiny room and be full of skill building stuff for your LO :hug:

Have fun exploring your cupboards, knocking on and opening doors, naming furniture.. the list IS endless and your LO will be ever the more happier for it because you are giving them your attention, and they love you, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am a SAHM and although Arianna is older than your little one we do loads, and I started doing them with her when she was very young.

If I do baking, I used to give her a little tupperware box and wooden spoon so she could "copy" Mummy.... now she is older she helps with the mixing for real!

She chases the dog, we play in the garden, we do finger painting, we play with her dollies, we read her books and point at the animals in them making the noises etc.... loads really.

I usually have the TV on but just on the music channels. I do put on the Disney Channel for her in the afternoon and she watches Mickey Mouse Club House OR My Friends Tigger and Pooh and she cuddles up on the couch to watch these. Then again before bed time she gets to watch her Bear in the Big Blue House.

I wouldnt feel guilty about it tho
just waned to add that there are probably play groups near you.. they are great for breaking up the week and making friends. dont feel guilty hun.. charlottes ill home from school and laying on the sofa watching tv.. cartoons are pretty educational these days.. they ask how many stars can you see etc.. and shes counting them shouting out the answer etc..

the concern of kids watching tv is they get lazy and dont play out doors etc..but i can tell u now if she wasnt feeling sick she would be out on her trampoline lol..
Thanks so much guys. I do want to join a playgroup so Ruby can have some baby friends, I know there's one in my area, I'll have to look into how possible it is to get involved when I don't have much way of transportation. I do feel better though. I guess we have a nice mix of play and tv/laundry/chores time anyway-she seems to go to bed completely worn out!

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