Started to get pain at site of epidural needle


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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After me raving on about how I would recommend an epidural to everyone, I'm now a bit worried because I've started getting quite bad pain exactly in the area the epidural needle went in. It feels very sore, like a massive bruise, or like i've been punched in the back.
It has only just started hurting, 8 weeks after I gave birth. Now I'm really scared there's been some permanent damage :(

Has this happened to anyone else?
Really glad I've seen this coz I've been getting the same on my spine, I think it's around about the area the epidural needle went in but I'm not sure and OH didn't watch it go in so he doesn't know, but it feels like a really sore bruise but there's nothing there that I can see.

No idea if it's to do with the epidural and if it is we just have to put up with it.. Gotta say though I would still opt for the epidural - labour was brutal for me! Xx
My sister still has pain at the entry point and her little girl is nearly 2! x
Ive been a bit worried too (would still recommend the epi though) - its not my back that i'm worried about, its my legs. If i have been sitting or lying down, i can't walk when I get up and my feet feel hollow. I walk like an old woman until i get warmed up. Is it just a sign of age, or the fact that my pelvis is still out of line/muscles aren't strong yet. Hows everyone elses legs?
I have a sore area on outside of my left thigh, I think I remember the doctors saying you could get a permanent sore spot or something as a result of the epi. Not sure! Xx
Sadly if you have this done or a spinal you can get ghost pain years after. I had an epidural and I got pain months after my son was born.

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