Needle phobic... and blood test today!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Says it all in the title lol!! I've tried everything to get over my needle phobia and to other people I know how stupid, selfish and immature I seem; and believe me I can see where those people are coming from, but... I have suffered from a needle phobia for as long as I can remember even in primary school!! I've never really had a bad experience that has triggered it but have read it can be genetic and my Dad did have a needle phobia, but me and my dad don't speak so I can't request his advice. I've tried hypnotherapy, relaxing meditation music, hypno- CD, EMLA numbing cream, but it doesn't work. I've read up on needle phobia's and different ways to overcome the phobia but I can't really find anything else. My phobia is like 9/10, Ashamed to say my friends and family say 'Just think it's for the little one' and yes like any parent, I'd do anything for my baby and I love him to pieces already but I still can't believe that I'm going to be a mom, and I know that the baby is fine as he is healthy with his hiccups and kicks and everything. I know he could be at risk and in the end (I don't know where I found the courage) at 12 weeks when you have first scan and bloods done, I did have the blood test. But 28 weeks I couldn't find the courage and declined them shamefully, it does make me feel a disgrace and ashamed but I'd rather go through pain than have to have a needle. I did have to go in twice to have needle done at 12 weeks scan, first time I had a panic attack and burst into tears even though mom was there to hold my hand and reassure me, so was my nan. I was sent into a quiet room and a pregnant lady came to speak to me and tell me it didn't hurt at all, so I went and had it done. I don't know where I found the courage and sobbed and hugged my mom so tight why they were doing it. I just can't hold my arm out, and let them put a needle in my vein and draw out blood, it's disgusting and it felt just as bad! I could even hear the blood been drained away, but after I was so happy that I had had the needle done, it was like I had actually had the baby! Even though I felt emotional drained, so did everybody else who come with me. It's shameful that I kick up such a fuss and I'm defo embarrassed but I can't get over this phobia. I have not been told to have bloods done for 28 weeks since, midwife seemed to of forgot and I wasn't going to bring it up! However cuz I have a massive cyst, I'm pre-booked in for c-section next wednesday (I'm dreading it with the epidural) and I've got to have bloods done today to check iron levels, I know I've got to do it but it's wired in my brain not to let them do it and I wanted to know if anybody had any advice to try and help me hold my arm out for them few minutes. I couldn't even stand watching my dog have his ear drained when I was little, it made me sick for the whole day! It's disgusting that I can't do it, I know and I'm ashamed and upset of how bad I am, my poor baby. But I can't kick this phobia, it's ruining my life and I defo need to do all I can to find the courage to have the epi, cuz I'll be on my own as birthing partner not aloud in the room nor is my mom and she usually comforts me through this sort of stuff. Oh god... think I'm gonna cry!! x
Can totally sympathize, I don't have a needle phobia but I do have a vomit phobia so know how worried, stressed and panicy pregnancy and labour can make you with these kind of phobias. I lost a lot of weight in tri 1 so I wasn't sick, I can just about handle feeling it and have great control! Now I'm worried about getting sick in labour, I'd rather suffer the pain than have drugs. Not sure I can offer advice other than I know how you feel. I've ensured midwife knows how I feel and will make sure hubby tells everyone on the day. It's strange though as when you are forced into these situations you kind of manage and the world don't fall apart, you managed 12 week bloods and I have been sick during this pregnancy and we're both still here and babies are fine! It's the thinking about it first that is the worst bit. My brother has needle phobia but somehow he's got it under control as an adult, he got really ill a few years ago and had to have a drip, which they pinned him down to do and the covered it up so he couldnt see but that kind of cured him!

All I can say now is try to keep your mind off it as much as possible, no point in worrying until the day as you can't change it and will just make your last few days of pregnancy miserable and stressful. Then try to focus on baby coming, it doesn't matter what happens to our bodies the baby is what is most important, that's what I tell myself, as mothers we can go through our worst fears for our babies! Good luck x
Bless ya hon, good luck. Distraction therapy can work wonders. You need to work on focussing everything, every single part of your being on a different part of your body or something visual in the room. If its practiced alot it can make a huge difference. I have found it really helpful when i had a gall stone moving through my pancreatic duct and also when i had a horrendous fall of a horse and fractured my spine and damaged ligament etc. If the sound bothers you, maybe ear plugs would help.
Please please stop beating yourself up this is only making things worse. Can you go and speak to your doctor about CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) & NLP. These treatments are not meant to be a one off and fix all method, they take time committment and effort so a one off Hypnotherapy or even 4 will not make much of a difference, like any treatment its accumulative. Even if it doesnt help before your baby is born, it may help for in the future Good luck huni and please try not to be ashamed and start telling yourself nice things about yourself instead of all this negative stuff which is playing into your phobia which is an illness xxx
Dont beat yourself up, you cant help it. Im not keen and can imagine it being a 1000 times worse easily! I have a wasp phobia - not the same I know but i know the feeling of paralyzed, terror that a phobia brings. One flew in my kitchen earlier and I swear I was going to have a heart attack!!!

No advie, just some hugs maybe?

Thank you girlies, made me feel better. I had panic attack at hospital, they put the band round my arm and i was doin well, then just lost it n sobbed my heart out and started shaking. In end they stopped as i was too destressed, they gonna do it wednesday through hand cathator needle. Ive had two of these in past and can just about handle them for drip. They also considerin givin me general instead of spinal x
i know how you feel hun! im absoloutly petrified of needles!!! i dont know where the phobias come from because ive never had a bad experience.. but its also quite strange that i can handle tattoos (i have 6) & injections.. (only in the top of my arm though.. anywhere else & i refuse, hope i dont need an epidural) but i cannot stand my blood being taken.. i throw up & start shaking.. alot of the nurses dont help either.. i have had a few get a bit moody with me.. i have to have my blood taken in a few weeks & im dreading it!! even worse.. i asked the midwife if i needed anymore blood taken after these & she said yes if my anaemia has come back :( sorry if this post has been no use to you.. just wanted to let you know your not alone :) xxxx
I kno. Im the same, i went thru havin my belly button peirced, it tuk me two years. But i stil can't hav my ears peirced. If u ask ur midwife, she can come and take bloods wen ur at home, rather than at hospital. I was gna try it as i thout id be more comfy on my sofa or bed rather than in the blood test room as i panic in the atmsophere too. Knowin wa tha room is for wen i cud b watchin ma fave programme wiv a cuppa on my settee seemed a option. But midwife neva phoned to confirm wen she was comin, and of course i wernt gna ask her about it lol. I hope this can help thou chik, i wudnt wish my phobia on my worst enemy, so i hope u can overcome it. Good luck xx

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