Spotting, short luteal phase and normal progesterone


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hey ladies,

I came off the pill at the end of Jan and have been charting my cycles. I have been having short luteal phases of about 9 days, and the last 2 cycles of had about 3 days of brown stuff before AF (Im still on the brown stuff now and hoping AF will come) Sorry if TMI.

I had my Day 21 bloods taken and was expecting it to come back with low progesterone as my LP is so short and the spotting, but I found out today its all come back normal (not sure if they did FSH and LH too) I asked the what the progesterone was and apparantly it was 30 and they look for 20. Does anyone have any ideas why I would be getting short LP and spotting if progesterone is normal. Is it still an effect of coming off the pill. My doctor said just keep doing what your doing but you cant help worrying that theres something else going on (Im sure most women worry though)

Any advice would be great xx
Hi Hun,

I was in a similar position to you with a short LP and spotting for the 1st six months off the pill, I had a CD 21 result of 29 and they like to look for over 30 nmol, if yours is 20 then that's not too great (double check yours is in Nmol though), but there could be a number of reasons for that, how long is your usual cycle in days, mine was 37, so I had my test repeated on CD30 and got a good result of 45nmol.

Basically what I'm saying is that you're only meant to have the CD21 test on CD21 if you have a 28 day cycle, if not you need it 7 days before the end of your usual cycle.

Also because of my spotting my doc did a smear and swabs for STIs just to rule everything out.

I've not had any spotting for the last 6 months and my LP has got longer too so it may just take you time to get back to normal after the pill.

Good Luck,

Hey hun,

thanks for your reply :) I have the taking charge of your fertility book so I did the 21 bloods 7dpo which is the right time. My results came back as 31 and they said they look for anything over 20 so all is normal. Did your spotting just go away on it's own?? How long did it take? It sounds like it could be pill related though. My lp was 9 days on first cycle off and this cycle started spotting 10dpo am now 13dpo temps are still up and full af hasn't come. I am presuming cycle day 1 starts on the first day of full flow?

Thanks for your help hun it's nice to hear someone had had the same xx
If you're just off the pill I wouldn't worry too much yet, mine took about 6 months to get better but I was on a strong pill, Dianette.

I was also told yesterday by my fertility nurse that you actually OV before you get the positive OPK so you never know the LP may not actually be as bad as you think..

How long have you been TTC now?

I came off the pill at the end of Jan so will be starting my 5th cycle. How long have you been trying??

It's strange as I tried opks for the first time this month but never got a positive (but mainly used clear blue with fmu as said it was ok) but my temps went up and stayed up and bloods said ovulation so not sure what's going on, do you think 31 seems on the low side?

I think I just need to chill out and stop worrying ha ha xx
Hey Hun,

if you are 31nmol then that's just on the side of ok, but could be much better though, I used to use the Clear Blue Diggi OPKs and would get a positive for 2 days.

Are you using the Diggis or the other ones?

I use cheapies now, for me they're good as I can see my LH rise before I get a positive so I can BD before the surge, then can be confusing if you're not used to them so I'd use the diggis at first or maybe try both for a cycle until you get the hang of it.

I'm TTC for 13 months now, with 4 Chemicals/early M/C's, I will have Clomid in August if I'm not PG by then.

I'm not sure what measurements she just said it was 31 and anything over 20 is ovulatory. I've scoured the net and there is conflicting info on levels. Is it worth trying b6 or baby aspirin or should I leave well alone?

I used the digis but never got a smiley face, so got some cheapies which used a couple of times and will try this month.

Ahh sorry about your chemicals and mc - do they know what caused it? I hope you get your bfp soon, must be so frustrating for you xx
Hi Hun,

I take B6 and Baby Aspirin after OV in the 2WW, the fertility nurse told me yesterday these were both good she also recommended vitamin D, which I don't think is in Pregnacare which she also said to take.

No one knows the cause of my chemicals, I've had tests and everything comes back ok, I try to ask possible causes but they don't really seem to care what the cause is because I'm going to have Clomid soon and Clomid helps with a number of problems in your cycle so I guess they think that they'll have everything covered then.

In experience most girls who OV do get smiles on diggis, there have been one or two who haven't, my advice would be to use a cheapie most days and keep them all to compare, you might not get a really dark positive like some girls but you'll know the difference as you're negatives should be really faint if your LH is lower.

Hey hun,

Maybe I'll give the aspirin a go first - does it not need to be taken all cycle? Will check out the vit d too.

How annoying you have no answers, I wonder if bcp causes it all. Sounds like clomid will do the trick though.

I did wonder if I didn't get smiles as used fmu, I started the cheapies mid way and got a faint line and next day nothing. Like you say it could be that I won't get a dark line.

God it's all so bloody confusing xx
Yep it is tooo confusing!

I think you're meant to do the smiles with FMU, I always did.

I've been told Baby Aspirin before OV can delay/prevent OV so only to take it after.


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