Luteal Phase Defect


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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I am really down today as I think there must be something wrong with me cos I'm spotting brown blood already and I only ov'd 8 days ago. I know this is way too early to be getting AF and I know that spotting like this can mean I have a luteal phase defect. This is scary as I don't know what to do - my doctor is useless and just said to come back in 18 months. I came off the pill in April and my cycles have been all over the place since. I keep on blaming my crap cycles on the pill, but I think I need to face facts and realise there is a problem. Does anyone else have a luteal phase defect and is there anything I can do to make it better? I feel so useless and down, I don't think I will ever get a sticky bfp and it's depressing me so much. :( :( :(
Did not want to read and run wanted to give you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Agnus castus is supposed to help this problem - I'm about to start taking it myself (as soon as the person I bought it from decides to actually SHIP it, that is :evil: ) as I'm having some progesterone issues myself. I've heard from others here that it has worked wonders for them. :hug:
How long does the bleeding last? Is it just a few spots? If it is, it might well be an implanation bleed.
Exactly what I was thinking Hannah - timing would be about right for IB...... :pray:
babyblonde said:
Exactly what I was thinking Hannah - timing would be about right for IB...... :pray:

Isn't it between 8-10 days after ov that you'd get it? in which case yes, the timing's perfect!

Keeping it all x'd for you :pray:
Aw thanks girls, I always feel better after being on here! :hug: :hug: :hug: I did wonder myself about implantation bleeding, it's only v, v light, just basically when I wipe (sorry tmi!) but there was one biggish red wipe this afternoon, but it's only light again now. I do have a funny pain in my left hand side too, kind of where my ovaries are, but I am putting this down to trapped wind. I just know from the last couple of months that I have started spotting early, about a week before, and so this is what I expect again. I wish it was implantation bleeding, but I suspect it's more to do with my luteal defect. I am going to try taking agnus castus when AF comes proper. Ejjie kindly sent me her supply after she got her bfp - it certainly worked for her! Twins or triplets sounds fine to me, I soooooooo much want a baby!!!! :pray: :pray:
I'll keep you posted just in case it does happen to be implantation!!!!

Thanks again for the replies (and the hugs A&J :hug: ) :hug: :hug: :hug:
Kele try progesterone cream too - you can buy it online and you massage some on twice a day from day 14 to 28. I'm using it still now

Also, I know it's easy for me to say but try not to worry too much about your luteal phase. I had 8 or 9 days before my full AF came every time and was sure I couldn't conceive but my chart showed that I had an implantation dip at 8dpo and I got my BFP.

It is possible so keep positive hunny and maybe try the cream?

Lots of love to you xxx
How long were you on the pill for? I was on it for 8 years, and it took me almost 2 years to get normal, regular, non-spotting cycles.

The other thing you can try is a vit B complex. Start with 50mg, if that doesn't help try 100mg. You shouldn't take it over a long period of time, and you definitely shouldn't take more than 200mg a day. You can get it at Holland & Barrett (called B-50 or B-100!). That's supposed to lengthen your luteal phase. I tried it (I have an 11-day LP) but I don't know if it works - I got pg straightaway after 11 months TTC. May be a coincidence, maybe not.
Thanks Ejjie and kittykins, I am going to get some progesterone cream and some vitamin b6 from Holland & Barrett. I am going start taking angus castus and so soon I may well rattle what with the b6, folic acid, and angus (and at the minute antib's for a water infection!) but, hey so long as it's all harmless, it is worth a shot if it helps regulate my cycle and my luteal phase.

I'm pretty sure it's not implantation bleeding by the way, I did a test this morning and it was BFN, not a hint of a line. I didn't think it would be positive though as I just knew it was this awful spotting that I get before AF. Ah well, here's to a 2009 BFP :pray: :pray: :pray:
Kittykins - I forgot to say, I was on the pill for about 15 years without a single break during all that time. Can't be good for me, can it?! I wish the docs gave more advice on the pill and explained that it can take a while to get out of your system. Do you think a short luteal phase/low progesterone can be caused by taking the pill long term (obviously not for everyone cos some lucky buggers get a bfp whilst they are still on it, or just after coming off - god I wish I was super fertile too!!).
that will probably be why your doc told you to go back in 18 months then. Most doctors say that if you haven't conceived within a year, go back at that point. However, if you have used the pill long-term, it can take you more than a year to get back to normal and there isn't much you can do before that. My cycles were 60 days, then 50, then 40, and so on, gradually getting shorter and more regular, but I know of others who had really short LPs and short regular cycles immediately after the pill. Problem is that you've stuffed yourself full of hormones for years and it takes a while for the body to adjust, get rid of the artificial ones, and start making its own again.

I came off the pill a couple of years before we wanted to start TTC, on my doctor's advice.

Personally, I wouldn't use progesterone cream in your situation. I'm not sure it has much effect, but if the issue at the moment is that your body is still struggling to manufacture its own hormones in the right amounts, suddenly throwing more artificial ones at it won't help. Your body is going through enough hormone upheaval at the moment as it is.
Yeah, kittykins, I think you may have a point. Maybe I should just stick with the angus castus for now then, and see how it goes. It's hard waiting 18 months though, cos how do I know it's not a problem with me, as opposed to it being a problem with me stopping the pill? I just feel so fed up, like it's never going to happen for me. I wish my doctor had told me to come off the pill when I first mentioned it - in fact, she said it was not a problem at all, and I nearly waited even longer - I'm glad I didn't!!
I may be worrying a bit too soon here cos I don't think I have been ovulating since April - especially as I didn't have a period at all during May or June - and so it's not quite as long when you think of it like that. I'm just so scared I won't be able to conceive, or even if I do (again), it won't be a sticky.
I wish I had a magic wand for myself and all the others on this site who are still waiting for their sticky bfp.

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