Agnus Castus & Luteal Phase Defect


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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I have taken agnus castus for the last month to try and help with my short luteal phase. This month AF came 11 days after ov, and I had just 2 days of spotting. Last month it was after 10 days, but I had 3 days spotting. It feels more normal this month and I didn't experience any brown spotting during the month like I had after bd'ing now and again the month before. Is this hopeful or just a fluke? Could these tablets actually be helping me to extend my luteal phase? I'd love to hear other people's experiences of using these tablets as I am sure they have made a difference, allbeit a small one this month.
I hoping they do work :pray:
I've been have a really short LP too, 7 days last time :evil:
So I've been taking 2 twice aday this month, just waiting till I ov, then I'll stop taking them & pray they have helped :pray:
Someone mentioned a good progesterone cream can help lengthen the LP, so if still have no joy this month then I'll try that too.

I think that angus castus have worked for a couple of ladies on here with short LP, but it was before my time... I'm sure one is expecting twins?!?! x
I"m also taking Agnus Castus tho I haven't (as far as I'm aware) ovulated yet this cycle. I do know that there are a few women here who have used agnus castus to help them with luteal phase defects, and I'm pretty sure that a good chunk of them have become pregnant as well, so you might want to check in 1st and 2nd tri as well. :)

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