sounds weird but...


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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I WANT the morning sickness!! I'm still only 5 weeks 3 days but I really want the morning sickness! With my last pregnancy, it was like a little signal that all was as it should be. It started at 7 weeks last time. I am so anxious! I know all you ladies suffering from morning sickness probably think I'm mad! :)
I'm 6+5 and i just started getting bad nausea 3 days ago and I'm so tired all the time. I had no. Symptoms before that x
I never had a sniff of it :shock: before I knew all was OK with my early scan it really freaked me out.

However as they say we're all different and every pregnancy is also different so try not to worry over your lack of symptoms

I know I should try not to worry and I feel terrible for putting this into words but if I don't I won't get any support or advice but I feel I was so lucky to have my can I be that lucky again?
i would quite happily have gave you mine i suffered right from the start and I mean about 4 weeks before I got BFP the nausea tiredness and horrid metal taste gads

congratsies btw xx
I felt like you did, really wanted symptoms. Bang on 7 weeks nausea hit and it's only been 2/3 days and I no longer want this symptom ;) xx
It isn't the nicest symptom but I find it is reassuring. I don't think I could be one of those women who are relaxed and have no symptoms. Lol! Natural born worrier! I make things hard for myself!
I'm the same a total worrier hope you get some symptoms soon but remember the more subtle ones like tiredness to reassure you alls ok and feeling shattered at least you can just go to bed lol x
Be careful what u wish for!!

I remember when I was in tri 1 and suffering badly with hyperemesis, all the girls complaining of having no sickness really made want to turn into a homicidal maniac.

U know ur pregnant, u don't need to throw up every day to prove it. Just be happy ur feeling well!

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I know how you are feeling. I am currently 9 weeks and 3d and although I had naseous for week 7-8, that seems to have gone, and I am feeling fine apart form the stiff back, tired, sore boobs and gone off meat. I had a MC in Nov last year and am terrified that something similar has happened. I keep telling myself that this time it will be different, but it is really hard when it has happened before. I am waiting for my scan and I haven't even had a date with my MW yet, so I am feeling a bit on my own. Aaaarh.

Be careful what u wish for!!

I remember when I was in tri 1 and suffering badly with hyperemesis, all the girls complaining of having no sickness really made want to turn into a homicidal maniac.

U know ur pregnant, u don't need to throw up every day to prove it. Just be happy ur feeling well!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

I have been pregnant before and suffered quite badly with morning sickness I know what it is like to throw up non stop at even the thought of a certain food item (asparagus for me) but I never once wished not to have it. My reason for wanting symptoms is the same as many on here. The reassurance. Yes I have had a positive test. And at that moment in time you know you are pregnant. The trouble is things can go wrong and the sickness goes a little way to showing that things are probably continuing as they should. I don't berate anyone for being happy that they don't have symptoms or wishing they didn't. I don't expect others to tell me to be happy that I am feeling well when I need the reassurance of symptoms. Each to their own.
I WANT the morning sickness!! I'm still only 5 weeks 3 days but I really want the morning sickness! With my last pregnancy, it was like a little signal that all was as it should be. It started at 7 weeks last time. I am so anxious! I know all you ladies suffering from morning sickness probably think I'm mad! :)

I said this too and 15 weeks later I'm STILL puking most mornings lol Jayjay is right, be careful what u wish for lol! Xxxx
Be careful what u wish for!!

I remember when I was in tri 1 and suffering badly with hyperemesis, all the girls complaining of having no sickness really made want to turn into a homicidal maniac.

U know ur pregnant, u don't need to throw up every day to prove it. Just be happy ur feeling well!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

I have been pregnant before and suffered quite badly with morning sickness I know what it is like to throw up non stop at even the thought of a certain food item (asparagus for me) but I never once wished not to have it. My reason for wanting symptoms is the same as many on here. The reassurance. Yes I have had a positive test. And at that moment in time you know you are pregnant. The trouble is things can go wrong and the sickness goes a little way to showing that things are probably continuing as they should. I don't berate anyone for being happy that they don't have symptoms or wishing they didn't. I don't expect others to tell me to be happy that I am feeling well when I need the reassurance of symptoms. Each to their own.

Similar to my reason for wishing for it too - I had a missed miscarriage where all my symptoms disappeared and when my morning sickness turned up this pregnancy I was delighted as I didn't have it with my missed miscarriage, in fact I felt great then! Xxxx
I know how you are feeling. I am currently 9 weeks and 3d and although I had naseous for week 7-8, that seems to have gone, and I am feeling fine apart form the stiff back, tired, sore boobs and gone off meat. I had a MC in Nov last year and am terrified that something similar has happened. I keep telling myself that this time it will be different, but it is really hard when it has happened before. I am waiting for my scan and I haven't even had a date with my MW yet, so I am feeling a bit on my own. Aaaarh.


It is natural to have that fear. I understand it completely and the feeling of being alone is most pronounced in tri1. Last pregnancy I had scans at 4 and 6 weeks and a mw booking appointment at 8 weeks before my scan at 12 weeks. This time the mw booking appointment was over the phone and she says I won't see her until my scan...ages!! I was saying to hubby this morning it is really hard not knowing. At least after your #st scan you know if things are ok so far and you have more chance of listening in on doppler for the reassurance. But in tri1 its only the symptoms we have! Its good that you have the other symptoms. Some people don't suffer with sickness much. I did last time and I found it reassuring - strangely! If you want it, I hope it comes back for you soon! :)
mine has gone and i got realy worried but its been replaced with bloody headaches give me the sickness any day least if i ate the sickness would ease a bit but i ahve to take nasty tablets to get rid of the headaches blerrgghhhh go away headaches lol xx
Be careful what u wish for!!

I remember when I was in tri 1 and suffering badly with hyperemesis, all the girls complaining of having no sickness really made want to turn into a homicidal maniac.

U know ur pregnant, u don't need to throw up every day to prove it. Just be happy ur feeling well!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

I have been pregnant before and suffered quite badly with morning sickness I know what it is like to throw up non stop at even the thought of a certain food item (asparagus for me) but I never once wished not to have it. My reason for wanting symptoms is the same as many on here. The reassurance. Yes I have had a positive test. And at that moment in time you know you are pregnant. The trouble is things can go wrong and the sickness goes a little way to showing that things are probably continuing as they should. I don't berate anyone for being happy that they don't have symptoms or wishing they didn't. I don't expect others to tell me to be happy that I am feeling well when I need the reassurance of symptoms. Each to their own.

Well I hope u barf from morning til night then if that's what u want!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
mine has gone and i got realy worried but its been replaced with bloody headaches give me the sickness any day least if i ate the sickness would ease a bit but i ahve to take nasty tablets to get rid of the headaches blerrgghhhh go away headaches lol xx

Oh ouch! What tablets are you on? I get the occasional headache but I just have a big glass of water and it tends to go. I have never been good at drinking enough water so am making an effort to drink more! Hope the headaches ease for you :)
Be careful what u wish for!!

I remember when I was in tri 1 and suffering badly with hyperemesis, all the girls complaining of having no sickness really made want to turn into a homicidal maniac.

U know ur pregnant, u don't need to throw up every day to prove it. Just be happy ur feeling well!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

I have been pregnant before and suffered quite badly with morning sickness I know what it is like to throw up non stop at even the thought of a certain food item (asparagus for me) but I never once wished not to have it. My reason for wanting symptoms is the same as many on here. The reassurance. Yes I have had a positive test. And at that moment in time you know you are pregnant. The trouble is things can go wrong and the sickness goes a little way to showing that things are probably continuing as they should. I don't berate anyone for being happy that they don't have symptoms or wishing they didn't. I don't expect others to tell me to be happy that I am feeling well when I need the reassurance of symptoms. Each to their own.

Well I hope u barf from morning til night then if that's what u want!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Thank you :)
please don't worry his is. my third pregnancy and I have never experienced morning sickness in both previous pregnancies and so far nothing this time. not everyone gets it and it cam still be normal please be happy you don't have it (it is much nicer to not have it imo)

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