Morning sickness ...when does it end!?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2005
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Just a quickie. I have had morning sickness/nausea since about 7 1/2 wks I'm now nearly 12 weeks. Today its the first time in weeks I havent been sick in the morning does this seem right to those of you that have had morning sickness. I know its meant to ease of by 14 weeks but it can end sooner I assume. My sister in law was pregnant last year with morning sickness it suddenly stopped she felt loads better almost back to normal and then lost it at 7 weeks. so just want to reassure myself
I had it from 6 weeks to 9 weeks constantly, then it just stopped and I started panicking, but a week later, it returned. Not as bad but definately there, so it might come back. Every pregnancy is different and I have heard it is about average for it to stop at 12 weeks. Hope this helps...
Thanks Kim I spoke to soon have now got a headache and feeling rubbish again, I think I'm in the frame of mind I will not be sick anymore fedup with having my head in the toilet bowl every day!! Maybe the worst is over hooray!
I spoke too soon too I have felt the worst today that I have felt for the last 4 weeks!! Relieved though as I feel it's baby's way of telling me he's still there!
Hey I hope you aren't feeling too awful. I think each pregnancy is different. I know that with my first I was fairly sick up until about 16 weeks. With number 2 I felt absolutely dreadful but it didn't last so long. This time I am at 7 and a bit weeks and just feeling a little queasy, until I smell something which can set me off or, being full of cold, the phlegm I am coughing up in a morning (sorry tmi) has a tendancy to start me off. I'm hoping it won't last too long, but I suppose its all part and parcel of becoming a Mum and will be worth it in the end!

I hope you feel better soon. Good luck with your pregnancy.

i have had it on and off, but nothing bad at all, just feeling a bit queezy now and again, but yesterday it came on full force and this morning was horrible, as soon as i got out of bed i was throwing up!

i thought by now i would have escaped it, not got it lol
I still feel sick now, actually thought I was going to chuck this morning. Fruit juice seems to be my poison. It's like having a constant hangover without the hazy memories and regretful conversations :wink:
I spent all day throwing up yesterday, today I'm fine - weird isn't it?!
I'v had a nightmare with sickness and havent been able to work, iv got that condition that apprantly 15% of us suffer with where you cant hold any food or liquid down, iv been in and out of hospital & am out now for my longest stint so fingers crossed... I never knew it would be this bad & havent been able to enjoy any of my pregnancy so far :cry:
I found that eating little and often stopped me being sick as I noticed I was only ever actually sick on an empty stomache. My throwing up has pretty much stopped now but I am suffering with indigestion every time I eat so sorry girls but its out of the frying pan into the fire lol (for me anyway) :) oh and I also bought myself some sea bands from Boots when my sickness was really bad and I wore them so much that they have left marks on my wrists but I am convinced they helped with my nausea.

Good luck

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