no morning sickness this morning?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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I am 7 weeks today and have had nausea and sickness for the last 6 days. Had a scan at 6weeks 3 days and saw a little heartbeat! :). I am a little anxious as this morning I have no nausea or sickness? Does sickness fluctuate? I can't remember from my last pregnancy
I had sickness begin at about 6 weeks and then I went away to visit family at around 9 weeks and my morning sickness stopped! I thought it was down to the tea I was drinking having ginger in it. However, a couple of days after I returned home so did the morning sickness which has been more or less present since then bar one or two days. So I wouldn't worry about it at all. Make the most of a morning sickness free day!x
Hi Flopsy!!

I wouldnt worry atall, when I had my spotting the other week I felt that my symptoms had left me at 7 weeks but all was fine saw hb etc. I still get the occasional bout of sickness but no were near the first couple of weeks. Like everyone says it comes and goes, we should think ourselves lucky!

I am still tired, constantly.. unfortunately, theres no shaking that symptom! lol xxxx
Thanks girls. Reason and rational thinking is telling me symptoms come and go but I am a worrier!! I find tri 1especially so stressful! Hopefully I get it back in the morning to reassure me!
I'm am experiencing this this morning...almost want to feel sick for reassurance. Although saying that boobs feel sore again. Xxx
I got the morning sickness back this morning so I feel more reassured now
i got mine back with a vengance today too :(

bleugh! roll on trimmy 2!

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