
tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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hi everyone hope it ok to post in here just really want to have a bit of letting off steam time.

Im so worried abaout this new pregnancy i dont know why or what im really nervous about, just everything really. I so so want this baby so much but dont know if i could cope if the worse happens again, i realise im meant to look forward and think positive but its so hard at the moment, im constantly in tears half the time. Its not that il ever be replacing my angel i could never but i just feel like its a betrayal of my angel if you can understand what i mean.

I didnt want to get pregnant so soon afterwards but its happened and there is nothing i can do to change that, oh im sounding so negative when i really do want this baby but its so soon. Im really going on now arent i, not even making anymore sense to myself now.

Sorry for the long post guys im just in a mess, cant do anything at the moment so hard, can i have a hug please thats all i want! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww :hug: I know its hard right now, but just try to take it one day at a time and try not to worry to much :hug:
I know this may not come out right, I've been thinking about how to word it but I honestly thing that when someone loses a baby that there was a reason, there was something not quite right. You falling again so soon I think is a blessing and a way to help you get through your loss and that this baby is somehow part of the other one.
Hi Tracey

I am sorry your feeling a bit mixed up. I dont hug people very often but heres one from me :hug: As my mates would say " I am sending you lots of love but in a non lesbian way" Ha!!! (silly mates) :shhh:

Seriously i am sure you will be fine. Your mc happened in September and that wasnt that long ago plus your hormones are all over the place so its probably that as well. I remember when i was pg crying at the news. Everything set me off. I had to wind the window down all the time while listening to the news on the car radio.

Not only will i send you a hug but also a big :cheer: Your pregant...its fabo fabo fabo. I lost my baby a month after you and hope to start ttc in Jan. I think if i got a BFP straight away my head would be all over the place but logicaly now its what i want but i think with the hormones and memory etc i will end up in your frame of mind :doh:

So its two fold message a big :hug: :hug: and a big :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: I like spotting your postings. Your quite level headed and positive so i am sure that you will be on track soon but dont be too hard on yourself and get loads of :sleep:
:hug: :hug: :hug: I fell pregnant with Alfie 3 months after i misscarried, I found that taking one day at a time worked, i was so scared it would happen again, and i actually gave birth to Alfie a few days after Id misscarried the yr b4, this may sound awfull but I will never ever forget my angel, but if it hadnt been for me losing my prescious angel, i would never have realised how much i wanted a baby, and I wouldnt have Alfie and oh he is my world, this baby will be that little bit x tra special, u will never forget ur baberz, but the pain will ease, u r not replacing your baby, simply dealing with a hard emotional time and moving on, and you deserve that, and you deserve this baby, dont beat yourself up about this, think of it as what it is, a blessing, every child is, even our angels, they will be in our hearts forever but you need to let angels fly babe. All the luck in the world. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww hun :hug: :hug: ,i know how you are feeling and it must be hard for you because as you know i had a M/C last month and im leaving it till next year to start trying again just so i can sort my head out more than anything but the only thing putting me off trying again is the fear of having another m/c i know i would be constantly worried esp throhg the first few weeks but as the dr and everyone else tells me just because you have had 1 m/c doesnt increase the risk of having another and the chances are it will be a normal healthy pregnancy.
I think its just natural for you to feeling like this just now but you have your scan to look forward to soon and hopefully that might make you feel a little better.
hope you feel better soon always hear if you need a moan or a chat hun .xxx
:hug: :hug:

Like flame said, just take one day at a time and the pain and worry will ease. Everything happens for a reason, you werent even trying to get pregnant again, but you did and its a blessing. Some things are just meant to be. You cant fight fate, whatever happens happens. Just stay strong and remember we are all here for you. :hug:
:wave: :hug: i know how you feel girl.. i'm pregnant after a miscarriage and i'm still in circles but WE have to remember that it is a different pregnancy and WE have to stay positive and strong for are babies.. just take each day as it comes i have good luck :hug: :hug:

awww hun i know its a real scary time for you right now and it will be natural for you to have worries just remember we are all here for you and try and enjoy your pregnancy :hug: xxxxxxxx
:hug: hi tracey, well i pretty much know exactly how your feelin right know! I had a m/c in april and ive just found out now that im pg again, i cant help but think somethin bad is gonna happen again, i keep tellin myself to take one day at a time and what will be will be, but somehow its not workin!! I just wish i could predict the future :lol: dont we all!
Anyway if u need to chat PM me hun!
Good luck with everythin and i hope its a happy heathtly 9 months for us both :hug:
thanks for all the lovely posts and all the :hug: im feeling a bit better today not quite as hormonal now.

Its going to be hard i wont lie and say it will be easy and kid myself because i will have good and bad days just got to start finding ways with dealing with them. Anyway :hug: to all you guys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i kow it must be so difficult. hope you have a healthy happy pregnancy.

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