not feeling great

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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hi guys havent been around here for a while, a got my AF for the first time since the miscarriage i wasnt really expecting it so soon. It has hit me so hard i suppose i wasnt really expecting it. Iv had a good week but the day from hell and i dont think it could get any worse tommorrow. Sorry going on about rubbish now :x :wall:

I have my first counselling session on saturday im so so nervous and really dont want to go but i know i have to because i really cant go on like this anymore, if im being honest im really not coping at all iv really tried but its so hard :cry:

Im really trying hard to focus hard on everyone and everything else to keep my mind off things, i dont think it will work for much longer.
This is the first time im putting down how i really feel i try and mask things, god i feel horrid im in tears as i write this. :cry:

Sorry for the long post guys, i feel a bit better writing this.

Sending :hug: :hug: to everyone x x
:hug: :hug: awww so sorry your feeling like this if you ever need a moan or a chat just pm me il always listen i do know what you mean about trying to focus onto lots of other things just so that you can keep your mind off it but i think it just makes it harder in the long run.
Hopefully you might feel a little better after saturday having a chat about it and getting it all out might do you the world of good.
sending you lots of :hug: .xxx
thank you hun i really do appreciate it. Also im so sorry for your loss as well im sorry i havent really spoken to you but im sorry for your loss hope you are ok. :hug: Same applies to you anytime you know where i am :hug: :hug: x x
im so sorry your feeling like this hun, if you ever need to chat just pm me
lots of :hug: :hug:


I am sorry your not feeling very well. Dont be so hard on yourself its ok to feel down! Have you tried writing a diary? It might help?? I know it might not seem like the bolt from the blue to get you on the right track but it could help you a little??

I notice from your posting you said your trying to focus on "everything and everyone" maybe having a diary will help you focus on just YOU!!

I started a diary three days ago and i must say it helps. My only focus at the moment is me and my partner and the diary i hope will help. I also have a diary to put events in and ALL the events are to help ME. I have been trying to put at least two things in per week. I have been going to reflexology and have also started swimming. Treating myself and just pushing through the days.

In my diary journal i have been writing a list of the food I have eaten, any exercise i have done, tablets taken (vitimins) and my feelings. I also have put tips for the next days and any naps i have taken.

I know if your feeling down then its a struggle but if you want to start ttc again make getting better your focus and dont worry about anyone else. You just need to get through this.

You may think it sounds too simple but give it a go. If your feeling really down it migh make you focus again on you and whats important.

Hope that helps and please dont feel bad about not feeling well.

aww tracey,im never good at saying stuff but i'll send you loads of hugs instead

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey babe, haven't spoken to your for a while :hug: :hug:

Just try to concentrate on you for a while - let your feelings out and as someone else said before, sometimes masking can jut prolong the process. It's not easy trust me I know - but the days do get easier, let your emotions rule for a bit, cry when you need to - defintely give the couselling a chance on Saturday, be open and honest and say exactly what you want to say to get stuff off your chest - I also think the diary idea is a fabulous one - I think I mentioned to you before about writing to the postman too (letter in blank envelope and post it through the nearest post box - it's a great release :hug: )
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: You know Doll :hug: :hug: :hug: Take care, be gentle and let it all out at your councelling session, good idea about a diary too, so maybe when you have your next session you can read from it, as true emotions are spontanious, and sometimes too overwhelming to comminicate at the time... I have PM'd you too, Take care my dear friend
Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
thank you so much guys for all your lovely messages :) sounds like a good idea about starting a diary i think i will start one. Well got my counselling session later on at 3 so will start to leave soon im so nervous think im gonna be sick (sorry). Well i hope everything will be ok, ahhhhh so nervous :hug: x x
Hi Tracey,

So sorry your feeling like this. I hope the counselling goes well. I also think that diary idea is fantastic. It can help you focus on yourself, and to appreciate and enjoy all the little things that can make you happy.
Good luck at the counsellling, hope speaking to someone about it all will help you feel better.

Hugs for you :hug: :hug:

Flower x
hi tracey hope you get on okay heres some huigs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and let me know how it all goes hun xxxxxxxxxx
hi guys just too let you all know that im back now and that it all went ok. Spent most of the session in tears and im still in tears now we done a lot of talking about grief and how it affects people etc, she was really nice and just listened really, felt a bit embarrased about crying the whole way through. :oops: Anyway iv got my next session for 2 weeks time so hopefully im on the right track now.

Thank you for all your support guys dont know what i would do without you all your all so special to me. :hug: :hug: x x

Hun im glad it went good for you i think talking about it is really gonna help, wish you all the best :hug:

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