Im Sorry

Slinky Sarah

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
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Im sorry i havent been about for you girlies recently. These past few months have been really up and down, more down than up really. Its almost 2 years since my due date for Angel (1st march). And almost a year since i lost Bean (9th May). I cant quite believe how quick it has all come round.

They are right that it doesnt get easier quickly. Im still finding it very very hard. Dont try pushing yourselfs into feeling better,it doesnt work. Im hoping my councilling will possibly help. What have i got to lose right?

Anyway, just a mesage to say if you ever want someone to talk to who has been through this just PM me and i will reply ASAP.
Its been 2 years since my last miscarriage hun and i still cry and talk about it in my counselling.
Remember not to push yourself too. xxx
sending loads of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: your way.

we totally understand hun, there's no need to explain. take good care xx
I dont think you ever really cover from a miscarriage...our 'spot' would be 3 on 16th February and I still think about what might have been.
We were lucky enough to go on and have a successful pregnancy and our little boy will be 3 on 23rd April.
Although we carry on with our lives we will never forget what could have been the first time round!
thank you everyone.

Its nice hearing that other people feel the same as me and im not just being wierd about it all xxxx
You aren't being weird Sarah I still think about my two losses and one of them was eight years ago 6th Feb the other will be 6 years 15th August. It isn't something you veer completely "get over" though I think if you are lucky enough to have children it is a little easier to bear.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for you and everyone who is hurting

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