Sore tailbone


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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I don't know if I'm sitting around more now that I'm on maternity leave but all day today my tailbone has been really sore, as if I've bruised it. Had to drive slouched really low down as I can't seem to put any weight on it. Bump was really flat this morning so I think baby moved position overnight, could this cause a sore tailbone? It's seemed to come on very suddenly and is very painful!
I guess if baby has moved down, they could be putting pressure on your coccyx.
Or it could be that you are sitting around more lol!
Not sure whether it is to do with baby's position or not but mines been sore for weeks! It's so irritating, i either have to sit really forward or really back, neither of which are partivuary comfy!! I do a desk job though so am on my backside most of the day ha ha! Hope it eases off hun, it aint much fun :roll:
Be careful girls, this is how my SPD started at 10 weeks. Mention to your midwife or pop along to the GP, it can be a sign that the ligaments are stretching at the sacroilliac joint which is basically the opposite joint from the symphysis pubis.
I get this, and it really helps to lay on a side in bed and make sure legs are 90 degrees bent, and your back and neck are all in allignment as if you have a plank shoved down your back! In the morning it has really helped me
Thanks girls :) It's still painful today but it does only seem to be a problem when I'm driving cos I'm ok if I keep the weight off it. Changing gear is painful though so I'm driving a bit erratically (safely too of course) :p
hi, im due on the 8th of december 2010 and iv recently experienced the same thing with the tail bone. its really difficult to sit down properly as its really sore, even to lay down it hurts. i was just wonderin does anyone knw any ways to bring on labour because the hospital told me that she is ready nw she just needs encouraging but i dunno what to try. any comments would be appreciated. thanks xx

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