
Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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Arghhhhhhhhh im so frustrated i want to scream!

Were entering our 14th cycle TTC as AF arrived yesterday, and my OH's best friend announces him and his bird are pregnant, but its a mistake and they wernt trying, they had no protection ONCE. Im so angry i cry when ever i think about it! What is so wrong with us that we cant fall pregnant in 14 months?

We've tried not thinking about it, and not "trying". Ive tried Angus Castus, Folic Acid, Zinc for him, cutting down on alcohol and coffee, drinking extra coffee and alcohol, sex eveyday, sex every other day.

Its beginning to hurt everytime i see a bump. I know i could be in a far worse position and yes i feel bad ranting whilst i type this, but i needed to vent!

And whats worse, were in the middle of changing docs, so i dont know if new doc is gonna send OH to get his spermies tested. I had 21 day bloods in Jan and they were normal, so next step is him, but he's not been to docs at all in the last 14 months so were both slightly scared :(

Apologies for my rant and if i have offended anyone.

hey hunni, rant all you want. My god you have been trying for so long i can see why you feel like that. I think its only natural the way you feel when finding out someones pregnant and not trying! Have you been for a pelvic ultrasound to see if eveythings ok down there??xx
Hey :) looks like me and you chose the same night to have a nervous breakdown :S sorry to hear you're feeling so down. Don't have much advice to offer as I'm kind of in the same situation. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone. Wish things weren't so difficult for all the nicest of people. Take care xxxxxxxx
I just joined in the rant on another thread :)

We all seem to be having a dip in our tolerence level right now...

Don't believe your OH's best mate for a second, i bet they are just saying that because they don't want to open themselves up to critism for being pregnant when maybe it isn't the best time or situation to bring a child into the world.

I'm sorry it made you feel like chucking yourself of a bridge Chaz :hug:

I think the new GP will still send your hubby for his semen analysis, just make an appointment asap and tell him that is what you were told was going to happen next.
Hey Chaza, just wanted to send you a big hug. I agree ^^ we're all feeling mighty low and pissed off with it at the moment. I hope you're ok hun.

Hi Chazabell,

Sorry you're feeling like this Hun, I can completely understand how you feel though...:hugs:

Your new doc will definitely test your OH and maybe nows the time for you to get referred to the fertility docs.

Have you had a ultrasound yet? I can't remember?

To all you girls it doesn't seem like yesterday that I met you all in TTC and I bet none of us expected to end up here....

I wasn't going to post about it but seen as we're all having a rant i'm out of TTC for the next couple of months as it's looking likely I'm going to have treatment for an abnormal smear, i'm just waiting for the results to see how bad it is but will be no sex for 6 weeks afterwards.:sad:

I'm feeling like I don't know anyone in TTC anymore and the posts are getting repetitive as the new people join full of questions and hope.

Let's not get too down though, it will happen for us but we're just going to take a bit longer and have a little help, hey at least when we have our second and thirds we'll have our know what we need to do and it hopefully won't take as long!;)

I think the frustration levels have gone through the roof for a lot of us ladies who are struggling to conceive, I looked in the TTC section and could only see a couple of people who I recognised ... its like a handful of us have been forgotten about!!

Also just noticed that some of the girls who were in TTC when I joined are now having their babies ... has it been that long for me already!!

I hope your new docs are nice for you Chaz and get things sorted quickly x
Hi ladies :wave:, I'm fairly new to the forum but have been TTC for over 2 years (can't bring myself to say 2.5 years yet!) - I didn't know there were all these women giving each other support while I've been struggling on my own.

I had my bloods done at the end of last year and they came back as normal. Just this week OH has taken his swimmers into have them tested. We should get out result next week sometime.

Until I joined PF I was on a total downer, I only found PF because my AF was over 10 days late in early Jan and I thought I might actually be pregnant but was getting BFNs, so I started searching google - AF was just teasing me though!

I can understand how you must all feel left behind, even in this short space of time the people I started interacting with seem to have moved onto Tri1.

I haven't any advice for you I just wanted you to know that I'm around and sending you all:hug: If you want to chat or rant, come find me

it o hard im a beauty therapist and had a client the other day who 'accidently' fell pregnant aparantly whilst on the pill! u just have to learn to smile sweetly but scream profanitys at them in your head lol :)
hi girls, MB i totally agree, i haven't posted much lately as it does seem there are only a few of us left around. i was considering taking a break from the forum. sorry all u girls had such a crappy day yesterday :(

also, MB, how come you think you will need treatment?? good luck for tomorrow xx
You really have to insist OH goes to docs and gets a sperm analysis.We had been trying for about the same time as you.Everything was fine with me but OH was found to have low count/motility (they don't swim).We have just started ICSI privately.
My advise is insist your doc does all the tests for you and OH!xxx
Hey Maybe I know exactly what you mean - all the newbies in TTC seem so lovely, but they are all full of hope (and why not? most of them will probably conceive fairly quickly) but it does hurt for the rest of us to see so many people move on when we're faced with yet another af and another cycle wondering if there's something wrong.

I haven't been on the forum a lot lately as I do feel really low about it all - maybe we should have a thread for all of us who are left on the shelf!?
Hi Naomi, :)

I haven't been on much too, it's nice that we are all pooping in to offer support to each other when needed though, how are you getting on TTC?

Hi Positivity,

Forgot to answer your question, I have had biopsies taken, but looking through the colposcope, the Doctor could see some changes, I think I'm going to need loop, have you had that Hun? What CIN were you?

hey hun, i feel terrible because i can't remember what CIN i was but it was always 'mild' changes. did you go today? Because mine were mild they never wanted to do anything and i'm glad they didn't as mine has returned to normal now. xx
I think we are all round still but just lurking moreso :-(
I hope the new docs get you sorted hun. I'm giving it another couple weeks as body still not up and running after mc so now im concerned is the Pcos so might ask for clomid. We are all still here Hun, and feel your pain. I'm on here for 14 months now too and in that time have seen so many bfp's and the births too!! I know I did get my bfp but it was short lived and feels like I'm gonna end up back at square one :wall: x
Hi ladies! Will join you here. I haven't been on pf for a long time, but I have been ttc for one year now (and I know that's not a long time compared to many of you ladies). But I feel like everyone around me is getting pregnant, giving birth, getting pregnant again...while we're still trying:S My friends, DH's sister is getting her second child in two years now, even my pupils at the school where I work get pregnant and have children before I do.

And when people ask when we're going to have children I just say it's not the time yet, while I really want to scream at them: WE'RE TRYING, BUT ITS NOT THAT EASY!!

Sorry for the rant ladies, just felt like joining in.

Chazzabel: Im sure your new doctor will send you oh to do some tests, you just insist on it!!! Good luck hun! Remember we're here for you!!!

Massive :hugs:
Thanks for all your comments girls, i love yas all :)

My OH is from an EXTREMLY fertile family so that is worrying him, he thinks after everything, he'll be the only infertile one! Luckily we can laugh and hope its not true.

But my periods are concerning me at the moment. Blood showed up ob CD28 - yay back on a normal cycle. But didnt "flow" untill 3 days later and i was bed ridden, back ache so bad my legs hurt and stomach cramps.

Today i had a super tampon in for 1 hour and i had leaked thru and the tampon was soaked. And it looked like someone had been murdered in my loo. It bright red blood too like when you cut your finger, and this has got worse over the last 4 cycles. Since i started my periods i had always used regular tampons and never leaked :(

Cant go to doc yet as im now officially "between" docs, need my new patient health check, but thats not till end of next week, and i cant see a doc untill ive had that :(

Thats no good hun! If it's really bad maybe you should go to the casualty clinic?

Massive :hugs:
Hey Chazabell

I know what you mean, we have been trying for 19 months, 26 days today. The only issue I have is my OH won't go to get his tests, his explanation is that it will happen when it happens!

A few weeks ago I was told by my best friend that she was pregnant, 1 month after stopping taking the pill, and all she had to say to me was your going to be an aunty in a text message!!!!, I was so angry I cried for about 2 hours which when your at work looks really stupid and you can't answer their questions because they don't know I am trying!!

I can sympathise but take a deep breath keep going you will get there eventually were doing everything were supposed to. Good luck at the doctors xxx

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