Hi Chazabell

Hope everything goes well at the doctors, i'm sure it will. x

I think you need to worry about your periods when you get big blood clots but other than that i wouldn't worry too much. It's good your being checked out just to be on the safe side though.

Good luck hun! Remember we're here for you!!!

Kerrie x
Im sorry your still here chezzabell, I am too I dont go in the Ttc section anymore its just too soul destroying to see yet another BFP, when Im still waiting on mine. I moved drs halfway thro setting the ball rolling and nothing stood in our way the dr just said he would carry on...but I had a huge fear that tehy would have a different opinion to the orevious one. Hope your not here much longer
We have since discovered another couple of our friends are pregnant after 7 months trying, and his cousin after 4 months :( xxxxx
its so hard isnt it. I mean you wanna be happy and dont like feeling jealous but its just so unfair. Are you ok? Remember it will be our turn eventally and we are gonna be such great mums.
I'd try not to worry about your period chaz...

The pain can be pretty bad some cycles and if you are not used to it, then i can imagine it being scarey too.

I just got through 5 super plus tampons on my "big bleed" day and when i took them out there would be a trickle of blood oozing out like a wee would and i'd have to wait until it stopped before i could wipe and put another tampon in (tmi).

Your hubby sounds nice :)

You should be able to pop into any GP and tell them that you need to see a doctor because you are really worried and i can't see them turning you away without you having seen someone.

BellRiven - drag your hubby to the doctors! Not knowing bad news doesn't make it go away :roll: But if you get good news then it can make the whole situation a bit more relaxed.
Yes i wanna be happy for them, but i am sooooo jealous and i feel angry, i cant gbet my head around one couple who didnt even want kids, its a mistake and they are not financially stable, or the healthiest, and we have done all we can to secure ourselves finacially and look after ourselves.....and we have to wait, WAIT.....WHY????

Louise we have our new patient health check on Thurs, then im booking us straight into the docs and asking for semen analysis straight away to get the ball rolling with the OH.

He's bottling more up than i thought. Almost broke down last night, saying it hurts him to see the look of disappointment on my face each month, and he's infururiated yet happy for his friends. And he's worried deep down that his spermies are swimming backwards or just chilling out on a lilo lol. 4

Im sooo glad all you ladies are on here so i can vent. I dont wanna be laying all my worries on my OH, i dont want our relationship to just be all about baby making.

Ive had a 28 day cycle for the last 4 months, so i should be due a week today. Think i OV'd some point last week, had EWCM, and sore boobs and sensitive nipples, so fingers crossed. We've had a lot more rumpy pumpy this month.

Hi Chaz,

I know how you feel about your friends, I have two good friends preggers at the mo, to be honest I'm really cool about it as they have both had difficulties, one a miscarriage and one has had gynaecological surgury I'm actually enjoying chatting about things with them, although I reckon I'll be jealous of the cute bubas! I've just been to the hospital though and saw not one but two pregnant women smoking outside- not what you want to see on the way to a fertility clinic!!

Good luck for testing Hun, hope you get a surprise BFP, i'm in the 2WW too, I test on the 3rd if not before lol!

Got our new doctors card thru this morning, and we both have same doctors, so im hoping for the best on thurs xxxx
Good luck Chaz :)

Make sure you tell them that your previous doctor had said that he was going to send hubby for the semen analysis!
What else should i say my doc said? Ha ha tell a few porkies.

Desperate to see doc, need steroid cream for my ecxzma xx
Hi chaz! Know how you're feeling!

Are your af due on Monday 28th? Mine is! I have no expectations, just want it to come so I can get on with next cycle and my doctors appointment!

Lots of luck chaz! Hope you get to see a doctor soon! And just tell a few porkies;) I did!
You use a steriod cream? Which one? Does it say anything in the leaflet about fertility/pregnancy?

Just a thought :)

Oh, i'm good at telling porkies to doctors and receptionists :good:

It seems to me that the main factor that doctors go off is how long you have been trying. It doesn't matter what symptoms you have, if you haven't been trying for x amount of years then they don't want to know.

If you want to make sure you have their attention, exaggerate how long you have been ttc. If already told them how long you have been ttc, just refer to it as how long you have been having unprotected sex and exaggerate and if they say "it says on here you have only been ttc for 6 month" you explain that you thought they meant how long you have been charting your efforts, but you have been having unprotected sex for several years :)

I tried lying to my GP and told them i'd been ttc for 14 months instead of 5 month and when that didn't work, i said i meant i'd been charting for 14 month but actually been having unprotected sex for 5/6 years, which is actually the truth and they suddenly started to listen.

I'd be truthful about you actual symptoms though just incase they do indicate something specific ;)
Hey Hun

Hope it all went well today for you at the new doctors, was you able to book hubby in for testing ?

X x x x
i also feel the same! we are happy for them, but at the same time we're mad and angry and jealous because we want it too, very badly.. my friend who have been TTC for a few years tried using premium beautiful corset for 2 months finally conceived early this year.
their time has come, and your time will also come! :dust::dust::dust:for you :)

Healt check was ok, weigh fine, blood pressure fine, took urine sample too. Were booked in for doc on Fri @ 8.30 where were gonna ask for sperm analysis. Think my AF is gonna make an appearance today (CD28) as had a few stomach cramps.

Has anyone got spotty whilst TTC? I have recently become extremley spotty. Not little pimples, huge big angry spots and i wash my make up off every night and sleep with no face cream on and BANG big spot on my cheek or temple :(

Good luck for Friday Chaz :good: Your hubby getting his sperm checked could really help you relax a little more.

Can't help re the spots, i've always been a bit spotty :( Although i do tend to get the huge deep sore ones around the 2ww.

Apparently where you get spots can indicate changes internally, not always bad though. Just a bit of fun ;)
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Well done Chaz, :)

That's good news, good luck for Friday.

Re spots, my skin has been worse around my chin and jaw since stopping the pill, it's actually been better since I started taking B6 and possibly the AC as well, I've stopped using greasy moisturizer and have a neutrogena moisturizing spot treatment instead that's good, if you need something a bit more hardcore then ask the doc for Zineyrt roll on antibiotic, it really works but it's a bit stinky!! It's better than tablets when TTC though.

Hope that helps!


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