Hello girls,
Firstly I want to say thankyou to EVERYONE who replied.
We havent got internet at home yet so Im only able to come on to this website at work hence the reason I went quiet. However I have come on and read everyones posts again.
On Friday I was very wound up and upset and now reading my post again think I didnt post how I was feeling properly and was probably shadowed by my ranting.
ANYWAY... Friday night when I got home, my best friend came over, I was stood in the kitchen making tea and I just burst into a flood of tears and told her I couldnt cope anymore. She was amazing and sat with me till my bf came home. When he got in about 8pm, my best friend went and as she did she looked at him and said "I think you guys need to talk".
My OH sat down and asked what the matter was and gave me a hug. Took me ages to come out with it as I wasnt sure how it'd come out or whatever but somehow I just started talking. I was talking for about an hour him just looking at my snotty red puffy face and nodding. I cant remember exatly what I said but I did say that we as a couple or him as his daddy needed to sit down with his son and tell him about the baby and make it special to him cause he hadnt heard that from us. My oh snapped and said it was too early (baby due in 15 weeks) and that he didnt want to talk about the baby as he didnt want to upset him etc etc. I must admit I took this the wrong way and became irrational and said fine play it your way dont point the finger at me when he doesnt except his sister and with that he got off the sofa and went and got in the bath - ouch. SO i got in bed - feeling pretty faint and exhausted wishing Id just not said anything.
I fell asleep and woke up with OH stroking my head. He apologised and agreed his son needed to be made to feel special and apart of it all. We were all meant to be going swimming on the Saturday but I stayed away and let my oh and his son go on their own. I thought it might be nicer for them to spend some quality time together and my oh agreed to talk to him.
I got a call about 2pm from my OH saying they were coming to meet me - I was at the social club with my dad. As they walked through the door his son saw me and came running over and gave me the biggest cuddle ever - which shocked me. I picked him up and asked him where he'd been and if he'd had fun and he was all smiley and nodding his head. I put him down and he put his hand on my tummy - again shock - and gave me a big cheeky grin then he ran away to play with the other kids that were running riot. I asked my OH if he'd spoken to him and he said yes and that he didnt really wanna know at first but then after a bit of talking he started to come round to the idea. Aparently on the way to meet me his son kept saying "Dad, whats her name again?" my oh was like "Who?" and his son was like "my sissterrr" lol.
His son came over and said "jaymie we need to go and buy a present for Megan" - which almost made me cry. I said ok and to drink up his drink and we'd go find her one - Ive never seen an orange juice disappear so quickly lol. We all went to the bear factory and his son picked out a hello kitty bear and put a heartbeat in her and helped to stuff her. When the lady asked who it was for he shouted MY SISTER and she smiled and said Awww arent you the best big brother in the world and that made him smile
) he kissed the heart and put it in the bear b4 it was stitched. He then tried to dress the teddy in a spiderman outfit which made us giggle. He was all smiley carrying the bear but I really wanted him to have one so I bent down and said "As megans got one from you, shouldnt you have one from megan??" he threw the bear at me and ran to pick his one haha.. which he then dressed as spiderman. He named his spiderted and megans kitty lol. We went home and all sat on the sofa watching cbeebies (gotta get used to that lol) and his son was laid on my belly cuddling spiderted. Megan kicked him in the head which he thought was funny. When we finally got him to go to bed and stay there I became all soppy again and started cryin. Just felt as if a HUGE weight had been lifted - His son asked if megan was going to bed with him haha to which my oh said she cant yet son shes still in Jaymies belly. It was well cute tho.
Yesterday night he didnt want to go home bless him, he fell asleep in the car and woke up as we got to his. He was panicing cause he couldnt find his spiderted but OH had put it in his bag. He wouldnt go in until he had it lol.
We had a really nice weekend and I suggested to OH that if his ex lets us, then OH should bring his son up to the hospital once baby is born so he can give her the teddy he made for her - just thought he'd feel more special and maybe for us 4 to be on our own for 1/2 so the attention is on both his son and the baby without all the other people there who will be fussing the baby??
I just really really hope his ex see's how excited he now is and doesnt try to ruin that for him and us. I hope she can put his best interests first. She is always so nice to my face and then horrible about me to my ex - cant imagine what shes sayin to her son.
Sorry its long - just wanted to update you all and say thank you