I had a terrible experience with my first labour and delivery also. Baby was distressed, pre-eclampsia, failed ventouse, episiotomy, my cord snapped when trying to deliver the placenta, had a massive bleed and needed a blood transfusion etc etc - not a nice experience lol!

I was told from day 1 with my second pregnancy that I was classed as high risk, no choice what so ever but to have a hospital birth, (would have been to scared to stay at home tbh) and would need constant monitoring in labour, on a drip and hormones to help my uterus contract to reduce the risk of bleeding afterwards. I was so disappointed as after such a traumatic and clinical experience the first time round, I was hoping for the total opposite and would have loved a water birth with my second baby. As it happened, even though my blood pressure was very high again from about 38wks, by the time I got to the hospital I was already 8-9cm and my son was born 1hr 13mins later, only a bit of gas and air, completely straight forward and not a single stitch so I escaped being strapped down for too long. My midwife was amazing and she encouraged me to get into any position I wanted, on or off the bed.
With this pregnancy I was hoping that because it was so straight forward last time I wouldnt still be classed as high risk and might get my water birth but when I asked the m/w she still wanted to refer me to a consultant as was it straightforward last time because it was or because I had the drip, monitoring etc?

Hoping when I go for my appt. I might get way with not being classed as high risk but we shall see.
Sorry for the novel length reply lol! I definately feel safer in hospital but still believe that it doesnt have to be so clinical. Definately ask about mobile monitoring and even if that isnt an option there is still no need for you to be stuck on a bed. Ive worked with ladies that have needed constant monitoring and have been in any position they wanted (within reason lol). Good luck with everything xx