Somebody please talk sense to me!

I've got no experience myself, obviously with this being number one and I'm hoping for a home birth (but totally open to the fact that i might change my mind in a few months time!) but my sister and friends here that have tried home births have had ambulances on standby the minute a problem looks likely. they take no risks, birthing centres or at home. What worries me about a hospital birth is that i don't know ANYONE here in cardiff who has has a delivery without intervention, i.e. c-section or forceps. Of my friends and their NCT groups very few have had natural births, most have had some form of intervention. I don't want either if i can help it, it worries me that people are rushed into it to easily here. I could be talking tripe though!
oh i dont know i have always been led to believe that they will only do forcepts etc if either the mother is to tired to push or the baby is getting distressed or both as it takes a big team to do this,did they not say why they needed intervention? mine have all been perfect labours like i said appart from maddiison wirth the daft placenta not playing ball and heamoraging but im risk of that anywyas as had 6 births now n the more u have the higgher risk ur at apparently :-/ but i will push for wat i wnat tho xx
I wonder how offen women are transferred to hospital during or following a homebirth, and how that compares to women transferred from labour ward to operating theatre. My guess would be it's maybe to easy when in the hopsital already to just simplify the situation by going to theatre , while at home the midwifes have much enquipment to hand but I don't believe they have such as forcepts, and it may take alittle longer to deliver but they use encouragment and support and it really has worked for me.
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i dont think mws are allowed to use forceps are they i thought the surgeons did that ? i could be totaly wrong but wen i have seen it on obem its always done with a room full of mws nurses and usualy a surgeon/doctor that does the forceps unless thats just for tv lol
That's the point jojo, in hospital they're all to quick to take you to the surgeons as thats easier for them , and that the real hard work and encouragement the midwifes do already do in the same situations at home without the surgeons or their invastive equipment .
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dond they have to tho ? im not a midwife so i dont realy know tbh just wat i see on tv that its usualy wen the bby is in distress or the mum is to tired to push then they call for action, i know in my situation the midwife did all she could bless her but the placenta just would not budge and then of course it tore or watever the hell it did :-/ i try to forget it wasnta very nice time of my life xx
I'm really only able to comment on my own births and what I have also seen on obem, and other births seen on telly on which I have seen a face first presentation and heard the doctors say forcepts are the only way to deliver a face first , with the strong willed and extremely supportive midwifes I have delivered two face first baby's . My point is ,I think, there's offen more than one way to the same outcome one may be longer and more difficult the other is seen as easier not necessary better ,that's what I'm suggesting.
Forgive me jojo I was not trying to make comments on your births .Sorry if I gave that impression and everyone must do what they think or believe is right for them, these are just my thoughts and experiences. xx
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no no i wasnt even thinking that not at all like i said its just wat i see on tv like most ppl i expect lol face first do u mean bk to bk is that the same? heard thats very painfull delivery my friend had this and didnt need forceps either but she did say it was quite horrific to her other normal births,this maybe my 7th but il be just as scared this time as i was my 1st if not more lol x
yes, that's the same as back to back , the midwife turned her twice but she just couldn't wait to see the world stubborn like her mum, the second time, no.5 ,it was on my record that I'd done it before so we just went for it, and yes it is very, very painful but like all births worth it. xx
hey hun

i had a VBAC 2nd time around a i was monitored constantly, not just because of the risks associated with uterine rupture but also because there is a chance ur baby can go into distress, with the process of VBAC and i was monitired lying on the bed :shakehead:

my mw says that there are now mobile units which allow you to walk around or stand instead of being confined to a bed, but its unlikely u will get the water birth as my mw said it to me not that i was interested in havin one!! my hosp doesnt having a birthing centre on site its a few streets away but i cant go there because of the risk of needing medical attention in a consultant led unit which is what these are'nt, but speak to ur consultant or mw hun to see what ca be arranged :) xxxx
no no i wasnt even thinking that not at all like i said its just wat i see on tv like most ppl i expect lol face first do u mean bk to bk is that the same? heard thats very painfull delivery my friend had this and didnt need forceps either but she did say it was quite horrific to her other normal births,this maybe my 7th but il be just as scared this time as i was my 1st if not more lol x

I feel exactly the same - more nervous this time round then with either of my other pregnancies. Saying that, both of my boys were directly back to back and came out looking at me lol. My first delivery and labour was horrendous but last time I would go as far as to say I actually really enjoyed the whole experience. Didnt experience one problem and it was over really quickly - even with a corridor full of drs waiting to pounce on me lol! Hoping this one will be the same xx
What I find strange to understand so please humour me , as we all say to each other ,each pregnancy is a fresh new egg, new sperm it's a new fresh chance of life, so why do we all - doctors and mums - expect first time round problems to recur , just a thought I wanted to put in the mix. It does confuse me rather.

I dont know why we expect it.

I had a terrible time with AJ and though I would love the all natural water birth, yes I dont want it to turn out the same position as last time, I'm actually worried how I will cope with the emotions and fear.

I have actually requested an elective section this time around because of the traumatic time I had.

AJ was back to back and was manually turned but still needed forceps as he was distressed.
But apparently if baby is back to back they can turn naturally as they come out, I guess it just depends on if baby is going to turn themselves or if forceps are needed.

Cosmic, I really hope you get some answers at your appointment with the consultant.
I second the 2 birth plans idea, do one for if you can go in the pool and one for if you cant because of monitoring. See what you would be prepared to do, mobile monitoring/on the bed for 20 mins out of 60/pain relief, hypnobirthing etc.
I'd be pinching this idea if I was going for a 'normal birth' x
Thanks hun. Suppose it all boils down to how strict they are going to be about monitoring. I aim to labour at home as long as I can, I'm in no rush to go to hospital and can hopefully do most of it at home, fx at least x

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