Having a wobble about hospitals. Somebody slap me please?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Ok so the situation here is basically a 'competition' between two hospitals: private and public

My experience with the public one has not been good... For those of you who don't know: we went there when I started bleeding early into my first pregnancy. I was admitted for 'observation'. Which basically entailed them taking my blood pressure when we arrived and telling me which bed was mine. I was sat there for 3 hours and not once did someone come over to check on me, check I was alive, hadn't left, haemorrhaged etc. Then all of a sudden I was taken into this room. They told me to lie on a bed, covered in a bedsheet, covered in several different bloodstains. She didn't use gloves when taking blood. When it was written in my notes that I am very phobic of needles she asked "Oh, why are you scared of hospitals" and then told me I was being silly. I was on the verge of a panic attack at not only the whole situation but the fact that she was parading the syringes around in front of me. I asked her to take the blood quickly but she insisted on doing the scan first and making me sweat it out further.

Then I got plonked back in my bed for another 3 hours with no contact. Finally we went to the desk and asked for the results of the bloodwork. They seemed surprised as it had been 'back for ages' (cheers for telling us). They hadn't even taken my hCG levels. They wanted to keep us in overnight (NO WAY as the toilets were swimming in water, urine and there was faeces all over the pan. Basically here they don't use loo roll they use a hose which means you have to wade through filthy water and hover over the seat. Not nice) and until we kicked up a huge fuss they wouldn't let us go. Although this was free treatment we later heard that they do get paid by hubby's employers for my stay so the longer they keep me in the more $$$ they get. They didnt' discharge me for 3 days but we were allowed to go home every night and be back for rounds each morning.

At no point did anyone actually tell me I'd miscarries. The next day I requested they measure my hCG levels and that night when I rang up and was told they were 7.1 I had to come online and find out for myself what that meant. Rounds t next morning the 'specialist' was telling me how happy she was with my bloods etc etc. Hubby had to actually stop her and say "I'm sorry, are you saying we're still pregnant?" And her reply was "oh no" and she carried on talking like it was the most normal thing in the world.

The plus side is, they are much much more experienced than the private hospital, god knows how many babies a day are born there but it's safe to say that pretty much everyone in the country goes to this one place. The down side is, all of the above :)lol:) and they don't seem to have private rooms.

The private hospital (from others' experience - we have yet to see it ourselves) is cleaner, the staff are kinder and more 1 on 1, you have private rooms etc etc BUT you have to say. We will have to pay 1,500GBP (at current exchange rate) for a simple straightforward trouble-free birth and I don't know how much for C sections etc. The doctors there though are not as experienced as the public place so if anything does go wrong they will not have seen as many women with the same issues... Only 'rich' people use this hospital (we are classed as rich here I suppose). Most of the British and Australian wives who have babies here go to the private one although one of the two doctors there has a reputation for being very c-section happy if you get me. I suppose it raises more money for them and who am I to argue if he says I need one. But more women than not come out having 'needed' c-sections. I want to avoid this if at all possible and have a vaginal delivery.

I am torn now. All of a sudden the money is an issue (there are a fair few women here who have not had to pay to go to the private place but we will) and I am having a bit of a strop. Of course I want to be in the most experienced hands possible, especially if there are complications. but I also don't want to have my first child in a place that, frankly, has a less than acceptable cleanliness record (I have spoken to a few people, all of whom have commented on the state of the cleanliness or lack thereof).

I know it's a long way off but it's scaring me now. I can't imagine hovering over those awful loos at 6 months pregnant and in the early stages of labour, let alone having more bloodstained sheets or lack of gloves etc etc. I am just frightened and need calming down I guess.

What would you do?

A very worried Buddabun!
If you are from the UK can you not return here for 6 weeks or so to give birth over here in your home area in one of the local NHS hospitals that is decent? Given what you've said I'd probably do that rather than give birth over there and run the risk of coming across a C section happy Doctor or a hospital you are not happy with. Fly back before you are no longer able to, have your OH join you nearer LO's due date and stay till after the birth then.

However its worth bearing in mind that you have plenty of time to research labour and to find out what sort of things might lead to a possible C section. In some instances there are other ways to help LO out (ventouse for example) and if you really do believe that the Doctor is too keen to operate you can at least be informed as to when to maybe ask for a bit more time/different way for LO to make an appearance.

If it were me, I'd fly back to the UK. I was adamant I wanted as little medical intervention as possible when I gave birth so opted for a home birth. Was wonderful and I hope to do it again if we have another baby. I did everything I could to ensure LO was in a good postion, that I'd done lots of walking right up till the day he was born, ate well, rested in the 2 weeks before, reseached good positions for labour and used a birth pool.
The problems would be - I don't have much close family in the UK to stay with, plus it's a 17hr journey home which exhausted me back in June when I did it alone.

A couple of people have mentioned possibly flying back if they get pregnant but I don't think I could handle it all. I like my home and wouldn't know what to do with myself for so long in someone else's.

I'm hoping to feel better once I've met some of the doctors but the three I've had dealings with so far have just been so heartless and disinterested that I am feeling a bit worried at the mo.

I definitely plan to be as prepared as possible before labour and do everything I can do to ensure I don't need a C section. I don't know how much of it is genetic but one of the few things i know about my mother is that she needed one with me - I think I was too big for her. But I don't have small hips (by any stretch of the imagination :lol:) so hopefully it's not a problem for me.

Sorry I'm just having a bit of a wobble at the mo.
Do you not have the option of a home birth? I had one and would highly recommend it.
i don't know.

personally I think i'd be wary of it purely because it's my first, i'm in a strange hot country and at least 20 mins away from a hospital if something goes wrong...

plus I'd wake the neighbours :lol:

I'm certainly open to the idea of water births but I doubt that's an option somehow
You can have water births at home as well. The MW said they have a portable pool they use for them, it didn't appeal to me last time though I am considering it this time.

the advantage of home birth is that you can ensure that your home environment is clean. You have at least 1 to one attention (normally 2 - 1) from the midwife in the UK. I would recommend doing a bit of research into it. However from when I did that research, planned homebirths have less intervention than hospital births. Labour tends to be quicker as well. Don't rule it out just because it is your first.
When we lived in Malaysia my mums friend elected to come home to have one of her babies, and for another she had him in the private hospital. I'd ask her why she made the decision but her and mum don't talk anymore and i'd feel like i was betraying my mum.
I'd be tempted to push for the private one (is there no way OH's work will pay for it if they've done it for other women?)
We were in KL though, and I have no idea how the hospitals in Brunei compare.
Its a true dilemma though. Although if you went with the local hospital it'd be a whole new experience to tell buddabean when they grow up!
I personally would be non plussed about the free hospital, they sound shite. But there are a few options as mentioned above;

1) Home birth - I agree that the idea of giving birth at home in a foreign country would make me feel ill at ease, but perhaps you might be able to explore private midwife to help you at home.
2) Private hospital- costly, but if you were considering flying home, worth it lol! It might give you more control, can you save up perhaps? Or see if the OH's business will pay?
3) Normal hospital - I have this worry about dirty hospitals which is why I have asked my mate Phillipa to come with me as well as my husband. She is super clean, and wouldn't be having any silliness in terms of dirt. Perhaps this is a way in which you meet hygiene and nto cost money.
4) Normal hospital - with private room - can you not see if you pay some additional costs whether or not this is a viable option.
5) Flying home - bit lonely as you say, and it's a long old journey!
OMG no way would i set foot in that filthy hospital! :talkhand: that sounds horrendous! :puke: yack!

how bout a home birth? i cant recommend them enough :D :D :D :D
I do like the idea of a home birth but most probably not with my first child for the simple reason that next time i'll know what feels 'normal' and won't panic so much if i think things are going wrong.

It did occur to me to send a cleaning crew in to the public hospital the day of my labour but realised this probably wouldnt be practical. Our friends' son was ill one day and was admitted. his dad was so appalled by the vomit/blood on the walls etc etc that he went home, got sheets from home and asked the nurses for cleaning supplies and cleaned the whole thing himself. He then pointed out the distinct line between where he'd cleaned and where he hadn't.

I know my friend went private because there was no private room available in the public hospital so they obviously have private rooms. I'm just hoping they'll have one (or not, :lol:)

It's just another worry i dont need at the mo but i'm sure we'll work something out :(

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