So frustrated!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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As you know i've already had a wee rant this month, but im so frustrated!!

I clearly OV'd on Tuesday 1st, due to EWCM, cramps and hot flush. And yesterday i felt some twinging low down, same as what i felt last cycle, and it meant nothing!

What the frigging hell can it be? Its not implantation cramping coz thats too soon!

Why is my body so f***ed up?

Its not even like i pain myself each month with POAS! Ive cut out drinking too much caffine, drinking alcohol, keeping healthy, sex every other night (apart from this cycle)

Its almost 2 years since we started trying. 2 years i've wished each month away hoping 1 would end in a BFP! I just know its not gonna happen for us before xmas, which by then they will have taken me off Clomid and put me on a waiting list!

Anyome else feel like tey are fighting a loosing battle with themselves in their head??

I just want it over with :(

Sorry to be so depressing, had to air on here. I know OH feels the same so i dont wanna put all my worries onto him.....again! xxxx
Oh Chaz, sorry to hear that you are feeling this way. If Im honest Im feeling a bit the same at the moment. Its so frustrating and upsetting. You feel like you are doing absolutely everything you can and your body just wont play ball. Im slowly just getting pissed off now. Its so time consuming and I cant believe Im now sitting at 10 months from the mc and still not ovulated!

You know we need to cheer ourselves up with nothing to do with ttc! Lets plan some exciting things to do!!!
Sorry you're feeling frustrated Chaz, but aren't you using OPKs? :eh:

Symptoms are very unpredictable... I certainly wouldn't rely on them if i was on clomid.

I totally understand the feeling :hug:
No haven't used OPK's Lou. I havent had time to :bd: this month hardly let alone poas! Havent done them in a while.

Im pretty confident i know when im gonna OV. My scan confirmed it too on my previous cycles xxx
Hey Chaz

I completely feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall with the whole thing. I suppose your cramps could be implantation at this point, I think it happens between 3 and 7 dpo or something.....

Its almost 2 years for us too, and we just aren't doing anything at the mo - just waiting, waiting waiting!

Hang in there chuck. Feel free to vent anytime xxxxxxx
awww i kno how u feel, its been nearly 3 n half years for us.
i jus wanna scream sometimes!!!!
at least we all hav each other on here, to keep each other sane :)
I just realised weve been trying two and a half years now too. Its so frustrating!
Oh Chaz , i hope your feelin a little better today , you can get pain after ov though like a cramping i'd try not to get so frustrated over things as you know the clomid is helping you to ov every month x x x

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