So depressed....

Had a bit of time now to get over it!!!

Have done two more tests, both with extra lines that I have never seen before!!

I have stopped my hay fever tablets but made an appointment with the doctor so I can maybe get something that I CAN take during pregnancy as my hay fever is really bad at the moment.

It all still feels so weird - I even have half my bag packed ready for my op. Oh well, that can wait now.

I have changed my ticker which looks funny at only 3 weeks 5 days!! Oh well, just need to be careful and keep fingers crossed now - I will send you all my baby dust I have been saving up whilst not TTC!!! if you all keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Lots of love to you all

you may have to change the ticker slightly to make it eactly right. When was you LMP??? And how long is your cylcel? Take the EDD you get form that and and then take off 3 days to get it right. (I.e. I got the 27th at the mo but put it to 24th or 25th to make it accurate at 9wk2dy)

HTH xx
last period was 27th May and I am regular 29 days every month to the day!!

I worked out I must have conceived around the 9th June so its probably about right I guess, may be a few more days more but no more.
OMG Kerry that's fantastic news CONGRATULATIONS!!

It's ironic isnt it how you stopped trying and got caught!!
Hi Kerry,
This is the most fantastic news. It gives the rest of us hope to see a 'regular' finally get some really wonderful news. I hope you don't mind me asking you a personal question. I know you said that you hadn't been trying this last month but would you say you have sex a few times during the month or you concentrated on when you thought you were ovulating?
Sorry if that's very personal.
Not at all, its no problem.

I think we had sex about a week before ovulation, 3 days before ovulation was due, and about a week after and that was it - It must have been the 3 days before that did it - did some more tests with hubby this morning which was nice!!
Hi Kerry,
Got AF yesterday. Bit blue about it but keep thinking of you and how your wish came through. Hope you well and enjoying your pregnancy. How long were you trying for? Any words of wisdom?
Hi girls, how are you all?

S, we tried for 3-4 months and then stopped trying.......thats when I fell pregnant, we were using ovulation tests as well so knew we were doing it at the right times but obviously you can try to hard and get yourself too stressed about it. Relax, go back to having sex like you used to whether it was once a week or every day, go back to how you were before TTC, relax, keep calm, enjoy it and your time will come.

How are you moonpiesb?? When is your next appointment hun??

Much love
As luck would have it I am due to O tomorrow...and it is a holiday, so my dr will be closed. So, I guess I will be waiting until August....this is SO aggravating. I am sorry to hear that you have been feeling ill. Hope that is a good sign that the pregnancy is going good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah........happy independence day!!! You kinda forget about that over here!! Did you see any of Live 8 on the TV yesterday, we watched all of the London one, it was great but didn't finish until midnight so I was really tired and crawled up to bed when it had finished!!

Pregnancy going good, tiredness the worst thing and not wanting to move off the sofa!! Hubby out doing the garden while I watch TV - feel really guilty but just can't summon up the energy!!

Good luck for your August try - will be thinking of you but I am sure we will speak before then, take care and have a great Independence day!! What kind of celebrations go on for that??

Much love
I didn't watch any of the LIVE 8....I worked all day yesterday (12 hours) and when I got home I pretty much just went to bed straight away.

Thanks for the Happy Independence Day. There are usually alot of fire works and eating done for the celebration. I am not much into fireworks...I think they are pretty, but I also think people are way too careless with them. If it is an organized fireworks show I like it a whole lot better. My family is having a big cook out (BBQ)...and I am sure some of them will bring fireworks...although it is sort of too dry to shoot them off. We need a good rain.

I am glad that pregnancy is treating you good. I can hardly wait to be there myself. I told a guy that I work with that since it is a holiday weekend that I am sure lots of guys will be at the local bar and I should just go get one drunk and take advantage of, but with my luck I would end up more than pregnant...IYKWIM.

Do keep me posted on how everything is going. Talk to you soon.

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