So depressed....

Thanks for the tips!!!! I found some on Ebay. It won't be here in time for my IUI this time, but it says that it can be used during pregnancy and labor. So I will have it when I need it. How long does a supply last? It says to use four often do/can you use it? I was reading up on it and it also says it can be used on plants and pets. Sounds like a wonder drug to me....I can't wait to get it!!

Its great stuff - the whole Bach Flower remedy range is great for all sorts of things.


I have all 38 remedies and you can give them to everyone in the family including pets, for all different things.

You can take them as often as you like, they say a minimum of 4 times a day - Rescue remedy is great for labour, all my ladies use it as I always keep it as part of my birth kit, is made up of 5 of the 38 remedies.

I am sure you will be hooked on the Bach Remedies!! Once you get going with your rescue remedy there will be no looking back......I promise!!!

Lots of love
I agree with Kerry its so wonderful that we can vent our frustrations on here that would otherwise drive our friends and family to the other side of the planet. I have never tried rescue remedy but think i might get some :lol:

This website is all about like minded people, all TTC, who want someone to talk to, it is exactly the place to 'rant' 'go mad' 'rave' and generally let off steam, so honey go ahead please, you simply reiterate what we all feel, it makes us all united and feel 'normal' again!

:D :D :D :D :D

Good luck all those Oing and IUI this week!!!!

Hi moonpiesb

I've been away for a few days and missed your ranting post. I just wanted to send you a big hug because you were so lovely to me when I was ranting on a couple of weeks ago.

I'll have everything crossed for you this week for your IUI and wish you loadsa luck. Keep us posted, we're all rooting for you.

Love and lots and lots of baby dust


Thanks Helen....I am so embarrassed. Don't get me wrong...I meant every word I said, but I can't believe that I actually put them down so other people could read them. I am sure we all feel like that from time to time, but I really went off. To say the least I was having a bad day. :oops: :oops: I am feeling better now.

I had my IUI done this morning. Now the TWW has begun. Fourteen days seems like an eternity away. I honestly think that if I don't get a BFP this time I may switch doctors. He is the most unfriendly man. He is always "snotty" to his nurse and has NO bed side manners at all. My mom used to use him, but she said she refused to keep going to a man that acted the way he does. He is never hateful to me, but he is not very compassionate either. Not that I expect him to burn candles, play soft music, and leave rose petals on the examination table for me(in the words of my mom, "It is no grand love making session"), but a little tenderness and the such wouldn't hurt my feelings at all. He comes in, does his business, and walks out. No "how are you", no "have a good day", just "scoot down" and "now you can scoot back up". I tell him "Thank you" after he gets through doing it every time and he looks at me with a blank stare on his face and says a mild "Your welcome" and walks out. I don't expect us to become great friends or anything, but I am "lining his pocket book" every time I go there so he should at least act like he enjoys seeing me. The only reason I have stuck with him for so long is that I have had some female problems in the past and he was the dr I started with and he knows all my history. I guess medical records can be transferred though.

I have prayed so much today for this to work that I am sure God is wishing I would hush for a little while. I have always been told that I talk a lot (my dad used to say that I must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle when I was little), so he knows that I ramble on and on, but today I have been praying so much that I am not sure if he has been able to hear any one else's prayers over my "loud mouth". So just in case he has just tuned me out I would appreciate all of you sending up a little prayer for me. Thanks in advance.

Consider your prayers sent!!!!!

GOOD LUCK, i have everything crossed for you, i cant say how much i hope that this works. :D :x :x :x :x :x

B A B Y D U S T!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck, and change docs i did as my last was like yours and the new one is great!!!

Let us know how you get on!!!!

8) Good luck!
I am SO HOPEFULL FOR YOU!! I want you to be a mommy!! :) Yeah, I think I would totally consider changing doctors. He can be friendly w/out being unprofessional!! GRRrr. Actually that really ticks me off! You know, that "scoot down" isn't very comfortable for us anyway, so it wouldn't kill the man to have a heart. You know, I have heard of offices that actually do go as far as lighting candles and playing soft music when people are using IUI!! Hello, you need to be at least a little relaxed!! Oh, my gosh! Give me his address!! :x :x :x

Oooh, now that thats out! Good luck girl!
Thanks so much to both of you for your well wishes!!!

I have thought alot about the whole dr thing and I think you are both right...I should change now. He may be a good dr, but he needs to work on his "people skills". I just don't know if I should change clinics as well. Would that be a conflict of interest if I went to another dr in the same clinic? The only reason that I am asking is because the dr that did my second IUI (my dr was out of the office that day) is in the same clinic and I really liked her. I was very leary at first because: 1) I have only used one since I started going to a GYN, and I didn't want to have someone else down there in my business, and 2) she was a SHE. I wasn't so sure I wanted a woman in my private area. But she was very nice and gentle.

Hope everyone is having a great week.

BABY DUST TO US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
When do you know if the IUI worked , i'm itching to know!!!!! :D
Kelly, you and me both! I have to do the TWW also. Hope and pray that AF doesn't come. My dr told me to wait until it was two days late to actually do a test because this procedure sometimes causes false positives on HPT. I find it hard enough to wait two weeks, much less two weeks and two days!!! My cycle before last was two days late so I was SURE that I had caught, but the morning I was going to test (again) I woke up to find that AF was here. My last cycle was two days early....that is about right since I was on a much needed vacation, and was hoping she would hold off until actually due. She (AF) is determined to make me mad every month....I didn't use IUI last month so I knew that I wasn't pg, but she wanted to come early just to prove she was still in control. of today I have (supposedly) 13 days to go before I should test. If it is anything like the past I won't make it that long, but I will try to hold out. I just can't seem to make myself wait. Don't worry I will keep everyone a matter of fact, you will probably get tired of reading my posts before

I would normally be doing this TWW with you both but due to having my op in the next few weeks we are having to go careful.............well, when I say careful, I laugh because we haven't fallen for the last few months so it would be pure fluke if we did this month and we weren't even trying. So, with out boring you with TMI we are just avoiding my fertile days and carrying on as normal the rest of the time.

Feels weird though after trying so hard for the last few months.......what would be really weird would be falling pregnant this month when as far as I am aware we have totally avoided my fertile time!! Oh well, my time will come...........huge sacks of baby dust to you xxxxxx
I am in the tww also! You know...every other month I have sworn that I was pregnant. I had every symptom and just felt pg! This month I don't feel like I am pg. It's really not even hard to keep from testing b/c I just don't think I am. Wouldn't it be crazy if I actually am?!! Why not? All other times I was wrong, maybe I am wrong this time! Hope so. :lol: Good luck, blessing and baby dust girls!!
Kerry, when exactly are you having your surgery? Will you have to wait awhile after the operation to TTC? I know how you feel about having to wait, but like you said in an earlier post at least you will be able to hear your little one when it cries. BTW, I have been meaning to ask you, are you a midwife? The reason I ask is because when you were suggesting Rescue Remedy you said that you kept it in your birth kits. I hope my Rescue Remedy gets here in the next day or so. I can't wait to try it. I bought two bottles....I plan on giving one to my mom. No, she is not TTC, but she has a very stressful job (actually the people she works with more than the actual job), and I am hoping it helps her too. The other bottle (and future bottles) will be all for me...It just seems if it isn't one thing stressing me out it is another. My mom just called and said that she took my grandmother to the emergency room; she wasn't sure if they would admit her to the hospital or not. She is the only living grandparent I have left, and I am worried to death about her. I am not OVERLY superstitious, BUT both of my dad's parents passed away in the month of April (my pappaw in '86 and my mammaw in '87), and then my dad passed away in April of '03. My mom's dad died in June of '87, and for the life of me I am convinced that her mom will pass away in the month of June as well. Since I was 13 years old bad things have happened to me in April and June, not just deaths, but other bad things as well. I swear that if my grandmother passes away in June (of any year) that from now on I will keep my mom locked away in a hospital somewhere so she can get immediate medical attention if she needs it. I know that sounds crazy, but I have always been a worrier. I am hoping that I get a BFP in June (of this year, I don't want to have to wait another year before I get it) and break the cycle.

Cristie, I feel the same way. Although I am only three days post insemination, I don't feel anything...and the other two times I was convinced I was pregnant. (Like I would be able to tell by this time anyway...but I was so sure....yeah right!) How many more days until you test?

BABY DUST TO US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S....I can sure ramble on, can't I? :oops: :oops: :oops:

I rang the hospital monday and they said I am number 12 on the list and that they do about 6 ops a week so it should be end of next week or the beginning of the next.......getting nervous but also excited too :?

No, I am not a midwife, I am a doula........such a great job. My website is if you want to know more.

Sorry to hear about your Nan, I hope she is ok, try and stay possitive but I know what you mean, I too am a real worrier...........'White Chestnut' is good for that, its another one of the bach flower remedies, it stops those constant unwanted worries, you know, the ones that spiral out of control as soon as your head hits the pillow and you find yourself worrying about really stupid things!!

Anyway, lots of love to you and your Nan and lots of baby dust to you!!!
I have never heard of a Doula before.....sounds very exciting. Although, I don't know if I could bear to be around all those pregnant ladies while I am stuck TTC myself. On your website is says something to the affect that you stay with a mother as long as you are needed, does that mean you live with her?

How long after your op will it be before you start TTC again? At what stage in your cycle will you be? Maybe you will conceive while resting from the op. I have been in contact with a lady that I met on another website (ebay actually) who wasn't even TTC, but had a surgery and while she was recovering she fell pregnant.

Looks like I will be Bach's newest customer for lots of things. Will have to try that one out as well. Can you over dose on flower remedies? I would sure hate to over use them.....because I know if the Rescue Remedy works I will be trying all of them and don't want to over do it.

BABY DUST TO US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to let you know that my mom just called and said that my grandmother is home. The dr said she had a viral infection of some sort.

No, I don't move in.........I stay with a lady in labour from start till finish, I have been gone 36 hours before!! I also visit daily when they come out of hospital to help with breast feeding, bathing, etc and again I will do this for as long as the mother needs it.

Not sure how long after the op I have to wait........I suppose it depends what pain killers I am on etc and how I feel physically. I am hoping that like you say it will happen when I am recovering and not expecting to fall. I am ovulating today/tomorrow and it's tempting just to have a 'quickie' and if its meant to be its meant to be.........I wouldn't know now if it had worked till after the op, loads of women have operations when they don't know they are pregnant I guess.

Anyway, I could waffle for England, Glad your nan is ok, must be a huge relief.

Lots of love
I could test in 9 days, but I am determined to wait until 11 days are elapsed!! BTW, I just found out that one of my aquaintances from work just fell pg! She has been ttc for four years!! I am so happy for her. I hope it works out for her! :lol:
It's so nice when you hear things like hope to us all!!!
I agree with Kerry it is nice to hear of someone who's journey to conceive has finally had a good ending. I hope the same happens for all of us.

I have been having cramps today. I am not due for AF to arrive for another 10 days....if she comes early I am going to make HER bleed!!!!!!!!!!! I was quite tender for two days after IUI, and then I felt good yesterday. This morning I woke up and felt all crampy....I swear this is all driving me crazy. I can hardly wait for the postman to arrive with my Rescue Remedy.


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