Kerry, when exactly are you having your surgery? Will you have to wait awhile after the operation to TTC? I know how you feel about having to wait, but like you said in an earlier post at least you will be able to hear your little one when it cries. BTW, I have been meaning to ask you, are you a midwife? The reason I ask is because when you were suggesting Rescue Remedy you said that you kept it in your birth kits. I hope my Rescue Remedy gets here in the next day or so. I can't wait to try it. I bought two bottles....I plan on giving one to my mom. No, she is not TTC, but she has a very stressful job (actually the people she works with more than the actual job), and I am hoping it helps her too. The other bottle (and future bottles) will be all for me...It just seems if it isn't one thing stressing me out it is another. My mom just called and said that she took my grandmother to the emergency room; she wasn't sure if they would admit her to the hospital or not. She is the only living grandparent I have left, and I am worried to death about her. I am not OVERLY superstitious, BUT both of my dad's parents passed away in the month of April (my pappaw in '86 and my mammaw in '87), and then my dad passed away in April of '03. My mom's dad died in June of '87, and for the life of me I am convinced that her mom will pass away in the month of June as well. Since I was 13 years old bad things have happened to me in April and June, not just deaths, but other bad things as well. I swear that if my grandmother passes away in June (of any year) that from now on I will keep my mom locked away in a hospital somewhere so she can get immediate medical attention if she needs it. I know that sounds crazy, but I have always been a worrier. I am hoping that I get a BFP in June (of this year, I don't want to have to wait another year before I get it) and break the cycle.
Cristie, I feel the same way. Although I am only three days post insemination, I don't feel anything...and the other two times I was convinced I was pregnant. (Like I would be able to tell by this time anyway...but I was so sure....yeah right!) How many more days until you test?
BABY DUST TO US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S....I can sure ramble on, can't I?