So depressed....

Kerry, I just wanted you to know that I received my Rescue Remedy today. I just took me a dose....not that I am feeling over stressed right now, but I thought I would try it out. On the website I read that it was safe to use during pregnancy and you said that you kept it in your birth kits, but it says on the bottle to check with a physician before using if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Do you think that is because of the alcohol content?

Yes thats the only reason - Belioeve me I have loads of Bach books and they all say it is harmless in pregnancy and labour and breastfeeding. There are no drugs whatsoever in these remedies, its all flower tinctures from good old mother nature herself!!

Enjoy, hope it helps!!!
Kerry said:
There are no drugs whatsoever in these remedies, its all flower tinctures from good old mother nature herself!!
General Comment:

While I am sure Bach remedies are ok, this is dangerous thinking. Many herbs are very dangerous (think of warfarin, which is used as rat poison, or belladonna/deadly nightshade which has been used for assassinations over the centuries). For herbs - just like any other substance - check the label, check via google, as your doctor/midwife.
I have trained with Bach flower remedies and thats exactly what they are - flowers - not herbs. They ARE fine to use in pregnancy, labour and afterwards.

I also work as a Doula and many of my ladies have used the remedies throughout pregnancy, during labour and breastfeeding - I would not give this information if I thought it was "Dangerous thinking"!!!!!
Please see:

And note the bit that says "COMPLETELY SAFE".

I am sure that many herbs are dangerous during pregnancy but these ARE NOT herbs and if you want I can list the 38 flowers that are used which I assure you do not contain deadly nightshade!!

Sorry to sound angry but I do know what I am talking about.
Thanks Kerry. I am sure that the label is just not wanting you to over do it since it contains alcohol. I never for a minute thought that you would lead me down a bad road (so to speak).
Have you heard if you will get to have your operation this week? Good luck if you do.


I spoke to the hospital yesterday and I am now number 5 on the list.....this time last week I was number 12 so I guess it will be next week!!!! Just want to get it over, I am getting pretty anxious now!!!

Lots of love, thinking of you on your TWW!!!!
Kerry said:
Please see:

And note the bit that says "COMPLETELY SAFE".

I am sure that many herbs are dangerous during pregnancy but these ARE NOT herbs and if you want I can list the 38 flowers that are used which I assure you do not contain deadly nightshade!!

Sorry to sound angry but I do know what I am talking about.

Sorry to make you angry, Kerry. I'm sure the remedies are safe - but they are safe because they have been tested to be safe, or they are safe because they contain only substances that are known to be safe.

My fear was that someone would just read the phrase "from good old mother nature" and take that to mean any "natural" products are safe.

I never meant to criticize you or Bach - just took the opportunity to point out that because something is natural, doesn't make it safe.
Thats ok Joan, no offense taken :wink:

Thats why I said 'mother nature' and not 'natural' as there is an awful lot of scope to the word natural!!!

Not only do the remedies contain safe ingredients but they have been used by pregnant women for years and have proved to be very safe AND effective.

They really are very interesting and easy to use - you ought to read more about them, they are great for the whole family, pets, plants, can even use them with newborn babies........thats how safe they are.

Now I sound like an advertising agency so I will shut up!!!!

Take care
Kerry, I just wanted to tell you that I have been using the Rescue Remedy and I really like it. I feel more relaxed than I have lately. I gave my mom the second bottle, but I don't know if she has used it yet.

Hope you are having a good week. I guess in less than a week you should be having your surgery, huh? Please keep me posted on how it goes. Will you have to stay in the hospital?

Hi hun,

Glad you like the rescue remedy. Its great stuff. I gave a bottle to my friend yesterday who is due her baby in a few weeks so she can use it in keep hold of it!!! :wink:

Yep - I think the op will be end of next week or beginning of the next at the very latest.

I have actually just made myself up a bach remedy for anxiety and nerves as I am starting to feel a bit tense about it all, understandable I guess, just want it over now!!

How is your two week wait going? Any signs??

Much love
My TWW is going okay I suppose....the only thing different is that I have been having a few "hot flashes"....I don't know if that is a pregnancy symptom or not, but I am generally a cold natured person. I had a few cramps earlier this week, but they have gone now. My bbs are a little tender, but that is something that happens every month before AF as well. I am trying to feel positive without getting my hopes up too much. Does that make any sense?

BABY DUST TO US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

Just stay possitive as I am sure it must help!!!

Much love
Well......AF showed up yesterday. At first I was hoping it was just IB, but she is here in FULL force this morning. So, I am back to square one. Hope every one else doesn't get a visit from.

Kerry, have you had your surgery yet? If so how are you feeling? Hope it went great.

Sorry to hear about your AF showing up moonpiesb, I was really hoping for you this month. Well as they say, if at first you don't succeed...

Best of luck for next time :D
Thanks so much Kim. How is your first trimester going? I hope everything is great for you. Please keep coming back and keeping us posted.

Hi moonpiesb

Sorry to hear about AF. I've had my fingers crossed for you this last couple of weeks.

Soooooo sorry honey, have been thinking about you loads!!!

No - no news on the op - it has been delayed as they are not doing any op's next week due to Portsmouth Celebrating Trafalgar week and they are keeping all theatres free as they are expecting lots of accidents so it now looks like the first week of July...........I knew this would happen, it makes me mad as I am delaying my TTC........should have just kept at it :wink:

Maybe now you have the rescue remedy you will be more relaxed next time and it might work!! Good luck and big hugs xx
Thank you both....I had my fingers crossed too, but I am not giving up. I keep praying for a healthy baby, and I guess this just wasn't the egg/sperm for it.

Sorry to hear about your op being postponed. It seems like if it isn't one thing it is ten more.....

As most of you know we have had to put off our TTC (which we had been doing for 3 months) as I am due to have an op this week.

The hospital rang yesterday and delayed it by 2 weeks......good job too as I got a BFP this morning!!!!!!

I cannot believe it - we didn't even try last month and thought I had avoided my OV by miles. I just woke up this morning and realised I was due on yesterday and I am usually regular as clockwork!!

This really is living proof that if you stop trying it works!! Just off to take kids to school but will be back later to catch up properly!!!

Now I have to cancel my op and stop taking my hayfever tablets!!!

Much love, a very astounded Kerry

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