So Csection it is...

He is now thanks hun! He's still being sick but it's alot better than it was! He's back to being his cheeky self again!! x x
Glad you are feeling better. You are NOT a failure...awww you meet your baby soon :) xxx
Rósa;1882499 said:
Thanks all, feeling better now, got my head round it, yep they are at fault from telling me when I was 8 weeks pregnant lol that I would need a c-section, but Im getting used to it now. Just got to get my head round the fact Im gonna be a mummy next week :lol: think I've been in denial, its scarily close now :lol:

Love you lot you have really reassaurred me :cloud9:

Awww hun...that really is bad that they never told you this at 8 weeks...and not just that they didn't tell you but they seemed to not really know themselves and progress down a path that isn't appropriate! You are not a failure at all - your baby will come out healthy and happy and much loved and that is all that matters :-) xx
your body has made and supported a baby to full term...far from stupid! ;)

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