So Confused :( Unsure What To Do


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2011
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hi guys :) not been on here for a week down to being ill :( really unsure what to think at the minute.. have had red and brown blood so far in this pregnancy.. had a scan and was reassured that baby was fine... but now ive had red blood once.. and brown blood 4 times.. its not major but i dont understand why it keeps happening.. doctors arent telling me alot & last wednesday i had bleeding the day i was to go for a history appointment for this pregnancy.. was really messed up!! the midwife was a total cow! had a go at me by sayin your in the wrong part.. you should have a teenage midwife.. ( due to me being 17).. when i didnt even ask for the appointment.. the hospital just sent it.. i told her about the bleeding and all she said was "well theres nothing i can do".. that really got my blood boiling!! so she give me a different appointment with the other that was a wasted trip!! and now the 5th lot of bleeding has happened.. its hard to stay positive when it keeps happening.. especially as im coming up to the same amount of weeks as i miscarried last time :(.. i dont wanna end up going and being told "im sorry" again.. i keep thinking to terminate the pregnancy cause i cant take it anymore.. but i couldnt kill something.. any help?
sorry to here about the bleeding, i had bleeding during my first pregnancy, i have resus negatve blood so needed anti D injections, im sure you have had this checked, my pregnancy went on to be fine and resulted in a 9lb baby boy so keep positive. the midwife was totally unprofessional your age should not matter she is not there to judge you just to help you and your baby. try to relax as much as possible, when your next appointment comes write down all your worries and questions so you dont forget anything. good luck x x x x x
Sorry your having such a hard time, don't blame you for being so stressed. Can't believe how horrible your midwife was, like suzzi said your age should make no difference, I would complain if you keep getting this kind of treatment. Bleeding is very common though so just do your best to try and stay relaxed, it could just be old blood, hopefully you can get regular scans to check everything is still ok. Do you have people around you to support you?
Hi Katie,

I hope you're feeling a little better. I hope this message gives you a little reassurance or an insight into others who have experienced similar symptoms as you. My mother, who was also 17 when she got pregnant, bled throughout her whole 1st pregnancy & had a healthy boy. Furthermore, a close friend of mine who is currently pregnant bled at 7 weeks with both red/brown blood. She had a scan after two weeks in order to determine whether the baby was ok, the results were fine & the baby is healthy. I think midwifes presumptions towards those who are young mothers really effects practices & we're stereotyped. Once you mention a previous pregnancy all hell breaks loose too. I am only 20 & this is my 1st pregnancy! I think we're painted this idealistic picture of how an 'ideal pregnancy' should sequences. I believe one thing people lack to take into consideration is that blood, cramps, etc. can all be completely normal! I really hope the best for you sweetie!

All my love, x x x

Thank You Everyone.. I Keep Thinking Its Not Filling A Pad Every Hour So Thats A Positive Sign.. But I Dont Get Why It Keeps Happening.. Theyve Scanned Me Twice & Still Keep Seeing Blood.. Im Hoping That Ive Not Got A Small Tear & Nothing Serious..I Do Have Support Of My OH & Family & Everyones Trying To Be Positive.. Im Off To See The Teen Midwife At 3.30pm So See How Things Go From Here.. :)
sorry you are going through this hun. That midwife was horrible to you! You can complain, you know. I have a leaflet somewhere saying who you should talk to if your midwife does not treat you right - I can find it for you if you want!

just wanted to tell you that you can call or see your gp (if you have bleeding, they should get you an appointment the same day), or you can call your hospital and ask to talk to an on-duty midwife. I did that before - they are usually very helpful and can sometimes arrange a scan for you.

don't give up - this is your baby and, unformunately, if you don't fight for it, no one else will.

best of luck xx
Well Went To See My Teen Midwife.. She Was AMAZING!!! I Only Realised I Had Her When I Lost My Las Baby.. So Shes Really Looking After Me!!.. Had All The Blood Tests Done & Other Tests And Shes Booked Me For Another Early Scan Tomorrow.. Its Early In The Morning So Not Long To Wait!! im Quite Positive About It Because The Brown Bloods Stopped.. And Like She Said Its Old Blood.. Just Hoping My Little Pindy Is Still There Fighting And Jiggling With A Heartbeat :D Will Keep You Guys Posted!!
Well bleeding seems to have stopped now! Fingers crossed! Got my scan this morning to see whether babys ok! So wil update u all later! Xx
Best of luck with the scan! Good news that the bleeding has stopped tho xxx
Scan Went Ok!! 4 Days Further Than I Thought I Was!! Got A Picture Aswell Now :D & She Couldnt See Anymore Bleeding On The Scan :)


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I Feel So Much Better Now That I Know My Babys Still Ok In There!! Just Wish The 12 Week Mark Would Hurry Up So All My Worrys Can Be Gone.. Thank You Everyone :)
Awww what a lovely photo. Good news hun, and I wish you the best for the rest of your pregnancy. Really wish the 12 week would hurry up too! :( Seems so far away xxx
Just reading this now - wonderful news, glad everything has worked out ok.
oh thats great news. Look after yourself sweetie and get some rest hey youve had a stressful time. If its any consolation, I bleed with my little boy on and off all through, and hes fine and hav had bleeding with this one and I am tomorrow 13 weeks ! and the scan was also fine, take care xxx
so pleased for u Katie !! only just read your threa. I keep having brown old blood on and off too so share your worries got my next scan on 6th may. xxx

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