

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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How easy did you find it to give up smoking (if you ever did) before TTC....or becoming pregnant?
I gave up years ago and never missed it.

The first few weeks are tough as your body feels like crap and you cough a lot and maybe eat/snack more, but it really is a case of being strong.

I'd simply remove myself from places where people smoke. So might mean not socialising as much. And of course, drinking and smoking for some go hand in hand, so by leaving the booze alone for a few weeks it might help. Also no smoking by anyone in your house. Ever again. They go outside or they don't smoke. Simple as that.

Wait till you can start smelling things properly and your clothes don't smell like an ashtray. Its bliss. And food improves in flavour also.

I just quit. No patches, no gum no nothing. Just woke up and didn't smoke that morning. Nor that afternoon, and into the evening.

If I didn't have that first ciggy of the day, which was usually closer to lunchtime anyways, then it was fine :) Mind you I didn't smoke regularly. I'd go months between ciggys sometimes then smoke 15 in a day. I was more a take it or leave it type.

I also didn't make a fuss about it and tell everyone I was quitting. I just went on as normal and many people never even noticed.

If you are PG already and smoke I'd really stop asap as much of the damage done can occur in these early weeks. Its not just your health now, but that of your baby and there is that wanting to be around as baby grows up and able to play a part in their life, not watch from the sidelines or not be there at all.

I'd not want to inflict second hand smoke on my child either, so would not want to start again at any point in the future.

The negative health problems are well documented. There are no positives to smoking.

Plus there is the cost. The amount of times I've heard people complain and say they have no money for xxxxxx but yet they still go and buy 20 a day and smoke them all. It boggles :shock:

I must add that smoking now repulses me and I cannot bear to be around anyone who is smoking or to even walk downwind of someone in the street. I don't care if other people want to smoke, its their right and if its in a place where they are allowed to then fine, but don't expect me to vist a friends house if they sit and smoke in it or be happy someone stood next to me at the bus stop is puffing away. I'll move away so as to not have to be around it.
I loved my fags before I got pregnant, especially when on nights out, I would smoke up to 15 in one night :oops: When the smoking ban was approaching I decided it was a good time to quit because of the fines and stuff, and I was going on a 2 week holiday a few days before that anyway so I thought that would help..I got my BFP in the middle of that holiday :D To be honest, that in itself was the best incentive to keep away from the fags, then, when I was about 7/8 weeks just the thought of a cigarette made me feel sick, and it lasted till I was about 15/16 weeks gone and by then the cravings had calmed down. Saved myself alot of money too :)

So it was quite easy for me, but like Sherlock I now find smoking disgusting..when people come in from fag breaks at work they smell gross, I can't believe I used to smell like that..and plus, after a cigarette I'd try and snog my boyfriend (non-smoker), poor thing. Never ever want to smoke again!
I stopped the week i found out i was pg. Just decided that was it, no gum or patches etc. smoked about 20 a day since the age of 16. 11 years later I just stopped. i kept asking myself what the benefits of smoking were?. None. Now I have stopped people smoking in my house, my hubby has cut down loads but not quit yet, he does smoke outside though as I cannot stand the smell of it anymore. I didnt realise how bad I must have smelled to other people, my husband absolutely stinks when he comes in from havin a ciggy.!! The main reason i did it was for my kids and myself.
But im so glad I did
I don't smoke but I think your body can be very clever and put you off the things that aren't good for you in pregnancy. I liked a glass of wine at night before I got pregnant, but the thought of alcohol makes me ill, also the thought of coffee turns my stomach! Maybe its my body telling me that neither are good for me at the minute!

I smoked for over 10 years and as soon as i knew i was expecting i quit, your body is no longer yours and everytime you smoke a fag you are cutting off your babys oxygen and the nutirents it needs to develop and grow.

I did start again after i had my first but quit again on my second and havent touched one since.
I found the first 2 weeks a nightmare. In fact I remember thinking if I wasn't pregnant I would never have quit! But to me there was no way I would ever smoke being pregnant, which made it easy to give up, if that makes sense!!
I had one last cigarette after I got my BFP. I never dreamed I was pregnant as I had already had a BFN so it was such a shock to have to quit instantly like that. But even as I was smoking that last fag, I couldn't stop thinking about my baby.

My OH tried to quit but could only cut down and was sent to the garden. No one was allowed to smoke in house from that day and my house is so much better for it! OH actually stopped completey 2 weeks ago, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for him! :D

I do have the occasional one when I am drunk :oops: but I can live with that! I won't take my son around to any ones house who smokes, unless they don't smoke while my son is there. I know its cheeky but I don't care, I don't want him breathing that filth in :talkhand:
Everyones right about the smell though :rotfl: Ex smokers are the worse at saying how much its reeks! I say it all the time! It is horrible
I was only grouchy for 4 days and after that fine! I quit when I got my BFP. Id smoked since I was 13/14 - 20 a day :D I loved smoking too, coulda easily smoked 40 myself on a night in the pub :puke: Il never smoke again, it bloody stinks! so so nasty :x
I have quit...since I got my BFP...Paul is cutting down, which is good..I am finding it so hard. my brain is saying no, and my body still wants one!
I had pretty much quit by the time I found out I was pregnant but still had the odd one. When I found out, I obviously decided I wasn't going to at all - and this was made MUCH easier by the fact that the sickness hit and the merest hint of a ciggy made me nauseous. Like others I find it really disgusting now and can't believe how much it really does reek. :puke:
Well done!!!! its such a hard habit too kick as well as a expensive one!
well done babe! keep at it :hug: soon your body will say no too. Cravings only last for about 5 mins each and if you can manage to busy yourself in that time it really helps. Id reccommend going completely cold turkey - without patches or gum as personally I think it makes it harder to break that fag habit completely. I tried that route before when I wasnt preggo and failed miserably. Keep chatting on here hun if you find it hard like you did today....its so much easier when you have encouraging words and people who understand what you're going through :hug: You're doing such a good thing for you & your baby :D
I quit after finding out I was pregnant with Isaac, it wasn't immediate, I did it gradually. I didn't use patches or see the GP, I just told myself to do my best, quitting being the bestest. Thankfully I did, and haven't smoked a single cigarette since, but I miss it quite regular.

It was quite easy to quit, and I think support from my OH and friends really helped. No-one gave me the guilt trips of how bad it was for my unborn baby, I already knew that, and I gave myself a reasonable amount of time, I saw myself quitting forever, not just whilst preganant, so felt I needed to do it how I saw it working for me.

I would say, don't be hard on yourself, sometimes the guilt from giving up and having a cigarette is more of a kicker to quit than the denying yourself. No Mummy who's worth her salt wants to hurt her baby, but smoking is also an addiction and not always something someone can quit overnight, so if it takes time don't worry, your aim is what matters, and the more support you get the easier it will be. Your MW will be able to put you in touch with groups who'll help support you too, fresh air babies is one.

Very, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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