Smoking In Pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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Hi Guys,

Really worried about posting this as i know it is awful and there are going to be such negative comments but did anyone else have trouble giving up when pregnant? Im 21 and have smoked since i was 14 so quite a few years now and the moment i found out i was pregnant i vowed to give up but with these hormones occasionally i need one to calm down and sort myself out! Its so hard to compltley give up but im trying so hard i dont want to be a young mum that you see with a huge bump smoking as its horrible and i know its so harmful to my baby! Also i dont want to smoke when my baby is here as i dont want them round smoke. Anyone felt the same or have any tips? Im thinking when i have my 12 week scan and actually see the baby and get the little pic then i will just look at it and not want to even go near a cigarette xxx
If you speak to your GP they will refer you to your local stop smoking service I think? An addiction like smoking is hard to give up under normal circumstances, let alone when you have the stress and worry of being pregnant.

I occasionally have a couple if I have a drink, but even in the couple of weeks before I found out I was pregnant the smell of smoke just turned my stomach.

People have said the same about wine, but I had a glass of wine the night before I found out! Although strangely I'd normally have a few glasses and one glass had seemed enough - but it tasted as lovely as ever!

Good luck with giving up - I hope you get the help/advice you need x
I agree with the above post, get all the help you can take to give up. You really need to give up ASAP, if not today!
Good luck!
Get yourself a copy of Allen Carr's "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking"

Read it ASAP

Good luck!
I smoked a lot before pregnancy but stopped the second I found out... It was just ny personal view that its not fair to inflict all those awful chemicals onto my little baby just because i want to smoke for myself.

I don't mean to sound harsh... I just found Lo was enough for me to stop.

Definately try to get some help... The fact that you want to stop is great. Just might need a bit of help doing it

Good luck hun x
I would try everything! I'm glad you think it's awful, it is! :lol: At least you're trying, maybe u shud monitor what ur smoking until u can give up, like allow yourself 2 a day for a week then 1 a day and keep cutting down, it will be worth it when you have your healthy little baby in your arms. It's the first job as a mummy for you!

Good Luck! It will be tough but totally worth it!
Theres lots of help and advice out there to help you quit. This is a bit different to your situation but my friend really needs to stop smoking (not because they are pregnant but because he has a bad lung condition) he got himself once of those rechargable cigarettes which did have nicotine in it but then I got him one which is chemical free and he says theyre both great as it feels like he is smoking as he is holding a "cigareete" without the harmful bits . He is not only wanting to give up for himself but also because he doesnt want to smoke round me and minion

good luck xx
sorry u r finding it hard ask ur gp 2 refer you soon as i found out i stopped ! but when stressed I could have one but I would never do that .Good luck x
Hey Hun, I really struggled more with getting my head around the fact of not having another fag! Also persuading my husband to quit was difficult as in my last pregnancy he carried on smoking throughout just not around me hence why I started again when my son was 6 months old. This time we quit cold turkey. I have a friend that went to full term and she lost her baby due to a placenta rupture. Now I know this could be totally unrelated and you always think it would never happen to you but all I thought about was "1 more fag" would be all that could do it and I just could bare the thought of something happening to baby. there was also a lady on here that had just lost her baby late in pregnancy, this had nothing to do with her lifestyle or anything, it was just something that couldn't be prevented but I couldn't imagine how she felt and how she would cope!! After I read that I had no more at all. This happened to be a couple of days after I found out I was pregnant. I know how hard it is hunnie but please try. All I remember thinking is "in 6 or 9 months or even when baby is here and something happened that could have been caused by smoking I will never be able to undo that and I would never forgive myself. Sending you lots of luck hun!!! Oh and ask your midwife if there's a stop smoking sensation midwife in your area, that would really help xxxx
I smoked for 20 years... the day i found out i was pregnant i stopped and did not touch one since. I went cold turkey with no help but still managed it. When ever i got a craving i simply imagined the baby smoking. There is nothing worse than the sight of a pregnant lady with a fag in her hand... it really is disgusting. I'm not saying this to be mean hun.. just honest.
I gave up smoking last year, before I got pregnant, but after the mc's I slowly started again. Luckily OH stopped too and didn't start again. When I found out I was pregnant this time, I told myself I would finish the packet I had and then stop again. I'm now on day 3 of no smoking and although I'm finding it hard and I'd love one, I just keep reminding myself of baby kedi inside me and I have to do what I can to make this pregnancy work this time.

The doctor will help hun, if you are struggling, get yourself down there and explain, they can really help you.
I agree if your finding it hard to do, get some help.

I gave up Aug 07 ready to start TTC in Jan 08. Me and OH had said we werent going to TTC until I had stopped smoking, as we didnt feel it was right.
Everytime I wanted to smoke I'd think of my future babies and I've never looked back.
I wasnt able to use patches as I'm allergic and found the gum disgusting. I even tried the inhaler but didnt find it very good. So I ended up going cold turkey.

Good luck. x
Every time you have a cigarette, your placenta constricts, so you are essentially making ur baby hold its breath for the length of time it takes you to smoke your cigarette.

Also, every cigarette leaves tar on ur placenta, so everything that crosses it from then, has tar stuck to it. Even if u eat some healthy fruit, the baby will get healthy fruit with bits of tar stuck to it.

If you love, cherish and care for your baby, those images alone should be enough to stop you picking up another cigarette.
Good luck.

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Oh my god that's awful to hear. I'm a non smoker anyway but hearing that surely will make you determined to quit cold turkey. It's not really you that's the priority anymore, it's your baby. Wish you all the best xx
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Did anyone see the show on BBC, misbehaving mums to be? They did a tests to see how much carbon monoxide reached the baby when mum smoked. Very surprising and the way the mw explains it is fab. There is some clips on youtube.
I hope you get the help you need to stop hun and take the advice these ladies are giving you.

And sorry to jump on this thread but what about passive smoking? I hate when I'm walking out of a shop etc and I walk through smoke. Can this do my baby harm? (I'm so paranoid lol) xxxx
Thank you all so much i havent had a cigarette today and i think im going to go cold turkey everytime i think of a fag it makes me shudder at the thought of it! Just trying to keep myself busy so i dont think about it xxxx
That's brilliant to hear well done - keep it up. I know they put warning signs on cigarette packets but you could write little sticky notes with the facts of what it's doing to bub for every time you get a craving for one. And with the money you save you can treat yourself to a.lovely prenatal massage or facial :) xxx
Kra0, I have been wondering the same thing. I worry when walking past smokers. In case it effects the baby :(
I totally understand where your coming from I couldn't stop straight away as im 11 weeks now my midwife put me in touch with new leaf they were very helpful
I was so scared that I had done damage but found it so stressful at the same time to stop I initially cut down first then new leaf told me that you can use nicotine replacement for a short while to help its not as good as just stopping but at least your baby is not getting all the toxins from the cigarettes
I should fingers crossed be off my patches in 3 weeks time I just take every day as it comes, I feel terribly guilty for smoking but better for knowing I have took that step to protect my baby and make myself healthier to support baby through the next 6 months
I wish you the best of luck and if you need any help just shout
Just to let you know you are not on your own x

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