Ok, thanks
I am hoping they will have a little recovery time as we DtD yesterday afternoon and wont be able to til later tonight and the documentary 'the great sperm race' (have u seen it? its so infromative) says they need 30 hours...so will be about that. Thanks for your help and advicexx
I watched that show last week.
Except now I think of lots of little people wearing white running about in my bits!
Hi all,
Wanted to join in as I read all your posts last night after second day of SMEP!
This is only our first month of TTC but I read the plan and it seems to make so much sense! I've told my fiance that I'm not going to tell him when the "magic" time is for BDing as I don't want it to become a chore, but he seems pretty keen at the idea of every other day so far!!!!
After years of prevention I can't believe it's so complicated to get pregnant?!
Look forward to reading more posts from you all!!
How's everyone getting on?
I'm surprised at how "up for it" I am!!! The more we BD the more I want to!!! I thought it would be the total opposite and it would feel like chore. Of course OH not complaining either!!!
Think this weekend is the biggy for us and really happy it falls over the weekend s I'm finding myself getting quite tired for work.
Jolly xxx
Im the same as you Jolly81 - I never really enjoyed the bd thing (well not always) as suffered from lack of EWCM so bit painful at times but been using conceive + and taking EPO tablets to help with that and I think the more I bd the more im getting used to it so its not hurting and i want it more! YIPPEE!Hi Jolly,
SMEP is done for us, stuck to it up to OV (or after OV day) and then stopped as son not well and also I dont see the point in BD'ing after OV, better to BD before than after!! xx
Good luck for the weekendxx
Just realised from looking at my chart that we didn't start SMEPPING until CD12 - is that too late or is that OK considering my cycles are normally 31 days?
Im the same as you Jolly81 - I never really enjoyed the bd thing (well not always) as suffered from lack of EWCM so bit painful at times but been using conceive + and taking EPO tablets to help with that and I think the more I bd the more im getting used to it so its not hurting and i want it more! YIPPEE!Hi Jolly,
SMEP is done for us, stuck to it up to OV (or after OV day) and then stopped as son not well and also I dont see the point in BD'ing after OV, better to BD before than after!! xx
Good luck for the weekendxx