SMEP - November! Making the 20% chance a 40% one!

That is alot :faint:LOL!
Looks like we are all gonna be busy!!! xx
BTW-is that really true that SMEP increases chances from 20% to 40%?? Thats a huge difference!! :) xx
Well, that's what the lady on the SMEP website claims.

Or that 40% of people who tried it got pregnant first try.

I think that makes it the same statistic?
Is it a bad sign that I'm tired already?!? Lol!!!!!!

Will maybe have to go to bed earlier than normal.
LOL, you get a day off tomorrow don't you?? can rest up! :nap:
Well I like those statistics, i am definately going to give it a try xx
hello ladies!! i am smeping this month too - not on purpose just kind og happened that way. ovulatied today, confirmed by cm change, day one of temp rise and opk. god i sound like such a geek haha. THIS IS OUR MONTH - Taffy is keeping some seats warm for us in tri 1!!!!
Oooh babytime. I'm so jealous you've OVd already!!!

It's going to be a long 6 days waiting for mine. And an even longer 2ww!

Hubby is acting so silly because of the SMEP! He keeps joking about an important job he has to do and being really hilarious about it. Very funny but him thrusting like Alan Partridge isn't going to turn me on......
Day 1 done. Hubby is asleep already. Lol.

It's so hard TTC when you can't use lube. :( And the knowledge you can't use it puts even more pressure!!!

Sorry TMI but I needed to say it!
LOL, its ok, its amazing the things we discuss but we r all in the same boat. Have u tried conceive plus lube? Sperm friendly and helps with the drier days (blush) xx
I have heard of it. Might see if my Boots down town does it.

I'm normally OK as closer to Ov it gets a lot easier with EWCM and all. CD8 is just a bit early!

I also don't want to offend hubby as I imagine I'd worry something was wrong if he wasn't excited.
Yeah im the same as you Cupcake, i also use the conceive plus from boots - it is totally annoying as its a lot more expensive than normal lubes!!! But hey if it works it defo worth it! :) x
I have heard of it. Might see if my Boots down town does it.

I'm normally OK as closer to Ov it gets a lot easier with EWCM and all. CD8 is just a bit early!

I also don't want to offend hubby as I imagine I'd worry something was wrong if he wasn't excited.

I find my EWCM starts around cd9 because of eve prim oil so I dont know why I brought the conceive plus, I think I just want to have everything TTC related LOL! I just said to OH "Oh look what I got, why dont we see how it feel" with a cheeky face...:lol: xx
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Cupcake I used preseed last 2 months, was going to do the same again this month but decided to go for conceiveplus since it helps the swimmers along. That's why it's so much more expensive. Preseed is sperm friendly so fine for its purpose, but conceive plus is actually designed to move the wee guys along better. Watch The Great Sperm Race and you'll see why it's so important!! Watched it the other day and felt so sorry for the sperm!! They need all the help they can get.
Both Preseed and ConceivePlus are relatively cheap off amazon or ebay and most can be ordered with opks or hpts in a bundle. Mine was dispatched yesterday so should be here soon, you've probably still got time to get some before ov xx
Ordered the conceive plus on amazon as it was a great price and I have prime so next day delivery is free. :)

Weeeee. How nice to take the pressure off and help the swimmers. :)

Thank you. I didn't even think about Amazon.
Hey ladies, hope everything is going well. Lisey you made me laugh, YES it is a lot of sex so your man better be treating you like a queen!!!

Just to update you; AF came today, completely surprised me but very glad she did because that means my cycle is back to 'normal' after the second month of coming off the pill. Today makes it a 30 day cycle so I'm pleased about that. I'm gutted that I don't have a bun in the oven but really looking forward to seeing some more BFP and trying again!!!!

Good luck everyone.

Hi Tara.

Bad news on the witch. But great news your cycle is on a 30 day.
Hey ladies, hope everything is going well. Lisey you made me laugh, YES it is a lot of sex so your man better be treating you like a queen!!!

Just to update you; AF came today, completely surprised me but very glad she did because that means my cycle is back to 'normal' after the second month of coming off the pill. Today makes it a 30 day cycle so I'm pleased about that. I'm gutted that I don't have a bun in the oven but really looking forward to seeing some more BFP and trying again!!!!

Good luck everyone.


LOL! he will, I will make sure of it ;-)
I came on today too, I have a 28 day cycle so we will be around the same ov days and testing days...heres to this being our month :pompom: xx
EWCM is starting so will start my OPKs today.

Thirsty afternoon for me!

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