Signs of a cheater?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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I know this is going to sound random and wierd.
But Iv thought my partner has been cheating for a while, I have no evidence.
But hell do things like recieve a text and will tilt the phone away so I cant see it and when I saw oh whats that? hell just say oh nothing and close the text down.
Hes very unreliable (explained on my other post).
I just wondered really if anyone had been cheated on in the past and found out and then realised there were signs he was cheating that you didnt see until you found out, if you know what I mean?
Thanks (:
yeah i have. To be honest i think you know deep down. I knew deep down that he was capable of cheating but i left it so long and i really hated myself for not going on my gut instinct. Its so hard when youre in love though. Have you comfronted him before? x
I agree with cherelle! You get a feeling and as much as they tell you it's all in your head, the best advice I would give would be to trust your instincts!!! They take their phone everywhere even to the toilet!! Also they can go either way eg been overly nice like they are feeling guilty or really stand offish like they hate been around you! Just don't fall into the trap where they say, it's all in YOUR head and its YOU Been paranoid, trust your inner voice!! Hope this helps :) xx
My dh cheated a year ago,I didn't have a clue! One morning I randomly asked him if we could try 4 another baby (since he'd been pesterin me since our youngest was born I thought he'd b over the moon) his reply was 'how can we have another baby wen our relationship is so unstable :O. I eventually found out via facebook,he was chattin to her online wen I was pickin some toys up,wen I got near him he tilted the screen away,I asked him y and wot he was hidin but as soon as I saw the chat box I knew xx

hun, get out of it. You dont need it now whit baby on the way

My gut feeling is telling me he is.
Yup he takes his phone everywhere, when he has a bath it has to go with him.
Yet when I ask to look at it normally hes okay with it.
My gut feeling was right with my ex who cheated and I just new but I dont know if Im just being paranoid this time =/
I don't really know enough about your situation to judge to i don't feel right saying whether you are right or wrong as it could change your life forever.

I just wanted to say that my dad has never cheated on my mum at all, and he tilts his phone away from her simply because he resents being checked up on like she is his mum instead of his wife.

He closes down websites if she arrives and won't tell her who is he talking on the phone to and it is simply because she wants to know and isn't pleasant about it because she is jealous and paranoid.

If you really want to know, i suggest you ask him and explain to him why you feel that way. Beg him not to string you along and either go or be faithful and you can't ask for more than that.
just to add another point of obviously female =) and i take my phone everywhere with me even in the bath :s a phone addict..and when i ahve a txt i sometimes do tilt it from him, it tends to be when its from a male friend , dnt know why i d it, never the less i wuldnt cheat on him xxx
i have started taking my phone everywhere cos my and my friend are having a whingy mother-in-law txt conversation at the mo and last time he heard me bitching about his mother he went mental. im scared she'll txt back and he'll read it! ive never cheated on him, and have no intention of doing so!

im not saying this is the case with you oh, just that sometimes there are other reasons, but i would say trust your instincts too, in the past my intuition has been right.
Did you manage to sort this out? I know its an old post but just wanted to say i always tilt my phone away from OH and i knock websites off (pregnancy forum) when he looks i don't know why, i just like the privacy. But still if he done it i'd get paranoid lol xx
just to add another point of obviously female =) and i take my phone everywhere with me even in the bath :s a phone addict..and when i ahve a txt i sometimes do tilt it from him, it tends to be when its from a male friend , dnt know why i d it, never the less i wuldnt cheat on him xxx

I'm the same... ;-) would never dream of cheating on OH though. x
yes i have my ex hubby, my sister use to follow him around alot if he was cutting grass for my mam and dad shed follow him then a couple of days i noticed he made the excuse to go to the shop down the street he never walks anywhere and sed to me he was going to walk to the shop (morrisons) baring in mind where my mum lives theres a coner shop, the next exuse he was taking the car for a wash both times he as with my sister and they sed they 'accidently' bumped into each other. we wentto see a house 3 bedroomed he sed ooo donna can move in here it got me thinking alot. we then stopped ith my sister for a while was meant to be a day he started doing things for her which he never did for me e were homeless at this point due to him having rent arrears. we went to the caravan for a week and my sister sent him a message on msn urrently at this point he couldnt be bothered to put the bed up. i new something was going on. so we ended up going back there as she requested ( i had a compensatiion claim which i received nearly 3 grand) i woke up one morning i found it wierd that for the weeks we were stopping there she slept on the floor with us right next to him she had a bedroom that morning i tried to get close to him iykwim she went out and he sed in his sleep i shudnt touch him there only donna is allowed o i punch him and sed what he sed nothing next morning i was boiling they were cuddling so i got a feeling something was going on checked his phone there as nothing there but on donnas was a picture of him and messages saying he loved her and that he didnt really fancied me a regretted marrying me i know its wrong to look i was angry i smashed her flat up ran out recked the car and ran down to my nanas she werent in so asked the next door neighbor i phoned my mum and she didnt belive me she did after a few days my dad nearly died i thought it was disgusting he went hunting for them both at the point but now they speak to my mum and dad and is hard when i go seemy mum i find it hard fair enuff i have a new partner have amy and another one on the way (ex isnt amy dad lol) ut still hurts as shes my sister sorry for the long story i wouldnt cheat on oh after being thru that to this day im still trusting him my sister and ex are still together
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yes i have my ex hubby, my sister use to follow him around alot if he was cutting grass for my mam and dad shed follow him then a couple of days i noticed he made the excuse to go to the shop down the street he never walks anywhere and sed to me he was going to walk to the shop (morrisons) baring in mind where my mum lives theres a coner shop, the next exuse he was taking the car for a wash both times he as with my sister and they sed they 'accidently' bumped into each other. we wentto see a house 3 bedroomed he sed ooo donna can move in here it got me thinking alot. we then stopped ith my sister for a while was meant to be a day he started doing things for her which he never did for me e were homeless at this point due to him having rent arrears. we went to the caravan for a week and my sister sent him a message on msn urrently at this point he couldnt be bothered to put the bed up. i new something was going on. so we ended up going back there as she requested ( i had a compensatiion claim which i received nearly 3 grand) i woke up one morning i found it wierd that for the weeks we were stopping there she slept on the floor with us right next to him she had a bedroom that morning i tried to get close to him iykwim she went out and he sed in his sleep i shudnt touch him there only donna is allowed o i punch him and sed what he sed nothing next morning i was boiling they were cuddling so i got a feeling something was going on checked his phone there as nothing there but on donnas was a picture of him and messages saying he loved her and that he didnt really fancied me a regretted marrying me i know its wrong to look i was angry i smashed her flat up ran out recked the car and ran down to my nanas she werent in so asked the next door neighbor i phoned my mum and she didnt belive me she did after a few days my dad nearly died i thought it was disgusting he went hunting for them both at the point but now they speak to my mum and dad and is hard when i go seemy mum i find it hard fair enuff i have a new partner have amy and another one on the way (ex isnt amy dad lol) ut still hurts as shes my sister sorry for the long story i wouldnt cheat on oh after being thru that to this day im still trusting him my sister and ex are still together

Thats awfull! I really feel for you going through that! The pair of arseholes x

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