had pethadine the night before.. and just gas n air.. amazing stuff tbh.. and i wanted to share it with you all as the ask a mum section and what was the pain like post seems pretty scary.. and well i was 18 when i had charlotte.. and it wasnt that bad.. lol..
Really, that is good going. Thats the first birth i've watched thats not been a hypnobirth. Thanks for sharing it. You have given me a bit more confidence.
omg that was so lovely! made me cry. thankyou for sharing I think that will definately give alot of people more confidence, I know it has me! well done lisa
lol.. thanks everyone at the scan 3 weeks before they predicted her weight at 8lb 2.. and she was 7lb 10 born we were all expecting her to be massive...
i forgot to say when im laying there with my legs on the midwifes shoulders.. her head is out for ages and i didnt get a pain to push again for agggeesss.. and the damn mws wouldnt give her to me even though i asked for her straight onto me.. hummff..
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