Sick of OHs mother already :(!


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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First time mum and I'm trying my best but she just constantly seems to make comments about what I'm doing and nags at me.

The other week I had a friend around to visit both me and Sophie and OHs mother turned up at the house. We were talking about my labour and I was telling my friend everything that happened and made a bit of a joke about it all and I may have gone over the top laughing with my friend but his mum just shook her head at me and said I'm not even going to comment and got up and walked out of the room. She always treats me like I'm some kind of brat that expects everything at once and it's really not the case at all :(. I feel my labour was a pretty awful ordeal tbh and I think I should be able to make of it how I want and not just shrug it off and say oh it was nothing because it really wasnt in my eyes.

Yesterday was the final straw :(. She had a bit of a go at me when she was at the house because I was giving Sophie cuddles whilst I was sat on the sofa. She lectured me saying that she should be in her basket and that when she won't sleep in her crib it's noone elses fault but my own and that when that day comes basically all she will do is say I told you so.

Sophie settles quite happily wherever now and I love our daytime cuddles!

I've heard she's made comments before about me just getting pregnant for a "meal ticket" and I just don't think I can cope with her anymore :(.

More of a rant than anything and i dont expect any replies, just needed to get it off my chest! And I've probably posted this in the wrong section as well :(
what does your oh think about her comments. If that was my mil my hubby would tell her to mind her own x
Yeah speak to your OH about her. And babies need cuddles, they grow up far too quick as it is so make the most of them, it's an old fashioned view we shouldn't cuddle them, long as she goes in her Moses basket for a sleep as well you won't have problems x
You give your baby cuddles if you want to! It's a perk of being a mum. I know MILs can be hard going sometimes and I just breathe through it (like a contraction) then moan to my mum after!!

Its your BABY!!!

Argh it really winds me up about MIL's interfering! id def tell your OH about the way she makes you feel and the comments! What give her the right to think she is any better than you ect!

I have 2 children, and i know my MIL has nothing to say to me about the way i look after my kids, because i think i do a damn good job!, so now she has taken to chirp up about my 5month old sons clothes... Seriously!!

Hope she backs off, and gives you a break!
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Ive spoken to him a few times about it as she's done it before but he's a typical male and just says that she doesnt mean what shes saying and that I shouldn't take it so harshly. Err she's a woman - she knows perfectly well what she's saying!!

I was supposed to be going up to hers with OH and his little boy but I can't face being nagged at for another day so me and soph have stayed at home.

I think the thing as well that topped it off is when she told me that I should let soph sleep on her front in the crib/Moses basket!! :/
I'd tell her to get out my house.

I have an awful MIL too and unless your OH is willing to speak to her, you'd best just tell her to leave yourself. She has NO RIGHT to tell you what to do.
MILs have a talent for this don't they! As if you'd ever go round to their house unannounced and criticize
them when they are feeling vulnerable and tired. You are going to have to put up with her for a long time, so you have to set some boundaries. Tell her you don't need her nasty comments as you have enough to deal with as it is.
My MIL is a cow too, I know how horrid it is xx
They seem to think its their god given right to opinionated on babies. Tell her to mind her own business!! Every single time I see MIL she tells me that the baby is spoilt, :slap: I ignore her as best I can - they seem to forget his hurtful it is eh x
They seem to think its their god given right to opinionated on babies. Tell her to mind her own business!! Every single time I see MIL she tells me that the baby is spoilt, :slap: I ignore her as best I can - they seem to forget his hurtful it is eh x

How can u 'spoil' a baby?!? Our midwife told us you cannot spoil a newborn!!

I hate that comment too, I also get that he is a) hungry b) cold and c) has too many clothes.
Just let it blow over your head babe my nan has always been terrible for 'you should be doing this' Jaycee is nearly 8 and she still does it even down to the length of her hair :roll:

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